10 Empowering Things My Mom Taught Me That Helped Shape The Woman I Am Today

10 Empowering Things My Mom Taught Me That Have Helped Shape The Woman I AM Today

They say young minds are more easily shaped, and we know there is some truth to this. (I forget things I learned in college, yet remember things I learned in Kindergarten 🙂 ) And thankfully, I was matched with an incredible, insightful mom who never wasted a moment to make it a teachable one. Yes, dads are special, but moms are super special. No kidding! My siblings and I have had so much fun and excursions with our dad, it’s amazing! However, when it comes to the learning curve and life lessons for me, mom takes the cake. Here are 10 things my mom taught me that have helped shape the woman I am today:

1. Words and Actions Have Consequences

Yes, there is freedom of speech in many places around the world, but there will always be consequences for what you say. Yep! That’s what my mom taught me, and this has helped me tremendously to think before I speak. As she would often say, “once the words leave your lips, you cannot take them back.” Likewise our actions, they can either result in good or result in bad. There is no better time to think about cause and effect than when we are about to speak or act. We must be willing to take responsibility for whatever our words or actions bring about.

2. There Aren’t Many Mind-Readers Out There So Ask for What You Want

This is something my mom would often say. It’s kinda like a mantra. In short, “If you don’t ask, you don’t get.” This has always stuck with me and taught me to be vocal about what I’m looking for — whether it’s something as simple as a lower price for an item or something bigger like asking my mate to love me the way I want to be loved (or else). Think about it, if we don’t ask, how will anyone know what we have need of? They won’t! And if you ask and the response isn’t favorable, then you have a choice to make a change. You can then move on in one direction or another as you have already made that request known. So don’t be afraid to ask – be it BIG or small. Just ask!

3. The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease

My mom is a pretty mouthy, outspoken woman, and she first taught me the saying, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease” at the age of 10 because unlike my siblings, I wasn’t loud enough in speaking up and my siblings always overshadowed me. As someone who’s a little more chill and subdued, I think about that often now whenever I hesitate to speak up, and you bet I immediately begin speaking up. And the rewards I’ve gotten are enormous and many of my accomplishments would not have been possible without these words of wisdom. I’m assertive and outspoken! Thanks for this mom!!!

4. Look the Part You Want, Not the Part You Have

When my mom first told me “look the part you want, not the part you have” I thought, what? But as I became older and new responsibilities began to present themselves, it became very clear what she was saying. Every time I was getting set for an interview or starting at a new company, that advice always came to mind. And now in my later business years I’m dressing for success everyday and not taking anything for granted. I’ve found that dressing nicer than expected can win you some major brownie points with employers and business prospects alike! And not only that, but it will definitely attract that caliber of people to you as well. So go ahead, dress for the part you want!

5. There’s a Difference Between Need and Want

My mom taught me the difference between a “need” and a “want,” which has made all the difference with how I now manage money — and all it took was a trip to get me a dress. I was a 10 year old who really wanted a cute bracelet set for my friends birthday party when she first gave me the “Is that a want or a need?” talk. We were on our way to get me a new dress because I really didn’t have anything nice and fitting for a party, but I saw that bracelet set and was immediately drawn to it. It was very beautiful, but it was expensive (I later realized). I was disappointed of course! As a little girl I didn’t understand anything about money or cost or needs and wants. The speech went over my head for the most part, but the conclusion of the message stuck: never ask to fill a want before a need is met. I learned that afternoon that a bracelet set qualifies as a want and a dress as a need.

The bracelet set lesson has become more valuable than ever upon entering the real world and moving to New York City in my early years, where I had to distinguish between needs and wants to stay afloat. It’s made me a more diligent and conscious spender, a habit that I believe takes time to form — a habit that a personal finance book or class can define but never truly teach. Thanks mom!

6. Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst

My mom’s constant words as we got older and started out making decisions in the real world were, “hope for the best, prepare for the worst.” It’s something I take to heart daily. Preparing for the worst-case scenario doesn’t necessarily mean you have a negative outlook, just that you want all your bases covered. It’s precautionary! It’s like storing food, water, and select medical supplies that can last 3 months, 6 months, 1 year in the event something happen and those things can’t get to you for a while. Highly unlikely, but very possible! Living this way has allowed nothing to take me off-guard.

