We all want to live a better life, and thankfully we can! We each can assess our current situation – at any given moment, and commit to make choices that will help us live a better life in the days and years to come.
If you’ve not been making assessments as you go throughout your year, there is no better time to take stock and begin the assessment, than at the ending of a year. So as we approach 2020, let’s get ourselves in alignment for the manifestation of our desired improvements to take place. You want to reinforce your old goals that were not manifested in 2019, create new goals to be manifested in 2020, and craft your plan to ensure your vision come to fruition. You want to look at these 2 central questions “What’s going well in your life right now?” and “What can be improved?” and work at making the necessary changes. Even if you had the best year of your life in 2019, there is room for improvement in 2020 and beyond.Here are 10 Surefire Things You Can Do to Live a Better Life in 2020 and Beyond
1. Allocate More Time to YOUR Self, YOUR Needs, YOUR Goals, YOUR Dreams
If you’re like too many of us, you expend yourself to your family, friends, and many times colleagues, to the point where you have little to no time to do YOU or work at materializing your vision for yourself! You can commit to changing that come 2020! We’re not saying you should abandon your family, friends, and colleagues. What we’re saying is, take more time for yourself! Allot some of the time you take to deal with others’ issues, to deal with YOU and YOURS. Think about it! You probably had some things you wanted to accomplish in 2019, but because of over-extending, you did not accomplish them. When you would have been able to had you take some of that time and resources for you. There’s no harm in that! Moreover, when you are healthier, happier, and more fulfilled, you are better able to give the best of yourself while maintaining the authentic YOU. Resolve that YOU, your needs, your goals will take precedence in 2020 and beyond. You deserve the best of YOU!
2. Get Help With What You Don’t Know So Your Dreams Can Be Materialized
None of us know everything! And so we must realize when we come to that point where our knowledge and technical know-how ends and new knowledge and technical know-how is needed in order for a particular thing to be realized. Either learn the skills to do it, or hire someone who already possess the skills to do it. Take stock of the net effect between: you learning to do it versus hiring someone to do it, and whether you will need to do it in the future vs a one time need; the time it will take you to learn it then do it vs the time it will take to have someone who already possess the necessary knowledge and skill to do it, and the cost for you learning vs delegating. You must do your due diligence to ensure the person you hire possess the necessary knowledge and technical know-how to do it, so you do not defeat the purpose of outsourcing it, which could end up costing you more time and resources. Do not unintentionally hinder your progress!
3. Examine How the People You Have Constantly Helped Can Help You With Your Pursuit
Too many of us give and give and give some more, but don’t like to ask and take in return. Resolve to asking and taking in 2020. It’s time for returns! Take a look at the people you’ve been helping whether in cash or in kind and see how they can help you with your pursuit. Many times they have tools, skills, or resources we could use but we often overlook because we do not like to ask. If we are paying we will buy, but if it’s free we do not want. They are not afraid to ask! In fact, some of them are shameless in asking, taking and infringing – and we let them. No more come 2020! Make 2020 an equal opportunity year, a year of give and take!
4. Uplevel Your Goods and/or Services So You Can Be Proud to Market Them (and Market Them)
You are always shouting from the rooftop how great someone else’s product or service is. Resolve to start shouting about your goods or services! Unless of course, you don’t believe they are good enough at which point you should either: a) upgrade to the best level they can be at, or b) totally forget about and stop selling them. If YOU don’t think they are good enough, neither will your prospective customers. Make 2020 the year you are proud of your offer(s) and unapologetic in marketing them – E V E R Y W H E R E!
5. Work Smarter, Not Harder! Setup Systems and Utilize Tools to Help Make Every Task Easier
There is rarely anything we have to do that a tool is not available for – thanks to technology and the Internet. From on page grammar software (so we do not have to reach for the dictionary or thesaurus) when writing our books, updating our blogs, or compiling reports, to ready made content management software and interface to make our website creation process more timely, seamless, and user-friendly. From integrated apps that allow for online purchases to be made and downloaded to financial systems, to applications that allow for one step automatic publication on social media platforms simultaneously to improve marketing. Tools are available to help make our lives easier! All we have to do is to research the tools available to help with our particular task at any given moment, and selecting the one most suitable. Resolve to use all the systems and tools available at your disposal to make your life easier come 2020 and beyond!
6. Begin Pursuing That Degree That Will Propel You to Your Next Level Up at Your Job (or Somewhere Else With The Same Position)
You’ve been on your job for quite a few years now and eyeing that next level up position. And although you know you can do it, and possess the necessary skills and technical know-how to do it, you’ve watched others snoop in from outside and take it. You’ve investigated and have come to the realization that what’s been keeping you from that position is the academic credentials necessary to get to it. Now you must decide whether you want to invest in that higher education to secure that higher up position, or give up on that dream and remain where you are. If that position is what you truly desire, then resolve to attaining that degree. However, bear in mind that nothing is a guarantee in life! You may not end up getting that position at your current job – even after attaining that degree; but you could seek that same or similar position at some other organization. Let 2020 be the year you begin the steps to achieving your next level up degree so you can fulfill your dream of being in that particular position!
