How to Get Out of Debt and Stay Out of Debt – A 5 Step Approach – The Book

Who likes to be in debt?  If you or anyone you know likes to be in debt, please let us know in the comment section!  Debt is one of the most stigmatized, loathed, and talked-about words to have ever graced the English language. No matter where you are in the world, debt is something that follows us all.  It invades our thoughts like an army coming to wage war on us, with its fixed, revolving, and recurring payments and we often feel shackled with no escape.  It permeates our very being and wreak havoc on our lives, and sometimes continue for generations.

The accumulation of debt is something that is habitual. It plays on some of our most basal instincts of the mind that push us towards avoiding pain and gaining pleasure, and money is that tool that helps us in our virtually endless quests to constantly gain pleasure.

But, is there a way to get out of debt?  How do we free ourselves from the seemingly eternal servitude of being obligated to pay out large portions of our monthly income for the pleasures that we have already enjoyed?  How do we get rid of our debt, and remain debt free?  Is it really possible?  Or, are we just puppets in a very calculated zero-sum game of financial chess that leaves us as mere pawns on the playing field?

Well, the answer is yes!  It is possible to eliminate debt and remain debt free.  It will take some analyzing, strategic planning, and mindset shifting but it can be done.  We have helped thousands of women strategize and craft plans to eliminate their debt and begin saving and building wealth instead of paying those huge interests that make it impossible to ever have any substantial amount of savings – let alone wealth.

Much of our behavior has a lot to do with what’s going on in our minds. That impulsive buying habit you have comes partly from this subconscious interaction. So, what we have to learn to do is create some awareness to this interaction and learn to override it.  You can learn more about that process by reading our article, How to Break Bad Habits & Develop Good Habits. Another aspect of why some of us get into debt is as a result of trying to keep up with the Joneses (and the Kardashians).  We scroll social media and see all the glitz and glam that are trending and decide we need to be a part of it (#fomo) – whether we can afford to, or not – and this kind of comparative, mimicked following can quickly put a hole in your finances.

Now, understanding debt is one thing. We can talk about it all we want. We can extrapolate, analyze, criticize, theorize, and do a slew of other things related to the concept, idea, and reality of debt. But how do we get out of debt? How do we free ourselves from living a life that is imprisoned by a cycle that seems like it’s never going to end?

Some may argue there are good debt, but the only good debt we acknowledge here at MBB is the the debt that is owing to us – receivables.  As long as we are on the receiving end, then all is well with debt.  If you are in debt, you can become debt free!  Make the decision today to get out of debt and stay out of debt, and take the necessary steps to make “debt free” a reality for you.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

10 Surefire Things You Can Do to Live a Better Life in 2020 And Beyond

10 Surefire Things You Can Do to Live a Better Life in 2020 and Beyond

We all want to live a better life, and thankfully we can! We each can assess our current situation – at any given moment, and commit to make choices that will help us live a better life in the days and years to come.

If you’ve not been making assessments as you go throughout your year, there is no better time to take stock and begin the assessment, than at the ending of a year. So as we approach 2020, let’s get ourselves in alignment for the manifestation of our desired improvements to take place. You want to reinforce your old goals that were not manifested in 2019, create new goals to be manifested in 2020, and craft your plan to ensure your vision come to fruition. You want to look at these 2 central questions “What’s going well in your life right now?” and “What can be improved?” and work at making the necessary changes. Even if you had the best year of your life in 2019, there is room for improvement in 2020 and beyond.

Here are 10 Surefire Things You Can Do to Live a Better Life in 2020 and Beyond

1. Allocate More Time to YOUR Self, YOUR Needs, YOUR Goals, YOUR Dreams

If you’re like too many of us, you expend yourself to your family, friends, and many times colleagues, to the point where you have little to no time to do YOU or work at materializing your vision for yourself! You can commit to changing that come 2020! We’re not saying you should abandon your family, friends, and colleagues. What we’re saying is, take more time for yourself! Allot some of the time you take to deal with others’ issues, to deal with YOU and YOURS. Think about it! You probably had some things you wanted to accomplish in 2019, but because of over-extending, you did not accomplish them. When you would have been able to had you take some of that time and resources for you. There’s no harm in that! Moreover, when you are healthier, happier, and more fulfilled, you are better able to give the best of yourself while maintaining the authentic YOU. Resolve that YOU, your needs, your goals will take precedence in 2020 and beyond. You deserve the best of YOU!

2. Get Help With What You Don’t Know So Your Dreams Can Be Materialized

None of us know everything! And so we must realize when we come to that point where our knowledge and technical know-how ends and new knowledge and technical know-how is needed in order for a particular thing to be realized. Either learn the skills to do it, or hire someone who already possess the skills to do it. Take stock of the net effect between: you learning to do it versus hiring someone to do it, and whether you will need to do it in the future vs a one time need; the time it will take you to learn it then do it vs the time it will take to have someone who already possess the necessary knowledge and skill to do it, and the cost for you learning vs delegating. You must do your due diligence to ensure the person you hire possess the necessary knowledge and technical know-how to do it, so you do not defeat the purpose of outsourcing it, which could end up costing you more time and resources. Do not unintentionally hinder your progress!