7. Work Hard, Play Even Harder

The one thing that has really stuck with me is my mom’s ability to work hard, and play even harder. I’ve always admired her for being successful and respected in her industry, while remaining level-headed and moral above all. She always take time out for vacations, ensuring she spends time with her family, and never cease to live it up with her friends. She always remind us, “I work my a$$ off so I can enjoy whatever I want to enjoy – whenever!”. She celebrated her wins in style and was bold in letting everyone know where she has been, and the road she has traveled paved with obstacles, and how she maneuvered her way from where she was to where she wanted to be – living the life she desired and dreamed of. She prioritizes spending time with her family and was always ready for a good laugh. She balances her professional and personal lives nicely, and has always been a loyal, honest person in every facet of her life. Today, her example is helping me to live a more fulfilling life. I do work hard – smart but hard, and of course I continue to play even harder. Thanks mom!

8. It’s Not How Much You Earn, It’s How Much You Save that Matters! Start Saving Early!

When I got my first job in high school, my mom told me that for every $10 I made I should put $2.50 into a savings account. Knowing how stubborn I was, she wasn’t pushy about it at all and instead just kind of lightly suggested it. I thought it was a grand idea so I started doing it my junior year. At the end of my senior year can you guess how much I had in my savings account? Sixty Two Hundred and Seventy Dollars ($6,270). I was in shock and ecstatic at the same time. You see I wasn’t keeping track of the balance, I was just putting in money and after that BIG result, you bet I made that a habit! I have friends who constantly brag about how much they earn, but as to how much they save, they say is not relevant. I beg to differ! My mom was right again! I’ve been using systems that set a portion of my earnings aside each month, and at one point in my life, I was able to lean on that reserve. I owe you one mom 🙂

9. You Catch More Flies With Honey Than Vinegar

Growing up, my mom’s most repeated advice was, “you catch more flies with honey than vinegar” And it’s true. It’s not that hard to just be nice to people, to treat others well, and to make kindness your default — even when dealing with strangers. People will be more receptive to a kind, sincere tone, than one that is uncaring, nonchalant, and insincere. And for those people in authority who made it their duty to give you a hard time, remember to lean on this phrase to get through. Don’t argue with them! Don’t say mean things! Just use a soft answer to turn away wrath (you have no idea what caused) and you will be better positioned to walk away unscathed. It’s not always easy to be nice, but bearing my mom’s words in mind, has definitely helped me some and will no doubt help you too.

10. You Have One Life to Live So Do What You Want With Your Life and Let Nothing or No-one Stop You

And finally my mom always say to us, “you have one life to live so do what you want with your life and allow nothing or no-one to stop you”. This has been like a guide-post for me. It stays with me all the time and remains a picker upper and a motivator every time I’m threatened with derailment of any goals I’ve set. Every time I pursue and move towards something I desire in my path, I rely on these words to keep me going, and move with confidence and conviction. If I get 10 no’s I’ll continue to my yes, because I believe in doing all I can to ensure I get to live my life – just the way I want to.

I’ve shared these 10 empowering things my mom taught me with you so that you too can be empowered by them.

What are some things you learned from your mom that are still helping you today? Do share with me in the comment section below.

Love & Light,

Farewell 2018! You’ve Surely Been Good To Us Here at My Blooming Biz 😊

Farewell 2018!  You've Surely Been Good To Us

We have had an amazing 2018, and we could not have had such a wonderful year without you our valued customers. Thank you! As we do each year, we began 2018 with our 1st biannual DYDL event in January, and continue with our 2nd biannual DYDL event in July. We then move to our annual LIVE event held in October each year, and the results are astounding.

We are growing! In 2017, 100 women attended our events, and this year over 150 women have attended. Of the over 150 women who attended, 102 have signed up for 1 or more of our programs and workshops, and 91 have completed their respective program. This is a huge success for us, but we are aiming higher in 2019. We are looking for 100% programs and workshops completion, and will not be satisfied until that goal is met. We want all our women to succeed, and constantly seek out ways to ensure we make this a reality. Of course, our participants have to do their part, but we must improve their chances by improving our vetting, placement, and follow up.

