How to Live a Purpose-Driven Life and Be Fulfilled

How to Live a Purpose Driven Life

We all have hopes, dreams, and aspirations for our lives. We think about the kind of car we want to drive, the job we want to have, or the home we want to live in, and many of us have accomplished those hopes, dreams, and aspirations; but we’re not happy.

We achieve all the things we set out to, but somehow remain unfulfilled. That’s because in order for us to feel fulfilled we must impact others’ lives. It may be your immediate family, friends, colleagues, or members in your community, but there must be something meaningful you are a part of or championing that affects others’ lives. Whatever that “meaningful something” is, that is your purpose!

“It is only in giving that we receive, and it’s in this reciprocity that we are fulfilled.” Eugénie Nugent – CEO My Blooming Biz International

What Does It Mean To Be Purpose-Driven?

To be purpose-driven means having something so meaningful you are working on that not only affects your life but others as well, and is constantly in your thoughts, and continuously commands your action.

Without purpose, we’re depleted, bankrupt! Like a millionaire looking at his cash stack – after purchasing everything he wants, but none of it giving him the joy he envisioned it would. Living a purpose-driven life isn’t a concept that’s new or cutting-edge, but it’s something that’s most certainly necessary and revolutionary at the same time. When you live a life that’s driven by a clear and undying purpose, things take on a different meaning. Others are dependent on you, and then seeing the transformation your input has on their lives and the appreciation they show, will undoubtedly give your life added meaning.

“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” — John F. Kennedy

How Do We Live a Purpose-Driven Life?

We live a purpose-driven life by first finding our purpose – which is in alignment with our core values and beliefs, and subsequently allowing its command to lead the way. We can all live a purpose-driven life, not by just setting some obscure goals in our mind, but by actually drilling down into our core values and beliefs, then setting real goals that are aligned with those values and beliefs.

If you’ve set goals in the past that weren’t in line with your core values and beliefs, you might have found yourself getting frustrated and eventually giving up. When what we say we want and what we truly believe on the inside conflict with each another, we experience frustration, fear, anxiety, and worry. Usually, when there’s a conflict with our core values and beliefs, we tend to give up. We push and push towards something in life that we thought we once wanted, but we hit that proverbial brick wall and throw in the towel. If this has happened to you in the past, then it’s time to align your goals with who you are and what you actually want out of life.

Uncovering Your Core Values

Core values and beliefs have been instilled in us from very early on. However, over time, those core values and beliefs have often shifted – changing with our life experiences. Finding your core values and beliefs isn’t too difficult, but it does require a bit of soul searching. Think of a few single words or short phrases that embody what you most value in life. Grab a sheet of paper and pen, and start writing the first 10 things you value. Some of them could be:

1. Family

2. Friendships

3. Community

4. Personal Growth

5. Children’s Safety

6. Our Elders

7. Honesty, Sincerity, Fairness

8. Financial Security

9. Freedom

10. Certainty & Decisiveness

Uncovering Your Core Beliefs

Aside from your values, your beliefs are helping to drive your life. What do you believe in? These aren’t just the superficial beliefs, but the ones that run deep-down to your core. Think about just how powerful your beliefs are. They help to govern and control the direction and output of your life. If you believe wholeheartedly for, or against something, you will manifest that eventually.

Finding your true beliefs can be difficult. For example, you might say you want to make more money in your life, but if you’ve been taught to believe that “Money is hard to get; it doesn’t grow on trees” or that “Money is the root of all evil”, then those beliefs might be holding you back. Think about some powerful beliefs for a moment. I’m talking about politics, abortion, gun control etc. Think about how strong some peoples’ beliefs might be. It’s hard to change what people believe in or why they believe in it. So, you have to uncover your own beliefs to see how they’re governing your life.