3. Examine How the People You Have Constantly Helped Can Help You With Your Pursuit

Too many of us give and give and give some more, but don’t like to ask and take in return. Resolve to asking and taking in 2020. It’s time for returns! Take a look at the people you’ve been helping whether in cash or in kind and see how they can help you with your pursuit. Many times they have tools, skills, or resources we could use but we often overlook because we do not like to ask. If we are paying we will buy, but if it’s free we do not want. They are not afraid to ask! In fact, some of them are shameless in asking, taking and infringing – and we let them. No more come 2020! Make 2020 an equal opportunity year, a year of give and take!

4. Uplevel Your Goods and/or Services So You Can Be Proud to Market Them (and Market Them)

You are always shouting from the rooftop how great someone else’s product or service is. Resolve to start shouting about your goods or services! Unless of course, you don’t believe they are good enough at which point you should either: a) upgrade to the best level they can be at, or b) totally forget about and stop selling them. If YOU don’t think they are good enough, neither will your prospective customers. Make 2020 the year you are proud of your offer(s) and unapologetic in marketing them – E V E R Y W H E R E!

5. Work Smarter, Not Harder! Setup Systems and Utilize Tools to Help Make Every Task Easier

There is rarely anything we have to do that a tool is not available for – thanks to technology and the Internet. From on page grammar software (so we do not have to reach for the dictionary or thesaurus) when writing our books, updating our blogs, or compiling reports, to ready made content management software and interface to make our website creation process more timely, seamless, and user-friendly. From integrated apps that allow for online purchases to be made and downloaded to financial systems, to applications that allow for one step automatic publication on social media platforms simultaneously to improve marketing. Tools are available to help make our lives easier! All we have to do is to research the tools available to help with our particular task at any given moment, and selecting the one most suitable. Resolve to use all the systems and tools available at your disposal to make your life easier come 2020 and beyond!

6. Begin Pursuing That Degree That Will Propel You to Your Next Level Up at Your Job (or Somewhere Else With The Same Position)

You’ve been on your job for quite a few years now and eyeing that next level up position. And although you know you can do it, and possess the necessary skills and technical know-how to do it, you’ve watched others snoop in from outside and take it. You’ve investigated and have come to the realization that what’s been keeping you from that position is the academic credentials necessary to get to it. Now you must decide whether you want to invest in that higher education to secure that higher up position, or give up on that dream and remain where you are. If that position is what you truly desire, then resolve to attaining that degree. However, bear in mind that nothing is a guarantee in life! You may not end up getting that position at your current job – even after attaining that degree; but you could seek that same or similar position at some other organization. Let 2020 be the year you begin the steps to achieving your next level up degree so you can fulfill your dream of being in that particular position!

7. Worry Less! Enjoy More!

Shit happens! That’s inevitable. As long as we are here on this earth realm we are going to experience things we would rather not experience (yet have no control over) and will have to navigate our way through them and on to the next more positive experience in the next season. Of course, we have to worry at times. It’s the natural thing we do especially as women and mothers; when our child is suppose to be home from school an hour ago but is still not home and our telephone calls to check on them go unanswered. We worry! Panic even! And in a case like this, worry is warranted, but we must try to remain calm enough to think clearly on solutions. Many people are natural worriers who go through life worrying about the smallest to the biggest things. However, we must all strive to focus more on the positives, and give the negatives only enough time to resolve them. Life is full of surprises, and that more times than not, is a good thing. Let go of all those unnecessary worries that are causing stress – taking away years from your life, and embrace those joyous moments that are adding years to your life. Resolve to making 2020 that year you begin enjoying more, and worrying less!

8. Rid Yourself of All Dead Weight So You Can Fly

Lose the things that have not served you or your best interests! No, you will no longer be that person everyone calls on when they need something (which seems like always) but never call (in between their “help me” calls) to see how you’re doing and if you need anything. People will take advantage of us – if we let them. So the onus is on us to set boundaries and be okay with saying no – especially when our whole fiber of being is screaming no but our mouth puts forth a yes. That “friend” who keeps inviting you to dinner but then you have to pay. That one who wants you to watch her children so she can go off and have some “me time” but when you want her to watch your children so you can go off and have some “me time” she has a million reasons why she can’t. That one who is always borrowing your stuff and never return them, or when she does return them they are dirty or damaged. Or what about that one who has been sleeping on your couch, eating your foods, using your gas, water and light for almost a year and have not contributed in any way to anything. And when you line them up with a job they complain it’s not the type of job they want to do. The audacity! You don’t need any of this in your life. You may only see the financial way it’s affecting you, but just know that it’s also affecting you emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. Any scenario where you feel – even in the slightest, that someone is taking advantage of you, resolve to allow them – no more!