We have sold over 300 Goal Planning Combos, and have sold out our signature The Goal Book 3 times throughout the year. We have sold over 500 goodies from My Blooming Biz Tee Shop, and have given away over $10,000 in courses, cash and items from our Tee Shop. We strongly believe that it’s in giving that we receive.

We also kicked off our Transformational Book Series – Our Picks in January, where we highlighted books that we have read and continue to use in our many programs here at My Blooming Biz, that are geared towards women empowerment. If you’ve participated in any of our programs and workshops, we have already passed their knowledge on to you. If you have not participated in any of our programs, go ahead and get started on purchasing, reading, and implementing those strategies imparted by some of the world’s best minds. Remember, books are collective reservoirs of minds that can edify and help enhance your life, but only if you seek them out, open, and read them – then begin implementing.

We are constantly looking for ways to improve our processes, and one area we can greatly improve is by publishing content that is relevant to what we are about here at My Blooming Biz – women empowerment. If you believe you can contribute to this effort, learn more and submit your piece here.

We look forward to continue having you in our influential Power Circle and being an important part of our community in 2019, and beyond.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

25 Things Happily Married Couples Do (and You Should Too 😊

25 Things Happily Married Couples Do

Photo courtesy of MBB

Getting married is a huge step and one that many of us take seriously. And by all means, we should! It’s a contract that can determine how our lives will play out, pending all the intricacies that two people becoming one entails. However, many of us put our all into the process of getting married but often fail at maintaining the small yet important elements that are vital to sustaining a happy and successful marriage. Here are 25 things you can do to ensure a happy and lasting marriage:

25 Things Happily Married Couples Do (and You Should Too)

1. Marry the right person. There is no way to know for sure if you are marrying the right person or if the marriage will succeed without giving it a try, but there are always telltale signs during courtship that can help determine if that person will be the right partner for you. Paying close attention to the words, deeds, and actions of the person you think you are falling in love with is absolutely the ultimate key to securing a happy and successful marriage. The saying, “action speaks louder than words” holds true to the very end. Their words must be in alignment with their actions! If the person you are getting ready to spend the rest of your life with actions are not in line with his or her words do not overlook them and expect them to be in line when you are married. Not taking note of this and making the wrong decision will put your heart, your health, your happiness, and possibly your life in danger.

2. Revere their marriage union and vows. This is the foundation on which all successful marriages are based. Everything else usually falls in place when the marriage is respected by both parties.

3. Treat each other with utmost respect at all times, extending common courtesy – please, thank you, excuse me, you’re welcome. Being married does not give anyone the right to disregard common courtesy when dealing with the other party, and if you are going to be late for heaven’s sake – call!

4. Put each other first. Best friends and families are of course important; however, when two people are married the order of importance changes, as far as relationship goes. Let your partner know and see that in your actions.

5. Respect each other’s space. Even though you two are married, you are still individuals first. It is essential for every human to spend time with him or herself and find time to maintain the connection with him or herself. When you take time out to breathe and connect with yourself, you become more balanced and better able to give of yourself.

6. Remain open, honest, and faithful to each other.

7. Always willing to share with each other. Happily married couples do not deprive each other of intimacy. They are submissive and understanding.

8. Spend some ‘just the two of us’ time – everyday; not necessarily making love, but just holding hands and staring into each other’s eyes or sometimes sharing laughs and reminiscing about private moments they shared. Share a good bottle of wine while watching the sun set, or take long walks together.

9. Show appreciation. She may not know how to cook like Rachel Ray or Paula Deen, but whenever she makes the effort to prepare your favorite recipe, the least you can do is let her know you appreciate it. Likewise, he may not be the best masseur you have ever encountered, but when he offers to massage your feet or wherever you like to be massaged just let him know how you feel and that you appreciate his effort.

10. Keep the romance alive. Fix your lover breakfast in bed for no special reason. Buy her flowers because well, she deserves it. Take each other on spontaneous dates; do not wait for holidays or special occasions to do so. Surprise each other at regular intervals. Romance fuels relationships; when the romance dies, so does the relationship and eventually, the marriage.

11. Keep the lines of communication open and communicate often. The more you talk to each other, the more you will get to know about each other. The more enlightened you will be to the person’s likes and dislikes which can help you avoid displeasing each other, thus lessening the arguments you two will have.