Considering that most goals revolve around either money, people, relationships, or health, you have to uncover what your beliefs are in these areas of life. Here are some belief examples:

Money Beliefs

1. Having too much money is greedy. I only need enough to survive.

2. All rich people are greedy or crooked. If I want to make money, I have to deceive people.

3. More money means having more problems. The more I accumulate, the bigger my problems become.

People Beliefs

1. All people are liars. And if they get a chance, they will take advantage of you.

2. There is no “I” in team, so I have to work well with others in order to achieve my goals.

Relationship Beliefs

1. All men/women cheat. There’s no such thing as an honest relationship.

2. All men/women are trustworthy if you give them a chance. Not everyone cheats.

3. People in business are ruthless. It’s either screw or be screwed.

Health Beliefs

1. Skinny people are unhealthy and unhappy. There’s no way to be skinny and be happy.

2. I’m just big-boned. All big-boned people can’t lose weight. It’s how we’re made.

It’s important to note that although some of these beliefs are not conscious beliefs, they’re unconscious beliefs that have been developed over time and thus are subconsciously present with you. For this reason, they may be uncomfortable or difficult to unearth; you may not want to feel this way, but you do, and deep down inside these beliefs are holding you back from attaining certain goals. Of course, we also have positive beliefs, but for the most part, the beliefs that hold us back from achieving our goals are negative and critical – both of ourselves and of others. However, if you want to live a purpose-driven life and be able to achieve all of your goals, you have to flip the script on your beliefs.

Your positive beliefs will help to empower you, but your negative beliefs will help to hold you back. So you need to flip the script on your negative beliefs. By rewriting your beliefs so that they’re positive, they’ll help to support your goals. Go ahead and write out the exact opposite of your negative beliefs. What do you believe in when it comes to those four areas of your life? If you think that people are greedy and that money is the root of all evil, you have to change that. If you have money goals, then your beliefs have to support you. Rewrite your beliefs so that they’re positive and supportive of your goals!

Example: Old Versus New Belief

Old belief – All rich people are greedy or crooked. If I want to make money, I have to deceive people.

New belief – All rich people are hard working and have good solid habits that help to support them in life. If I want to be rich or succeed, I have to focus on good habit development.

After you rewrite your beliefs, you have to drill them into your mind. Say them in the morning, during the day, and at night, until they are ingrained in you. Repeat them until they are part of your mentality. Habit formation takes an average of 3 to 6 months, so you have to convince yourself of these new beliefs in order to make them real and have them support you.

Now that you have figured out your core values and beliefs, transform them into a mission statement, then tie them into efforts that are meaningful to you. In other words, find people, organization, or a segment of a community that shares the same values and beliefs and champion a cause that involves them. You can live a purpose-driven life, and be fulfilled! Follow the above-mentioned steps and get ready to experience and enjoy a life filled with purpose, passion, and joy.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International


  1. Gillian

    I know that’s right! Still trying to find something meaningful to take me all the way to fulfillment. Revisiting my values and beliefs…

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Keep at it Gillian! Actively seek and you will find. Great place to start – your values and beliefs.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Jessica

    “To be purpose-driven means having something so meaningful you are working on that not only affects your life but others as well, and is constantly in your thoughts, and continuously commands your action.”

    Love your definition of purpose driven! That ‘meaningful’ is definitely what will keep us moving towards our goals, aspirations, and dreams.

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Thank you Jessica 🙂 “Meaningful” definitely will keep us moving in the direction of our dreams.

      Thanks for chiming in!

  3. Desiree

    Thank you for this very relevant post Team MBB!
    I’m still looking for a deeper meaning beside working and taking care of my responsibilities. Don’t get me wrong, that’s a lot and I am grateful I’m able to, but sometimes I do feel empty and I know it’s because I’m living on the surface. Have to do some soul searching.

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      You are most welcome Desiree 🙂 Yes, some soul searching and quiet meditation will reveal a lot. If you can getaway to a getaway retreat, that would put the icing on the cake as far as helping you gain true clarity. Let us know if you need a list of a few excellent ones we have been to. They are worth every penny!

      Thanks for contributing!

  4. James

    Hey there, nice blog! It took me a while to get with my mojo but as I get to it I realized that without truly knowing our purpose we cannot live a fulfilling life. I think this is something that should be sought out and identified at an early age. That way too much quality life is not missed trying to find it later.