9. Get and Keep Your Finances In Order (or Uplevel Your Finances)

The more money we make, the more money we spend! While this does not apply to everyone, it does apply to the majority of people who are busy making money – whether through jobs, businesses, or investing. With each milestone of zero we add to our money pile, there is something we want to spend on. A bigger house, possibly in a more thriving neighborhood. A fancier car – to go with the roads and norms in that new neighborhood, and some name brand clothing and jewelry as well as country club subscriptions to go with the upleveled lifestyle. And there is nothing wrong with this! We get one chance at this thing called life, and it’s imperative we live it to our fullest potential. Bottom line: Regardless of how good your financial situation is, there is always room for improvement. And one of the most important thing anyone can do in this lifetime on this earth, is to get and keep their finances in order. As our founder and CEO Eugénie Nugent reiterates in her UPPPP Your Genius System of Programs, her WERK Your Money Making Genie Workshop, and her MASTER Your Finances Workshop “Having your finances in order is the highest form of self love, a love that cannot help but to command respect”. She could never be more true! If you are already financially in order, then make the move to continue upleveling your finances in 2020 and beyond. If you are not yet in order financially, resolve to have your finances in order come 2020 and beyond. Let 2020 be that year you drastically upgrade your net worth and begin accumulating real wealth.

Live Your Best Life in 2020 and Beyond | My Blooming Biz International

10. Self Care 365 – Unapologetically

Last, but not least, selfcare 365! You’ve worked hard at getting to the place you are today – financially, emotionally, physically, spiritually – all the ally’s. You’ve helped others achieve some things they wanted to achieve. You’ve done your family, your friends, and sometimes colleagues, but not enough doing YOU. Starting 2020 and going beyond 2020, resolve to spend more time on you – #SelfCare #SelfLove. Whether you want to spend more time working out at the gym, swimming, getting your weekly massage, making your own natural juices, relaxing in your jacuzzi with your fine glass of wine, curled up in your favorite chair with your favorite books, trekking around the world to the various countries and cities you have on your bucket list, or relaxing in solace for quiet meditation and reflection, it is all self care and you have the right to afford yourself those things and experiences. All the things you’ve been wanting to do, do them. Dote on and pamper YOU – unapologetically!

These 10 surefire things to do to live a better life may not all apply to you, but heed the ones that do. Make your assessment, set your new goals, draft your plan of action to accomplish them, and and stay the course in materializing them. Here’s to a happy and prosperous 2020 and beyond 🍷

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

Transformational Book Series – Our Picks | Secrets of Six Figure Women

In January we kicked off a new MBB series to highlight transformational books for women called, Transformational Book Series – Our Picks. This month we’re excited to continue the series by sharing with you our next transformational book in the series – Secrets of Six Figure Women by bestselling author Barbara Stanny.

Secrets of Six Figure Women - My Blooming Biz Book PickWe have chosen and added this book to our transformational picks because it has helped us and our clients in our quest for financial prosperity, and we want you to know that financial prosperity is available to you as well – if only you acknowledge that it is, and take the necessary action steps to pull in YOUR six figures. There is enough for YOU too! Change your mindset, change your life!

The number of women making six figures or more is increasing and continues to rise at a rate never seen before. This is cause for celebration! If you’re not already in on this six-figure-women-winning-wealth-building juggernaut, then it’s time to get in formation and align yourself for yours.

Now, let’s set something straight! Six figure women did not just wake up and tada “I’m a six figure chick”! They face some of the same issues and challenges you face, but they held steady and consistent in their quest for success, and allowed nothing and no-one to get in their way – or stay in their way – and alas they ultimately succeed. You don’t get to see the tears, doubts, downfalls, sleepless nights that they experience, but without those down times, making six figures might not have been possible. They didn’t start making six figures overnight! Even the Kim Kardashian had to start somewhere and gradually work her way to the pinnacle she’s at where she can sellout a new-just-launched product within hours of launching it. Ask any six figure woman and she’ll tell you she didn’t start out keeping up with the Joneses and the Kardashians, she prioritized her “must haves” that are in alignment with her goals, channel her resources where they best work for her, so that later she could do whatever she wants – including keeping up with the Joneses and the Kardashians if she so desire.

Barbara outlines the power of understanding the difference between working hard and working smart with practical techniques that will energize and move you to take initiative in changing your mindset and the way you view and deal with money. According to Barbara, “If you continuously earn less than your full potential, you’re a perpetual under-earner”. And the main differences between high earners and the under-earners are actions and attitudes. What this means is that you are caught in what we termed here at MBB – a SPINN Cycle, and you have the power to change your mindset, take action and get in alignment with your worth in order to see your greatest dreams and desires realized. Sometimes we have to do something new! Change course. Keep our eyes and hearts on our goals and dreams, but configure the strategies we use to accomplish them. We cannot keep doing the same thing but expecting different results.

