How to Do What You Love, Love What You Do, and Live Your Dreams

How to Do What You Love, Love What You Do, and Live Your Dreams

“Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours.” ~ Dale Carnegie

There is nothing like living your passion! I cannot think of anything that can compare to doing what you love, loving what you do, and seeing the results of your labor. I remember my passion for helping people igniting in me and I took it and ran with it. As a young girl, I was always giving advice to my peers from what to say in situations to how to behave. And I have to say, it felt great when they came back and told me how well it all worked out. Today, I’m a Cognitive Psychologist and Behavioral Mentor and I couldn’t be happier in my life. Listen, when you are doing what you love in the form of a profession, it makes you happy, and when you are happy, it makes it easier to deal with all the other aspects of your life. Your family life, your friendships, your community engagements – every area of your life benefit from you being happy and fulfilled – and that’s what Dale Carnegie’s “throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart” will do for you.

“To be all we can be we must dream of being more. To do all that is possible, we must attempt the impossible.” ~ John C. Maxwell

There are so many things we don’t know about ourselves, about life, about what is possible and what is not possible, about what we can and cannot do, and most of us choose to believe everything other people tell us to believe without questioning a single word.

I remember when I was a little girl, I had a very strong belief that grown-ups – especially the elders, had the answers to all of my questions and I believed everything they told me as being true – not questioning a single word. Well, as I grew up, things changed, I changed, and I started using more of my own brain power, questioning all the things that no longer made sense for me. If we have a brain, we might as well use it, right? Unfortunately, not all of us are willing to do it and that is why we don’t think and just allow others do most of the thinking for us. Well, if you want to start living your dreams, you have to start thinking and doing for yourself. If you haven’t found your passion as yet, now would be a good time to start seeking out what it is. There is no way around it! In order for you to live your dreams you must do what you love, love what you do, and embrace life with all you’ve got. As we say here at My Blooming Biz, Design and Live Your Dream Lifestyle.

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” ~ Buddha

We need dreams! They keep us alive. Without dreams we are like birds with broken wings. And in order for dreams to come true, we must actualize and materialize them. And the best way to do that is to create a plan, set SMART goals, and work consistently at it – with discipline.

You don’t have dreams? Did I hear you right?

Well then, get you a pen and a piece of paper and let your imagination run wild. Start visualizing then actualizing your vision. Write down everything you imagine becoming, everything you want to have and everything you want to be. Don’t be afraid, if you haven’t done this in a while, or maybe never done, you might think you have little or nothing to write, but that’s not true. You know it and I know it, so just get to writing.

Remember when you were a little girl and you knew exactly what you wanted to do with your life? Remember how you used to dream all day long about the great things you would one day accomplish? What happened to those dreams? I will tell you what happened. Everyone around you started telling you how things aren’t the way you think they are, and that life is hard, life is tough and you need to be more realistic…and you gave up. You became one of them and you decided to leave your dreams behind you. That was how you forgot about your dreams.

Such a sad story, isn’t it? Not really. If you can find the courage to bring them back to life and work towards making them come true, it won’t be a sad but a wonderful life story – the story of your life.

So start writing.

Ask yourself:

What do I really want?

Write down all that comes to your mind, whether you think is crazy or not, whether you think is possible or impossible. It does not matter. Forget about your limits and dare to dream, big dreams, for they are the ones that move the hearts of men as Goethe once said.

After making your list, wait an hour or two to pass, read the list and ask yourself these questions:

Why do I want this?

If you can’t seem to get an answer, then it’s not really a dream, and it won’t become a goal for you. We don’t want to waste any time on something we don’t really want. Cross it off your list. We only want those things that keep us focused, enthusiastic, excited, and passionate. Your “why” should do all this.

We don’t want to be living somebody else’s dream, right? We’re done with doing that! We only want to do those things that bring us joy, peace, and happiness. We only want to do those things that are morally right for us and for those around us.

If you have doubts about any of them, you will have to cross them off the list. We have to make sure that we set our goals properly for a goal properly set is halfway reached as Abraham Lincoln once said.

With those dreams that are left, ask yourself:

Will each and every one of them make me feel better about myself?

Will they will bring inner peace and joy into my life and the lives of those I love?

Will my dreams help me live a healthier and more abundant life?

Will they help me make new and wonderful friends?

Will they help me meet new people, people who can help me grow and learn new and interesting things?

We don’t want any “No’s”. If you have one, two or more of them, you will want to cut those dreams off your list also. You might think it is nonsense but it’s not. We have to go through this process in order for you to eliminate all those things you thought you want but don’t really need.