12. Speak with partner about any grouse they have. Never assume that your partner knows what you are having issues with. And do not hold a grudge thinking that the other party should know what is bothering you. They are not psychic and neither are you!

13. Argue fairly. Yes, even happily married couples argue at times. They stay on topic and listen to what the other party is saying before replying. They do not involve past issues in their present dispute, and most importantly, they do not hit or call each other offensive names. Scars – both physical and mental, are permanent and hard to overlook. Words are powerful! Once they are out they cannot be returned.

14. Embrace each other with a proper goodbye whenever they are departing and a proper hello when they reunite. This simple gesture is very powerful! It is often overlooked by many couples who often times have shouted to the other party from the front door “See you tonight!” and headed out the door, and upon returning “Hi honey, I’m home” and reaching for a beer or the TV remote. Happily married couples take the last few minutes before departing to embrace, make eye contact, and say their goodbyes. This sets the tone for the entire day. Upon returning home, they spend the first few minutes again embracing and saying a proper hello or glad to have you home.

15. Extend loyalty to each other when dealing with family and friends. Happily married couples hold their spouse in high esteem, and lets their family and friends know how much they love and value each other. Their remarks about a spouse when they are not around, is always positive.

16. Always remember and acknowledge each other’s birthdays, anniversaries, and any other dates that are special to either party.

17. Recognize that their partner is an imperfect being and is ready to forgive them should the need arise, and is quick to apologize when they are wrong. Happily married couples never try to change each other; instead, they compromise and look within.

18. Take time to share in each other’s successes, and is there to encourage and support each other through failures. Like a crisis, failure will occur at times, but to get through that period you will need to combine forces. Enduring the down times will bring you both out shining with a stronger bond and marriage.

19. Laugh together. Making fun of the silly stuff that happens everyday, will enrich the bond shared and keep the stress quotient very low in the relationship.

20. Have at least one meal together – everyday. Mealtime can be one of the best bonding time. You get to look at each other while satisfying one of the most intimate need of any human being.

21. Make every effort to stay in shape mentally, physically, and emotionally. You want to be able to enjoy your relationship with each other for many years.

22. Make decisions concerning the family – together. The family unit can get very fragile when decisions are made without consulting each other. The other party feels slighted, overlooked, and unimportant especially when it comes to the handling of finances, and dealing with the children.

23. Resolve issues before going to bed or at least amicably agree to disagree. This is one step that can catch a relationship when it is about to fall.

24. Know when to be consistent and when to change course. Happy and successful couples have learned that they have to approach problems differently to get different results. If something is not working in the relationship, it is okay to change or adjust it accordingly. Minor changes in approach, attitude and actions can make the biggest difference in a marriage.

25. Keep abreast of what is going on around them. Happily married couples are aware that the things that are happening in the world around them, affects them either directly or indirectly. They read books, journals, attend seminars, browse web articles and observe other successful couples. They participate and keep a keen eye on the stock market, and constantly look for ways to improve their lives and marriage.

Marriages are failing – left, right, center – everyday but yours don’t have to meet that fate. You don’t have to look back after the fact and regret not giving your marriage your all. Take these 25 tips and implement them to improve your marriage, and take your relationship to the next level up. You’ll be glad you did!

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International

How to Put Failure in Its Proper Perspective So You Can Achieve Success

How to Put Failure in its Proper Perspective So You Can Achieve Success

Image courtesy of MBB

One of the most difficult things to cope with, is failure at anything we deem important. It can bring on a deep sense of loss, of self-worth, and many times have us question ourselves – whether or not we are even capable of accomplishing anything worth accomplishing. We cannot immediately see through the hurt and the pain to uncover the reasons why it happened. However, failure is evolutionary – it helps us to grow, mature, and reach deeper understandings about life, what we want, and why we want it. It helps us to become better persons, expanding our minds while deepening our hearts. So as much as failure can hurt very deeply at times, without failure, we couldn’t appreciate our successes. It is nature’s way of rebooting our lives while keeping us grounded.

If you’ve recently failed at something that you believed in wholeheartedly, all hope isn’t lost. Failure is not the end of the road! Whether it was failure in relationships, love, business, finances, career, or anything else, failure isn’t the end. In fact, failure is just the beginning. If you can get pass that initial shock, hurt, pain and analyze the entire process, then you will be able to revamp and use the results of your analysis to position you more favorably to succeed.