You Can Count On Secrets of Six Figure Women to:

1) Challenge the way you view and treat money

2) Create thought-provoking, mind-shifting aha moments

3) Show you why you too can amass the wealth you so desire and deserve

4) Help you bounce back from self-doubt, procrastination, and self-sabotage

Like many of us here at MBB, this book will help you get on the right path to financial freedom. As long as you follow the concepts and apply them to your individual situation, you will benefit immensely. It is filled with anecdotal evidence and practical steps that can prove very effective when practiced! And as we always recommend here at MBB, read this book all the way through, and do so with an open mind. Not with the mind to make critique, but to absorb what you can from it that is meaningful and geared towards enhancing your life. We all have different writing styles and ways we tell stories, but we all have something valuable to offer. Never discount that!

Read, and reread the chapter on money and begin to transition to your six figures, using those tools. You can have your money work for you! This is what we talk about and help women implement here at MBB through one of our signature programs MASTER Your Finances. But before you can MASTER your finances, you first gotta earn some money in order to have it work for you, and that’s in our signature program WERK Your Money Making Genie.

Barbara is perceptive, and this book is informative. Get this book Secrets of Six Figure Women: Surprising Strategies to Up Your Earnings and Change Your Life, read it, implement the strategies in your life, and expect to be improved – wholistically.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International

10 Success Habits The Empowered Woman Employ

10 Success Habits The Empowered Woman Employ

Our habits are at the center of who we are and what we do. They are derived from repetitious behavior over time as our minds etch them into patterns called neural pathways. These neural pathways help to govern our lives and make everyday tasks simpler; however, these tasks are done subconsciously and we don’t all have habits that serve us. In fact, most of our habits aren’t success habits; most of our habits are bad habits. These bad habits are what set us back. They’re the late-night snacking on not-so-healthy foods, or the over-watching of television, over-surfing of the Internet, smoking cigarettes when we know we should be quitting, and just about anything else that is a disservice to us. You know what your bad habits are! And, you know what your good habits are. The problem is that most peoples’ bad habits outweigh their good habits, and it’s a huge challenge to break bad habits and develop good habits. Nonetheless, we must all work at developing success oriented habits!

We all want to be successful in life at something! We have visions, goals and dreams we want to accomplish and often set in motion plans to achieve them. However, while some of us push tirelessly toward them every day and don’t relent until we accomplish what we set out to, that “some of us” is a very low number. According to a University of Scranton research, the number of people who accomplish their new year resolution goals is actually just 8%. Only 8 out of 100 people who set a goal on New Year’s actually accomplish it. Surprising? Not at all! We have all been there before when we’ve set goals, got excited about them, then when that excitement wore off, so did our drive to pursue those goals. The difference though, is in the passion we have for the dreams we have, and the habits we set in motion to ensure we achieve them.

So what are some of the habits we can adopt to ensure we accomplish our goals?

Here are 10 Success Habits The Empowered Woman Employ

Success Habit 1. The Empowered Woman Set Goals Daily

The first success habit the empowered woman employ is to set her goals every single day. And, she does not only set them and forget them, she follows through. Otherwise, it does not work! She understands that working the plan is just as important as making the plan. So, set your goals every single day and look at your progress. Even if you set long-term goals, you have to review them every day. Break them down into smaller goals and milestones that you can accomplish daily. Goal setting is an important skill to have! And not passive goal setting where it’s vaguely in your mind, it must be active goal setting where it’s written down on paper and visible, instead of being tucked away. They have to be visceral! When your goals are real and on paper, something changes – it becomes real. You have a target!

The empowered women recognizes that the habit of goal setting is a must-have success habit because everything in life revolves around goals. If you set your goals properly, and you know what you want, when you want it by, and why you want it, then your life takes on an entirely different meaning. You have some sense of purpose; you’re not just aimlessly going about your day, but you are intentional and purposeful.

Success Habit 2. The Empowered Woman Manages Her Time Efficiently

The second success habit the empowered woman employ is to manage her time efficiently. Time management is essential to succeeding in any area of our lives. We all know just how much time we waste on a daily basis doing things that we probably shouldn’t be doing. We excessively surf the web, chat on social media, text message with our friends, watch television, go out too often, and the list goes on and on. At the end of the day, the things that are vital to the achievement of our big goal are not touched on at all.