Now that you only have what’s really worth having and what’s really important to you, try to separate them into three (3) categories:

1. Short term goals (1 month or less),

2. Intermediate goals (3 months to a year for achieving your goal)

3. Long term goals (between 1 and 3 years to achieve your goals).

We need small goals and also BIG goals. The small ones to teach us how to be more patient, more disciplined and to make us aware of the fact that the future comes one day at a time and to help reduce the possibility of feeling stuck and frustrated. We also need small goals so we can see results more frequently, and be able to celebrate our wins. Trust me! This is major. Ensure you celebrate all your wins.

We also need BIG goals for they are the ones that can help us grow, they help us reach our full potential. They help us to stretch and reach further.

We all want to live an amazing life and enjoy a high quality of life, and if we are intentional about it, we can live that life.

So now, after doing all this “hard work” that some of you thought as being impossible, rewrite all of them on your notebook or place them somewhere you can see and read them often – a visual board. You can also make them into a vision board at a later time using pictures to represent each.

Let’s not forget, what’s out of sight is also out of our mind. At first, see if you can read your goals and intentions every day if possible, it should only take you five to ten minutes.

And make sure you commit yourself to making your dreams come true.

Take action, have fun and remember to enjoy life – one step at a time.

Also remember,

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ~ Lao-Tzu

Now, do tell! What are some of the amazing things you intend to make happen?

Share with us in the comment section.

Love & Light,


  1. Jennifer

    Are you looking extremely gorgeous or what? Katherine, I’m digging this post. As usual you are pouring out your heart and soul hoping it will ignite others’ and more often than not, you have. You are amazing!

    And yeah, nothing like living life just the way we want to – on purpose, and on our own terms. Corporate world doesn’t quite cut it, but it was good while it lasted 🙂 The pay was excellent, and the job was somewhat fulfilling, but my time – I just could not fully control my time – and that’s the most important resource we have.

    Thanks for sharing!

    • Katherine

      Hey Jennifer 🙂 thank you!

      Yes, we’re here to live our best lives, and we have to strive to make it happen. Corporate world can be a drag, but it has it’s place. When we start desiring more than is offered there, we ought to do whatever it takes to ensure we succeed at accomplishing it.

      You are amazing yourself! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

  2. Desiree

    Currently working on getting there, and I am encouraged every day. Not by anything external, but by the fire that has kindled in me, that is unquenchable.

    Love your post! As usual, you bring the sauce 🙂

    • Katherine

      Yessssss Desiree 🙂 . Keep that fire burning and I guarantee you will accomplish everything you set out to.

      Thank you!

  3. Samantha Goldstein

    Loving that quote from Dale Carnegie! He’s such an enlightener and motivator. We all have one life to live, why should we not strive to live it the best way we can?!

    BTW You look amazing 🙂 . Keep living on purpose!

    • Katherine

      Hi Samantha,

      Yes Dale Carnegie is an awesome activator. We can all learn a lot from his work through his books.

      I say live on purpose every. single. day!

      I feel amazing too, thank you 🙂 and thanks for chiming in!

  4. Jessica

    I’m living my passion, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let anything or anyone stop me. Figuring out early on what I want, creating a plan to accomplish it, working the plan and staying the course – in spite of obstacles, is what I credit to my getting to where I am today. It’s totally doable you all! You can achieve your goals if you create a solid plan and be intentional about accomplishing it.

    “What are some of the amazing things you intend to make happen?” I intend to continue living an amazing life, enjoying every moment along the way – knocking out my travel bucket list, and continue to inspire others to live their best life as well.

    • Katherine

      Hi Jessica 🙂 continue living your best life! You have done great with your planning and following through. Pat yourself on the back girl, you are setup for success, and no-one can stop you, but YOU.

      Thanks for sharing!

  5. Janice

    Katherine, you are glowing! What better way to live your life than to do what you love?! You are living proof of what living life on purpose is. Cheers🍷

    • Katherine

      Hey Janice 🙂 thank you! Cheers 🍷

  6. Gillian

    Love this post and your high vibe and spirit Katherine 🙂 You are the epitome of what “living life my way” is. Keep it up!!!

    • Katherine

      Thanks Gillian! That’s the empowered woman lifestyle! If you haven’t done so yet, join us in our quest of “living the empowered woman lifestyle”. We all can have an amazing life, we deserve to, and we must strive to – letting nothing get in the way.

      Keep thriving 🙂

  7. Kadienne

    Thank you! “When you are doing what you love in the form of a profession, it makes you happy, and when you are happy, it makes it easier to deal with all the other aspects of your life. Your family life, your friendships, your community engagements – every area of your life benefit from you being happy and fulfilled – and that’s what Dale Carnegie’s “throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart” will do for you.”

    • Katherine

      Kadienne Kelly 🙂 how are you? Absolutely, yes! When we are in alignment and living a balanced life, it leaves us no option or room for unhappiness. You thrive!!! And that’s how I live my life and we encourage and help women do the same. We so deserve to!