Yes, sometimes the failure is so huge, you would rather not try anything remotely close again, but the decision you make here to either try again or give up entirely, will be a game-changer for your life. Almost all of us have given up entirely on something after failure, no matter how big or small that failure was – from marriages to careers, and everything in between, something that once meant something to us – after failure, didn’t really seem to mean that much at all anymore. But does that mean that if we fail at something we didn’t really want it in the first place? Or, is it that the pain of failure forces us to create some dissonance between the old goal and the new post-failure self?

When you have a strong enough deep-rooted reason why you need to succeed, success is not optional – it’s a must! And whenever something is a must the only thing that separates you from that goal is time. So if you have a “must” you need to accomplish, and you have failed at it before, reassess your process leading up to your failure and redesign a new approach to ensure your future success.

One very powerful thing to do in addition to reassessing and redesigning a new process, is to create or recreate an inspirational vision board in your home and pin photos that you’ve found depicting your life goal. Place it conspicuously so you can stare at success in front of you as you go throughout your day. See it, feel it, breathe it, and mentally live it until it’s physically real! Reorganize, setup new strategies, and take consistent action towards your goal – everyday. Do what you say you are going to do and eventually you will succeed.

Regardless of the level of failure you experience in your life, never allow it to throw you off your life path or compromise your goals, dreams, beliefs, and integrity. Keep believing in yourself and your abilities to accomplish whatever you desire, and formulate new ways and approaches to accomplish them. As our CEO Eugénie Nugent always remind us after any bout of failure, “deduct the lessons from your losses then toss them, and use those lessons as catalyst for your advancement.”

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International


How to Overcome the Defeat You Experience in the Wake of Failure

How to Stomp Out Fear, Ignore Negativity, and Achieve Your Goals

How to Organize Your Life So it Work For and Not Against You

How to Break Bad Habits and Develop Good Habits

10 Success Habits The Empowered Woman Employ

How to Effectively Manage Your Time So You Don’t Get Caught in a SPINN Cycle

How to Live a Purpose-Driven Life and Be Fulfilled

5 “Must Do” Exercises To Start Appreciating Your Life Real Quick

5 Must Do Exercises to Start Appreciating Your Life Real Quick | My Blooming Biz International

Many of the problems we are facing in our world today are due to two things: 1) lack of empathy, and 2) selfishness. We all know what selfishness is, but what is empathy? It is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, and experience their circumstance in that moment. Appreciating anything requires empathy as well as the ability to think of someone else other than yourself. We can take care of our well-being and still regard others!

“If you are lacking the ability to be empathetic – to understand and share others’ feelings, then nothing and no-one will be able to make you more appreciative of your life and where you are right now. You will remain in a permanent, constant stronghold of me, me, me, more, more, more and never ever be satisfied.” — Eugénie Nugent

Our need to be constantly better than the other – not because we personally desire the things the world perceives as “the best”, but because having those things make us looked on as “living the good life” and getting us the well-envied “attention”. The constant comparison, trying to keep up with the Joneses and the Kardashians, feeling very badly about ourselves when we don’t, which causes us to remain in that constant space of lack and ingratitude. We are continuously sizing up and putting our attention on the people who are getting the attention and seemingly living a wonderful life instead of focusing on what we truly want as individuals and working to bring “that” to fruition, as well as listening to others who are screaming for help – some of whom we may be able to help using our unique gifts and talents. It’s in giving that we receive!

Stephen R. Covey gave us the best advice in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He said we should, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood”. Many of us do the reverse, and this again is due to selfishness and lack of empathy. What does all this have to do with you appreciating your life? If you are only “seeing” the people you are working tirelessly to catch up to or surpass, and not the people who “seemingly” are less fortunate but may be in alignment with the purpose you were put here on this earth to fulfill, you will never live a fulfilling life because you will never be satisfied and will remain unappreciative.

So are you empathetic? And will you begin appreciating your life? If you do the following 5 “Must Do” to start appreciating your life real quick, and find yourself un-phased and still unappreciative, you have no empathy and you need to snap out of this virtual reality and look inwardly at “who you truly are”.