The empowered woman knows that in order to manage her time efficiently, she has to get organized. This literally only takes a few minutes each day. The first thing you’ll need to do is adhere to the #1 success habit and that is to set goals daily. When you break your day down into what you need to do, you can categorize the importance of those things. Based on the Eisenhower Principle of time management, everything can be categorized on a scale of urgent and important. So, on this scale as Stephen R. Covey in his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People explained, there are four quadrants based upon the urgency and importance of any task. Tasks can either be Quadrant 1) urgent and important, Quadrant 2) not urgent but important, Quadrant 3) urgent but not important, or Quadrant 4) not urgent and not important. The place to spend most of your time is in Quadrant 2, which is the area that enhance your life and propel you towards achieving your long-term goals.

5 Ways to Stop Procrastinating So You Can Accomplish Your Goals - Time Management Matrix - My Blooming Biz

Success Habit 3. The Empowered Woman Measures and Tracks Everything

The third success habit the empowered woman employ is to measure and track everything; from her goals, to her time, to her finances, to her weight, and everything in between. She knows that the only way to make changes where change is necessary, is to measure her progress – whether she is advancing or declining, whether she is moving along at the pace she intended, what areas need change, and what can be done to accelerate her progress. Tracking means you are intentional about what you’re doing. When you track your time, your time goes only where you want it to. When you track your finances, your money goes only where you want it to. When you track your weight, you maintain only the weight you want to keep. Everything you track, you are able to do something about it to ensure it works for you and not against you.

This success habit doesn’t take that much time. There is some initial setup, say in building a spreadsheet that can help you track things like your weight, your expenses, and so on. But, the daily input of the numbers doesn’t take that long. Getting into the habit of doing this is the hard part, but once you have pushed through with discipline, it will become easier and your new auto habit. So, commit to spending 15-minutes each day tracking everything. You can do it in the beginning of the day for the prior day or at the end of the day for that same day. If you promise yourself you will only spend 15 minutes doing something, your brain realizes that it’s not a huge hurdle for it to make. In fact, none of the 10 success habits the empowered woman employ, will take you huge commitments of time. What it will take is actually engaging in them on a consistent basis – day after day.

Success Habit 4. The Empowered Woman Budget and Spend Wisely

The fourth success habit the empowered woman employ is to budget and spend wisely. She recognizes that money is one of the most important tools in this world and that if you aren’t born into a family with unlimited resources AND have access to it, you will need to carefully monitor your finances and continuously seek out ways to increase it. She is prudent in her monetary affairs, and takes every step necessary to not only maximize her earning potential, but also to ensure every dollar goes only where she wants it to. As humans, especially us women, we can be excessively impulsive with our spending. We don’t spend wisely and tend to base our decision-making process to purchase something on the subconscious inner directive of our mind. We’re not sure why we bought something, we just knew we had to have it. When you don’t budget and conduct your financial affairs accordingly, the ego has a way of shrouding your mindset and controlling your behavior with excuses as to why you should spend on whatever you want. It is a product of misinformation and an all-out manipulation by the subconscious mind. You simply had to have that “thing” because it was on sale and it might never go on sale again, blah, blah, blah.

So, budgeting and spending wisely is a success habit that the empowered woman employ and most of us know we need to implement. If you can take 15 minutes every day to track your spending and check your budget to ensure you are on par, then your ego will have less control as you would be in the know and more prone to be mindful of your spending – what you can and cannot afford, what is included and not included in your budget. You can use an app such as to track your spending. This won’t be easy at first. Like any of the other success habits mentioned here, it’s going to take some effort. But all you have to do is commit yourself to the process, and use 10 to 15 minutes every day to check your progress. If you can do that, then you can build on the momentum, and after a while it will become the new habit you formed. Just get started!

Success Habit 5. The Empowered Woman Pays Herself First

The fifth success habit the empowered woman employ is to pay herself first. One of the most important financial habits for success is paying yourself first. When you pay yourself first, you’re ensuring that YOU are taken care of before anything else. You are making sure that you have savings and are covered in the event anything unforeseen and unplanned – life’s curves get thrown at you, you are prepared. You also want to ensure you are saving for your future when you will not be able to work as you can now when you are younger and more vibrant. Deciding on a sum and putting aside that portion in your saving and investment account, is the surefire way to secure yourself and your well-being. We here at MBB recommend deducting and saving at least 15% of your income from each paycheck, as soon as it is cashed. If you have a successful business, you can choose to set aside more. The more, the better! You can choose to have your bank deduct and transfer that amount from your checking to your savings or investment account automatically each pay period, which will ensure your portion gets set aside.

If your future means something to you then this is a success habit you must implement. We all want and wish the best for ourselves but we don’t know what the future holds. We don’t know what will happen in the next minute let alone a year or two, and so this makes it vitally important to save and continuously increase our net worth. Saving is a habit that invokes so much more than just putting money on autopilot, when you pay yourself first, this success habit actually activates a part of the mind that tells you you are getting somewhere – you are secure. So change your mindset! Make that shift and start paying yourself first. You will not be able to make significant progress in life without these kinds of success habits that will empower you and allow you to build a foundation for growth in the future.

