In January we kicked off a new MBB series to highlight transformational books for women called, Transformational Book Series – Our Picks. This month we’re excited to continue the series by sharing with you our next transformational book in the series – Secrets of Six Figure Women by bestselling author Barbara Stanny.

Secrets of Six Figure Women - My Blooming Biz Book PickWe have chosen and added this book to our transformational picks because it has helped us and our clients in our quest for financial prosperity, and we want you to know that financial prosperity is available to you as well – if only you acknowledge that it is, and take the necessary action steps to pull in YOUR six figures. There is enough for YOU too! Change your mindset, change your life!

The number of women making six figures or more is increasing and continues to rise at a rate never seen before. This is cause for celebration! If you’re not already in on this six-figure-women-winning-wealth-building juggernaut, then it’s time to get in formation and align yourself for yours.

Now, let’s set something straight! Six figure women did not just wake up and tada “I’m a six figure chick”! They face some of the same issues and challenges you face, but they held steady and consistent in their quest for success, and allowed nothing and no-one to get in their way – or stay in their way – and alas they ultimately succeed. You don’t get to see the tears, doubts, downfalls, sleepless nights that they experience, but without those down times, making six figures might not have been possible. They didn’t start making six figures overnight! Even the Kim Kardashian had to start somewhere and gradually work her way to the pinnacle she’s at where she can sellout a new-just-launched product within hours of launching it. Ask any six figure woman and she’ll tell you she didn’t start out keeping up with the Joneses and the Kardashians, she prioritized her “must haves” that are in alignment with her goals, channel her resources where they best work for her, so that later she could do whatever she wants – including keeping up with the Joneses and the Kardashians if she so desire.

Barbara outlines the power of understanding the difference between working hard and working smart with practical techniques that will energize and move you to take initiative in changing your mindset and the way you view and deal with money. According to Barbara, “If you continuously earn less than your full potential, you’re a perpetual under-earner”. And the main differences between high earners and the under-earners are actions and attitudes. What this means is that you are caught in what we termed here at MBB – a SPINN Cycle, and you have the power to change your mindset, take action and get in alignment with your worth in order to see your greatest dreams and desires realized. Sometimes we have to do something new! Change course. Keep our eyes and hearts on our goals and dreams, but configure the strategies we use to accomplish them. We cannot keep doing the same thing but expecting different results.

You Can Count On Secrets of Six Figure Women to:

1) Challenge the way you view and treat money

2) Create thought-provoking, mind-shifting aha moments

3) Show you why you too can amass the wealth you so desire and deserve

4) Help you bounce back from self-doubt, procrastination, and self-sabotage

Like many of us here at MBB, this book will help you get on the right path to financial freedom. As long as you follow the concepts and apply them to your individual situation, you will benefit immensely. It is filled with anecdotal evidence and practical steps that can prove very effective when practiced! And as we always recommend here at MBB, read this book all the way through, and do so with an open mind. Not with the mind to make critique, but to absorb what you can from it that is meaningful and geared towards enhancing your life. We all have different writing styles and ways we tell stories, but we all have something valuable to offer. Never discount that!

Read, and reread the chapter on money and begin to transition to your six figures, using those tools. You can have your money work for you! This is what we talk about and help women implement here at MBB through one of our signature programs MASTER Your Finances. But before you can MASTER your finances, you first gotta earn some money in order to have it work for you, and that’s in our signature program WERK Your Money Making Genie.

Barbara is perceptive, and this book is informative. Get this book Secrets of Six Figure Women: Surprising Strategies to Up Your Earnings and Change Your Life, read it, implement the strategies in your life, and expect to be improved – wholistically.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International


  1. Katherine

    Yesssssss, making six figures is possible, but it takes work, good strategies, and discipline. And the most important thing is not to make six figures but to stash away six figures. It takes me years to learn the difference and now I’ve mastered not only making six figures but retaining it as well. Hard work, with passion, and discipline ultimately pay off 🙂

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Indeed, it is, Katherine! Congrats 🙂 Way to go!

  2. Gillian

    Wow! I haven’t saved six figures as yet but I am certainly earning it. Gotta get that book to help me over the hump 🙂

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Briana

    Sounds interesting! My goal for 2019 is to uplevel my finances and I’ll use whatever methods are available to get me to my six figure milestone. Thank you for sharing this book Team MBB! This may be my answer.