“By taking the time to stop and appreciate who you are and what you’ve achieved – and perhaps learned through a few mistakes, stumbles and losses – you actually can enhance everything about you. Self-acknowledgment and appreciation are what give you the insights and awareness to move forward toward higher goals and accomplishments.” — Jack Canfield

5 Things You “Must Do” To Start Appreciating Your Life Real Quick

Exercise 1. Visit a Homeless Shelter

Take some time and go to a homeless shelter, and immerse yourself into what is taking place there. We would recommend that you literally go and seek shelter as if you are homeless – even for 1 night, but it will not be fair to a real homeless person who will be turned away that night because you have taken the spot they should have gotten, and you don’t really need it. But go and be a part of what is going on. Don’t just go there and be an outsider looking in! Immerse yourself. To make it more real, you can probably volunteer so you can get an inside look and feel. Help to feed the people who can’t manage to feed themselves. Look into their eyes and listen to their stories. They’ve lost it all for one reason or another. Some of them are alone in this world, and others have to care for small children, and it’s utterly heartbreaking to see this.

But again, if you do not possess the ability to be empathetic – putting yourself in their shoes instead of staying on the outside looking in at them going through and totally separating yourself from them and that experience, this exercise will have zero effect on you and your ability to be more appreciative of your life and where you are right now.

Exercise 2. Visit a Food Pantry

We have heard from many of our women around the world how grateful they are for the people who take time out to cater to their needs by opening pantries and seeking out donors to contribute to their efforts so that people do not have to die of hunger, but they also have a common thread, and that is that the foods are mostly barely edible. People who go to pantries do not have a choice! In fact, even our CEO Eugenie Nugent has had her share of relying on pantries while going through a tough time in her life during the recession, and while the pantries she visited in New York City mostly had reasonably good foods, most pantries are filled with “whacky foods” as some of our women term it.

Don’t get us wrong! The owners of those pantries have really good intentions, but the quality of the food they give is most times what they themselves would not eat. Yet, many people who have no other option at a particular time in their life, have no choice but to eat what they receive in order to remain alive while clinging to hope that “this too shall pass”.

Go ahead and visit one of those pantries and eat their food for 1 entire week. No, don’t cheat the people who really need that pantry food; give your grocery money for that week to the pantry coordinator so they can add more foods to the supplies they have. Do not cheat this! You have to be in the moment as if it is really happening to you, and you have no idea when that phase will be over. Again, if you do not have the ability to be empathetic, this exercise will not work for you. Without empathy, you will tell yourself, “It’s happening to ‘them’ not me”.

Exercise 3. Visit Terminally Ill Patients at The Hospital

Whether it’s sick children or sick adults, there are people that are dying right now in hospitals close by you. Some are waiting for a new kidney, liver, heart, and some are laced with incurable diseases that makes them all the more hopeless. Some are constantly in pain, because they have exhausted all pain medications that are available on the market as their body has gotten so used to them from taking them for so long and have become immune to them and thus – ineffective. There are terminally ill children who haven’t been given a chance in life. When you look into their eyes and realize that you’ve lived such a full life, you feel instantly guilty that you’ve been such an ingrate – that is if you possess the ability to be empathetic and unselfish.

This exercise isn’t meant to make you feel guilty for your life; it’s meant to help you appreciate your life and what you have – NOW. Even if you’re not 100% healthy and you’re living with some illness like high blood pressure, high blood sugar, etc. you are alive! And those can be monitored and controlled. Right now, you’re alive.

So, go ahead and visit those people who are currently less fortunate than you are, and are fighting for the simple thing that so many of us take for granted – life.

Exercise 4. Visit a Women Detention Center

See the conditions that those women are existing in and listen to their stories. Many of them have done wrong in their lives to end up there, but many have been done wrong and after retaliating have ended up there. In many countries, the crime rarely fits the time, and people are forced to remain in inhumane conditions for periods not conducive to normal human functioning. You are not there! That does not mean that you couldn’t have been there. Many of us are born into situations that are surefire setups for takedowns, and some have been caught in “wrong place, wrong time” situations. If you have the “freedom” and ability to go about your business and pursue your dreams, you should be very appreciative – even though you are not there yet.