Success Habit 6. The Empowered Woman Exercise Every Day

The sixth success habit the empowered woman employ is to exercise every day. Exercise does not have to be an enormous mental hurdle. In fact, there are a variety of ways to exercise and you can commit to doing the most basic which is a few stretches followed by a brisk 15 minute walk – everyday. You can walk around the block in your neighborhood, or choose to use a treadmill. The most important thing is that you do some form of exercise, and once you get started and continue to for a while, it will become the new good habit you have formed. Once you commit to 15 minutes each day and follow through the first few days, your mind will cease trying to talk you out of it. Your subconscious won’t be able to help you reason your way out of why you don’t want to exercise any day.

This success habit is important to your health, your vitality, and your overall well-being. Learn to embrace it! If you have a hard time getting started in the morning, then place your running shoes and clothes next to your bed. When you open your eyes in the morning, lace up, get dressed, and hit the ground running (or walking). Don’t think about it! Just do it!

Success Habit 7. The Empowered Woman Get Ample Amount of Sleep

The seventh success habit the empowered woman employ is to get ample amount of sleep. The empowered woman knows that in order for her to operate at her best and maintain her overall health, she must get the amount of sleep her body, mind, and spirit require, and as such, she takes time out to ascertain her sleep number so she can get the amount of sleep her body needs in order to function optimally. One of the best habits that seem to allude most people is to get ample amount of sleep. We are all alike but different in a lot of ways, and our sleep number or number of hours required for us to function at our best, varies from person to person. This is why it is important for each of us to check ourselves and know what our individual sleep number is. When you awake in the mornings you should not be groggy or tired, you should feel well rested, replenished, and rejuvenated. If you do not, then it means you need more rest. You have not used your sleep number!

Success Habit 8. The Empowered Woman Takes Daily Action

The eighth success habit the empowered woman employ is taking daily action. The empowered woman knows that becoming complacent and slacking off – even for a day, can become habit forming and thus detrimental to her success. Many people have attested to this phenomenon that refusing to remain consistent even in short instances, will pave the way for all out complacency. We have all been there at some point in our life when we say, “oh, I’ll do it tomorrow” or “It’s not terrible if I take a day off, I’ll do it tomorrow” and then tomorrow became the following day, and the following day became the following day, and on and on it goes all the way to not getting done at all. Procrastination is not in the empowered woman’s handbook! And it shouldn’t be in yours! When you can habitually take action towards your goals and dreams, you get closer and closer with each passing day. Even if the progress is minimal, as long as it’s constant, you will get to your goal.

Success Habit 9. The Empowered Woman Makes Healthy Choices

The ninth success habit the empowered woman employ is making healthy choices. Making healthy choices can be difficult, especially when we’re pressed for time. We may grab the nearest burger from the fast food joint closest to us because we are pressed for time and at times tired too. We may choose to skip our exercise regime because we are working at something and need to meet a deadline. We may choose to stay up all night just so we can watch that movie marathon we’ve been itching to watch for days. And the list goes on and on. The empowered woman knows the importance of always being in good shape – mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially and so she deliberately make choices that will allow her to remain in great shape at all times.

In order to help in making the right choices, you must get organized and set things in motion to facilitate making healthy choices. For example, you can plan your meals for your week on the weekend and even prep or partially prep some of them. You can try to not leave things for last minute where you have to sacrifice your fitness regimen. And you can choose to watch your marathon at a more appropriate time by DVRing it and watching it at a time more convenient that’s not cutting in to your sleep time. Have an apple ready on hand if you get hungry to snack rather than a candy bar because your body will thank you. Our body spends more than 50% of its energy digesting foods that are rich in carbs, fats, and sugars. As such, we should focus on natural fats and sugars through things like avocados, fruits, vegetables, and naturally-sourced foods. This is a major success habit that literally takes little to no time if you plan ahead. All you have to do is decide that you’ll make better decisions on a daily basis about what you eat, when you sleep, and what you will and will not allow to interfere with your healthy habits.

Success Habit 10. The Empowered Woman Practice Gratitude Everyday

The 10th and final success habit the empowered woman employ is practicing gratitude everyday. This does not take much time to implement! And, the empowered woman is very much aware of the positives that come from being grateful and showing gratitude. She maintains a gratitude journal and writes what she is grateful for every, single, day. We can all find something to be thankful for everyday. Clean water. Nutritious foods. The ability to use our mental faculties. The ability to live, breathe, and move about freely without any form of mechanical aid. Getting back home safely after a long day out. Our family being happy, healthy, and by our side. And so many more things we can give thanks for daily. It doesn’t have to be big! It could even be that the rain started falling just as you walk through the door and are home safely with your family. All you need to do is spend 5 or 10 minutes each day writing out what you have to be grateful for and why. If you say that you have nothing to be grateful for then you’re not thinking hard enough. The problem that many of us have in life is that we only tend to look at the BIG things and compare ourselves to the Joneses (and the Kardashians) when we fall short. At the end of your day, just tune in in a quiet place, and think about your day and those little things that you appreciate that made your day worthwhile. You will see you have so much to be grateful for!  Remember, gratitude opens the door so that success can enter in.

