7 Ways The Empowered Woman Invests In Herself - My Blooming Biz International

One of the things we like to do here at MBB, and encourage women to do as well, is to seek out ways to continuously improve ourselves. According to personal development legend Jim Rohn, “to have more than you’ve got, you must become more than you are”. Thus continual personal growth will ensure we always become better than we were – as each day goes by. Personal development includes activities that help you improve your hard and soft skills, cultivate your talents, and tap into your potential so you can improve your overall quality of life. These aren’t one-time activities; they involve a commitment you make to continue to learn and grow in every stage of your life.

Here are 7 Ways The Empowered Woman Invests in Herself

1. The Empowered Woman Takes Classes and Attend Seminars

Learning doesn’t need to stop once you’ve graduated college. Signing up for classes and attending seminars that are of interest to you and serve your higher purpose will give you the opportunity to learn and grow outside of the traditional confines of school. Enroll for workshops or webinars provided by professional organizations you belong to, or personal interest hobby group offering things you enjoy. Websites such as Coursera, Udemy, and Skillshare allow you to learn new skills and improve the ones you already have.

2. The Empowered Woman Reads a Variety of Quality Books

The most successful people carve time out of their days to read. Not only does reading increase your knowledge, it also improves your memory, vocabulary and focus, while sharpening your analytical skills and reducing stress. Get recommendations from friends or co-workers, or check out the best-seller lists from The New York Times or your local bookstore. We also have select books that we have purchased and used here at MBB for women empowerment that we compiled in a series called “Transformational Book Series – Our Picks“.

3. The Empowered Woman Takes Advantage of Mentorship

If you want to get ahead in your career, business, or life, a mentor can help you in a myriad of ways. They can help you: improve your self-confidence, be more definitive about what you want and how to go about getting it, tap into your potential and find ways to uplevel your finances, find balance in your life and many other things. Since they do not have a personal stake in your success, they will provide unbiased feedback as they share their experiences and offer tips and encouragement to help you thrive. Find a mentor through your professional organization or ask someone in your company or industry who models the traits you would like to hone, and/or have achieved the level of success you would like to reach.

4. The Empowered Woman Watch Empowering Videos

Many of us spend our evenings relaxing in front of the television. Optimize your time and watch videos from leading personal development experts, or experts in your field of interest. You’ll not only learn but you will also become motivated to make lasting positive changes in your personal as well as business life. Watch inspirational films that will leave you feeling uplifted and encouraged.

5. The Empowered Woman Listens to Empowering Podcasts

We are living in the age of podcasts, and it is phenomenal! Podcasts are a popular way to listen and learn anywhere, whether you’re getting ready for work, driving to the office, or jogging on the treadmill at the gym. Regardless of where you are, you can be tuned in to an empowering podcast, and continue your process of self improvement. There is a podcast to fit all your needs and interests – whether you want to: keep up on current events, take charge of your finances, take your career or business to the next level, or enhance your spirituality.

6. The Empowered Woman Join Empowerment Groups & Organizations

Empowerment groups and organizations allow you to connect with other like-minded individuals who are committed to growing personally and/or professionally. In addition to networking, these groups and organizations also provide opportunities to take workshops and classes, find mentors, and look for new opportunities in your field. Empowerment groups allow for the forming of relevant relationships and provide a cultivating atmosphere where bonds can be strengthened.

7. The Empowered Woman Volunteer To Help Empower Others

Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community while refining skills and traits, such as team-work, empathy, and communication. In addition to improving existing talents and skills, you may also learn new skills to apply in your line of work or business. If you are starting a new career or have moved to a new area, volunteering allows you to gain experience and expand your network. The most important part of volunteering is experiencing the joy giving back brings. When you look at the way you are impacting others lives, it will give you a renewed sense of purpose which will continue to propel you forward with the amazing plans you have for your life. Serving others not only nurtures positive feelings, it also lowers the risk of depression and reduces stress.

Investing in yourself is in essence, empowering yourself, and a huge part of what enables us to live the lifestyle we desire and deserve – “the empowered woman lifestyle”. We believe that every woman should live an empowered life, with just the right design for her, and the best way to do that is to continuously invest in yourself – “sharpen your saw” as Stephen R. Covey terms it in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Our programs and workshops are designed to help ambitious women equip themselves with the right tools and use them to catapult them to living their best lives possible.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International


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  1. Jennifer

    I empower myself by first figuring out what I want, why I want what I want, how to go about getting it, and doing everything it takes to get it. I’ve developed tactics to remain disciplined, which is very important and what many people struggle with, and I’ve minimized the risk of falling and remaining off track.

    With the exception of #7 I’ve utilized all the above, and still include some of them in my schedule. I believe in reaping what we sow, and so I am very mindful of what I’m sowing, and if I’m sowing at all.

    Let’s remain empowered ladies 🙂

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Good for you Jennifer 🙂 You’ve got it all down! Continue with that attitude and drive and keep on winning!!!

  2. Katherine

    Those are some major #PowerTips the empowered woman use. #3 is of course my favorite and what most gives me my superpower. #MentorandbeMentored. Must learn before we teach.

    Loving Jim Rohn, “to have more than you’ve got, you must become more than you are”. A favorite mentor of mine 🙂

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Hey Katherine 🙂 Indeed, the empowered woman has it all in her arsenal. Keep growing and improving – teach and be taught.

      We love us some Jim Rohn too ❣️

  3. Chelsea

    We have to! Cause if we don’t who will 🤔 Definitely embrace your list!

  4. Gillian

    Investing in myself is a must. After all, I have to sow to reap, and I want a lot so I put in the investment to ensure I get what I want 😋 💯

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Yesssssss Gillian!!! You’ve got that magic secret sauce to success! Bearing in mind what you want to reap while sowing. Loving it!

  5. Janice

    Power tips indeed, Katherine! Investing in yourself leaves little to no room for others to take advantage of you – especially us women. As Eugénie always say, “Having our finances in order is the highest form of self love, a love that cannot help but to command respect.” What better way to improve our finances than growth in all 8 key areas of life.

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Thanks Janice! We do take self investment seriously here at MBB and encourage women around the globe to do the same. If we don’t do it, who will? And how else can one grow and improve?

      And yes, having our finances in order is super uber important.

      Thanks for contributing 🙂

  6. Desiree

    OMG! I’m reading through your list like “yeaaaa”! I’m doing more and more of those things and there’s no stopping now.

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Yessssss! Keep it going Desiree 🙂 You will receive astounding results.

  7. Jessica

    Yes, indeed! “Learning doesn’t need to stop once you’ve graduated college. Signing up for classes and attending seminars that are of interest to you and serve your higher purpose will give you the opportunity to learn and grow outside of the traditional confines of school.”

    I jump at every opportunity to participate in different things and learn something new everyday. Every time I attend a seminar I gain something valuable, and literally implement it in my life.

    Continuous growth is a must for me!

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Way to go Jessica! Keep pursuing and improving; knowledge is power, and hard work pays off.

      Thanks for chiming in!