7. Worry Less! Enjoy More!
Shit happens! That’s inevitable. As long as we are here on this earth realm we are going to experience things we would rather not experience (yet have no control over) and will have to navigate our way through them and on to the next more positive experience in the next season. Of course, we have to worry at times. It’s the natural thing we do especially as women and mothers; when our child is suppose to be home from school an hour ago but is still not home and our telephone calls to check on them go unanswered. We worry! Panic even! And in a case like this, worry is warranted, but we must try to remain calm enough to think clearly on solutions. Many people are natural worriers who go through life worrying about the smallest to the biggest things. However, we must all strive to focus more on the positives, and give the negatives only enough time to resolve them. Life is full of surprises, and that more times than not, is a good thing. Let go of all those unnecessary worries that are causing stress – taking away years from your life, and embrace those joyous moments that are adding years to your life. Resolve to making 2020 that year you begin enjoying more, and worrying less!
8. Rid Yourself of All Dead Weight So You Can Fly
Lose the things that have not served you or your best interests! No, you will no longer be that person everyone calls on when they need something (which seems like always) but never call (in between their “help me” calls) to see how you’re doing and if you need anything. People will take advantage of us – if we let them. So the onus is on us to set boundaries and be okay with saying no – especially when our whole fiber of being is screaming no but our mouth puts forth a yes. That “friend” who keeps inviting you to dinner but then you have to pay. That one who wants you to watch her children so she can go off and have some “me time” but when you want her to watch your children so you can go off and have some “me time” she has a million reasons why she can’t. That one who is always borrowing your stuff and never return them, or when she does return them they are dirty or damaged. Or what about that one who has been sleeping on your couch, eating your foods, using your gas, water and light for almost a year and have not contributed in any way to anything. And when you line them up with a job they complain it’s not the type of job they want to do. The audacity! You don’t need any of this in your life. You may only see the financial way it’s affecting you, but just know that it’s also affecting you emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. Any scenario where you feel – even in the slightest, that someone is taking advantage of you, resolve to allow them – no more!
9. Get and Keep Your Finances In Order (or Uplevel Your Finances)
The more money we make, the more money we spend! While this does not apply to everyone, it does apply to the majority of people who are busy making money – whether through jobs, businesses, or investing. With each milestone of zero we add to our money pile, there is something we want to spend on. A bigger house, possibly in a more thriving neighborhood. A fancier car – to go with the roads and norms in that new neighborhood, and some name brand clothing and jewelry as well as country club subscriptions to go with the upleveled lifestyle. And there is nothing wrong with this! We get one chance at this thing called life, and it’s imperative we live it to our fullest potential. Bottom line: Regardless of how good your financial situation is, there is always room for improvement. And one of the most important thing anyone can do in this lifetime on this earth, is to get and keep their finances in order. As our founder and CEO Eugénie Nugent reiterates in her UPPPP Your Genius System of Programs, her WERK Your Money Making Genie Workshop, and her MASTER Your Finances Workshop “Having your finances in order is the highest form of self love, a love that cannot help but to command respect”. She could never be more true! If you are already financially in order, then make the move to continue upleveling your finances in 2020 and beyond. If you are not yet in order financially, resolve to have your finances in order come 2020 and beyond. Let 2020 be that year you drastically upgrade your net worth and begin accumulating real wealth.
10. Self Care 365 – Unapologetically
Last, but not least, selfcare 365! You’ve worked hard at getting to the place you are today – financially, emotionally, physically, spiritually – all the ally’s. You’ve helped others achieve some things they wanted to achieve. You’ve done your family, your friends, and sometimes colleagues, but not enough doing YOU. Starting 2020 and going beyond 2020, resolve to spend more time on you – #SelfCare #SelfLove. Whether you want to spend more time working out at the gym, swimming, getting your weekly massage, making your own natural juices, relaxing in your jacuzzi with your fine glass of wine, curled up in your favorite chair with your favorite books, trekking around the world to the various countries and cities you have on your bucket list, or relaxing in solace for quiet meditation and reflection, it is all self care and you have the right to afford yourself those things and experiences. All the things you’ve been wanting to do, do them. Dote on and pamper YOU – unapologetically!
These 10 surefire things to do to live a better life may not all apply to you, but heed the ones that do. Make your assessment, set your new goals, draft your plan of action to accomplish them, and and stay the course in materializing them. Here’s to a happy and prosperous 2020 and beyond 🍷
With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

Those are definitely things we can do to live a better life. I use to be that person everyone call on, and sometimes I use to wonder why every time the phone rings or the bell rings it’s someone looking to ask me for something. It really troubled my spirit and you know what I gave them what they wanted every time! And many times when they get off the phone or leave, I felt so empty. It wasn’t until later I heard Oprah talking about learning to say “no”. It didn’t seem like an option to me before that, since I usually have what they wanted, but you bet I listened to Oprah 🙂 I remember jumping literally and shouting “I can say no. NOOOOOOO!” That was liberating for me, and I’m so glad I was tuned in to that show and saw that.
Now I’m learning that that is another way people unintentionally steal our energy.
I love #2. Get help with what you don’t know. I sometimes try to do it all and then have to seek help, which was a waste of some time. Should have just hire it out to begin with. But what do you know? You live and you learn.
Great post 🙂
Loving this article 🙂 Feeling hyped for 2020. Since I discovered you guys I have become so inspired taking major action and all. I will definitely walk into 2020 with a whole lot of attitude, gratitude and grace.
Great article! I’m with you on all 10 things to do to live a better life, and I damn sure am in line for a fantastic 2020. Starting with your MASTER Your Finances workshop.