In a nutshell, the empowered woman invests in herself – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.  She knows that if she takes care of herself – mind, body, spirit, they will in turn take care of her.  She knows that what she puts in is what she’ll get out, and does everything in her power to learn, grow, and thrive.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International

Transformational Book Series – Our Picks | Get Over Your Damn Self

In January we kicked off a new MBB series to highlight transformational books for women called, Transformational Book Series – Our Picks. This month we’re excited to continue the series by sharing with you our next transformational book in the series – Get Over Your Damn Self by Romi Neustadt.

Get Over Your Damn Self - Transformational Book PickGet Over Your Damn Self: The No-BS Blueprint to Building a Life-Changing BusinessEvery one of us, at some point or another, need to just “Get Over Our Damn Self” and get sh*t done! Yesssss! This book is specifically written for women in network marketing, and women who are also into multi level marketing; however, every woman who is in business for herself can learn a thing or two from this book. If you are looking to gain some insight into taking your business to the next level by working on it instead of in it, then you will benefit greatly from this networking treasure map.

We are featuring this book because it emphasizes what we teach here at MBB and expound on the many ways you can unleash the power that is already within you to build the life you really desire – if only you dare to make it happen.

This book is designed to help you make bold moves and take brave steps towards your goals – regardless of what others say, or how defeated you feel because you didn’t acquire that important foundational piece you needed to kickstart your venture. No more folding! You’re gonna get up, get back in the game, get out there and seek, seek, seek, until you get whatever you need to help you make it happen. If you get knocked down or turned down 10 times, get back up 11 times – more confident than ever – learn from your losses, toss them and continue on to your next target – better prepared than you were last time. Perseverance is key to pursuing and accomplishing anything meaningful in our lives. Others may not understand your pursuit, but as long as you have your valid “why” and you are confident that what you are pursuing is absolutely what you want to accomplish – let nothing, and no-one keep you off track. You may get knocked off track, that’s life, but do not remain there. You are stronger than you think you are! And as the great Nelson Mandela once said, “It always seems impossible until it is done.” Change your mindset, change your life!

Through this book you’re going to learn:

1) The Posture to confidently connect with anyone about your business and your products.

2) The Possibilities for a lucrative, efficient and enormously rewarding turn key business.

3) The Power that’s already within you to build the life you really want… if you dare.

Like us, here at MBB, Romi Neustadt is passionate about helping others build lucrative businesses that will help to create a life of freedom and flexibility. A life where you are better able to live your true purpose, and enjoy a more fulfilling life. She encourages us to shift our mindset so we can stop over complicating our situations and not allow negative voices in our heads to win.

These are some of the strategies we use here at MBB, and we encourage you to read as many of our transformational book picks as possible, and put their teachings and tips into practice. If you are a client of ours we have already passed them on to you through one or more of our many programs and workshops here, but for those of you who are reading this and it’s new to you, go ahead and get this book Get Over Your Damn Self: The No-BS Blueprint to Building a Life-Changing Business, read it, and implement these strategies in your life.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International

6 Things to Consider When Thinking About Transitioning From Employed to Self Employed

6 Things to Consider When Thinking About Transitioning from Employed to Self-Employed

One of the most rewarding things a woman can do, is to become self employed. Not only does it allow for unlimited freedom of time and schedule, but it also permits the possibility of limitless inflow of monies based on her individual needs or desire. There is also a risky side to this as far as her being responsible for every aspect of the business which may not all be parts of her educational repertoire, but will need to get done whether she hires someone or do it all herself. Then there is the monetary startup costs to consider that most businesses need in order to get up and running.

There is also the need to keep abreast of cash flow and have solid information based on previous market research as to when she will actually start making money in the business and getting past breaking even to profit making. Technology and the internet have made becoming an entrepreneur or business owner more viable today than ever before as vital information is easily and more readily available, and the onus of reaching potential clients – practically non-existent. With a great product or service, an effective marketing plan, and impeccable money management it is possible to become your own boss and have a successful business.

6 Things to Consider When Thinking About Transitioning From Employed To Self Employed

Getting from employment to self employment should not be done in one jump but rather by using a gradual transitional approach; unless, of course, you are either a) forced to do so, or b) independently wealthy. There are many things to consider when deciding whether or not you are ready for entrepreneurship, some of which are:

1. Viable Idea(s) for Product(s) and/or Service(s)

Whatever product or service you decide to offer, you need to ensure there is a market for it, and that the market is not already saturated with that product or service. This is where market research comes in and is very essential and will prevent you from venturing out in a market your product or service is not welcomed in, which will cause your business to ultimately fail. If you have a product of your own creation, you will also need to ascertain if that product is already out there in the marketplace in order to avoid getting sued for selling a product that is already trademarked. This is where trademarking check comes in.