Exercise 5. Visit a Morgue

Yes, there are dead people there. They have no life, and regardless of what they did with their one life chance, they can’t do anything now. Their time is up, but you’re still here. For how long? None of us know, but somewhere in the scriptures it states, “it is appointed unto man to die…” so death is sure! So what are you doing with your life right now? Are you living it to its fullest? Or are you spending it trying to live someone else’s life and yearning after things you think you should have for all the wrong reasons?

If you find yourself being unappreciative, do the above-mentioned 5 things. If none of the above makes you appreciative, take some time away from everything and connect with who you truly are.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

Transformational Book Series – Our Picks | Secrets of Six Figure Women

In January we kicked off a new MBB series to highlight transformational books for women called, Transformational Book Series – Our Picks. This month we’re excited to continue the series by sharing with you our next transformational book in the series – Secrets of Six Figure Women by bestselling author Barbara Stanny.

Secrets of Six Figure Women - My Blooming Biz Book PickWe have chosen and added this book to our transformational picks because it has helped us and our clients in our quest for financial prosperity, and we want you to know that financial prosperity is available to you as well – if only you acknowledge that it is, and take the necessary action steps to pull in YOUR six figures. There is enough for YOU too! Change your mindset, change your life!

The number of women making six figures or more is increasing and continues to rise at a rate never seen before. This is cause for celebration! If you’re not already in on this six-figure-women-winning-wealth-building juggernaut, then it’s time to get in formation and align yourself for yours.

Now, let’s set something straight! Six figure women did not just wake up and tada “I’m a six figure chick”! They face some of the same issues and challenges you face, but they held steady and consistent in their quest for success, and allowed nothing and no-one to get in their way – or stay in their way – and alas they ultimately succeed. You don’t get to see the tears, doubts, downfalls, sleepless nights that they experience, but without those down times, making six figures might not have been possible. They didn’t start making six figures overnight! Even the Kim Kardashian had to start somewhere and gradually work her way to the pinnacle she’s at where she can sellout a new-just-launched product within hours of launching it. Ask any six figure woman and she’ll tell you she didn’t start out keeping up with the Joneses and the Kardashians, she prioritized her “must haves” that are in alignment with her goals, channel her resources where they best work for her, so that later she could do whatever she wants – including keeping up with the Joneses and the Kardashians if she so desire.

Barbara outlines the power of understanding the difference between working hard and working smart with practical techniques that will energize and move you to take initiative in changing your mindset and the way you view and deal with money. According to Barbara, “If you continuously earn less than your full potential, you’re a perpetual under-earner”. And the main differences between high earners and the under-earners are actions and attitudes. What this means is that you are caught in what we termed here at MBB – a SPINN Cycle, and you have the power to change your mindset, take action and get in alignment with your worth in order to see your greatest dreams and desires realized. Sometimes we have to do something new! Change course. Keep our eyes and hearts on our goals and dreams, but configure the strategies we use to accomplish them. We cannot keep doing the same thing but expecting different results.

You Can Count On Secrets of Six Figure Women to:

1) Challenge the way you view and treat money

2) Create thought-provoking, mind-shifting aha moments

3) Show you why you too can amass the wealth you so desire and deserve

4) Help you bounce back from self-doubt, procrastination, and self-sabotage

Like many of us here at MBB, this book will help you get on the right path to financial freedom. As long as you follow the concepts and apply them to your individual situation, you will benefit immensely. It is filled with anecdotal evidence and practical steps that can prove very effective when practiced! And as we always recommend here at MBB, read this book all the way through, and do so with an open mind. Not with the mind to make critique, but to absorb what you can from it that is meaningful and geared towards enhancing your life. We all have different writing styles and ways we tell stories, but we all have something valuable to offer. Never discount that!

Read, and reread the chapter on money and begin to transition to your six figures, using those tools. You can have your money work for you! This is what we talk about and help women implement here at MBB through one of our signature programs MASTER Your Finances. But before you can MASTER your finances, you first gotta earn some money in order to have it work for you, and that’s in our signature program WERK Your Money Making Genie.

Barbara is perceptive, and this book is informative. Get this book Secrets of Six Figure Women: Surprising Strategies to Up Your Earnings and Change Your Life, read it, implement the strategies in your life, and expect to be improved – wholistically.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International