Having a viable business idea may take some trial and error, but overall you need to start out with a workable idea that can be planned out through a business plan. A solid business plan is a necessity and if you feel the plan’s concept overwhelms you, the operation of the actual business may be far more overwhelming for you.

2. Startup Financial Costs – Bootstrapping or Loan

If you are planning to leave your 9-5 and head full time into business, you need to be sure your finances are in order to support your endeavors. Whether you will be bootstrapping or securing a loan, you’ll need to have enough cash in the bank to not only cover necessary business expenses but also to accommodate living expenses for several months, and possibly years, until your business pulls in a profit. As previously stated, if you do your market research, have a great product, and an effective marketing plan, you may be able to turnover a profit sooner – possibly within a few months. Don’t forget as an entrepreneur you’ll be responsible for paying relevant taxes in addition to other expenses.

You need to pre-plan how much you will need to have on hand to survive and grow the business until it becomes profitable – a back up plan in case success does not come in a timely manner. Many business models do not generate actual profits for the first few years of business, and is exactly why many people start a business while working part time to keep a steady income coming in.

3. Financial Planning for the Short and LongTerm Future

All the benefits you are possibly getting now as an employee, will not be available to you anymore! So ideally, you want to create a business plan that somewhat determines where the business should be headed and how money factors into that plan for the short as well as long term. Now that you will be responsible for yourself in all sense of the word “responsible”, you will now need to think about health care insurance and savings for retirement. Even if you are young when starting out now, you need to consider how you will save for the immediate future’s needs as well as the distant future. If you are married, you may be able to organize a plan using the employment benefits of your partner if he is working a 9-5 job, but it is essential to see the big picture when planning to start your journey of self-employment.

You may want to put our business in motion while working your 9-5 in order to continue reaping the benefits of being an employee while seeking to become your own boss. Or if your company doesn’t offer much benefits but you need the income in place as you transition, you may seek to work in a part-time capacity at your same job if allowed, or choose to work a part-time job somewhere else. You may also choose to have a second job – part-time, to try and save enough money for the business startup. If you do plan on taking on the extra part-time job, make sure you consider that investment of time away from other people and things in your life – family, pets – as you work to manage two jobs.

4. The Time It Will Take To Get Your Business Up & Running & For Ongoing Operation

It is normal for a business in the startup phase to require a lot of time to get up and running. But depending on the type of business you are planning to start, you may need a lot more time to be a part of its day to day activity – ongoing, than you are now putting in to your 9-5. This means that you may have to sacrifice time with the people and things you love in order to not only pursue your new venture of business ownership or entrepreneurship, but also to maintain it. This is a BIG one that you should consider deeply!

5. The Scalability and Survivability of the Business

Are you planning to have a business to last for your lifetime only or are you planning on having it continue on through generations? If the latter, who will run the business over the long haul in the years to come? This should be included in the business plan as well as be considered when deriving the type of business structure – Sole Proprietorship, LLC, or Corporation. Also, in the short-term and everyday running of the business, can the business function without your active involvement or you being present? What if you become ill or have an emergency and needs to get away, is there someone in place to keep the business functional until you are able to return? How will the business be setup to accommodate growth?

6. Coordinating a Departure Point

Your final departure from your job should be carefully thought out and crafted so that everything work in your favor – the way you want them to, enabling you a smooth transitioning. Not many employers will be appreciative of your perceived moonlighting and as such, may be apt to terminate your services and thus your reliable income source before you are at that point where you are ready to let go and move on. Because of this, you want to be very discreet. However, what goes around comes around, so you shouldn’t try to leave them hanging – especially if you’re in a position that is necessary for the functionality of the business.

You want to figure in 2 to 3 weeks or maybe a month into your departure plan, where you will notify your employer of your plans to leave after you have reached that point you set, then give them that allotted timeframe to possibly recruit someone and have you facilitate a smooth transition from you to that new employee. Never burn bridges even though you’ve already crossed them!

Self-employment takes dedication and effort – if you plan for success. There are many more opportunities today for those who want to work independently and earn a living doing something they genuinely enjoy. With the right amount of planning and attention to details, especially the financial ones, you can find a new career and a new way of life. So, it is quite possible and a true treasure to be your own boss instead of being bossed, but in order to ensure you have a business that is successful and sustainable and will be around for the long haul, you must bear all the above-mentioned in mind prior to leaving your job, and do so in a gradual transitional manner rather than one huge jump.

Many people have taken the “sink or swim” approach to becoming self employed, but we do not recommend it here at My Blooming Biz. Weigh the pros and cons of handling all aspects of the business and the entrepreneurial life before making the commitment.

Here’s to weighing the pros and cons and making the decision that is right for you 🍷

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International