20 Tony Robbins Quotes To Help You Manifest Your Greatness & Become The Empowered Woman You Were Truly Meant to Be

20 Tony Robbins Quotes to help You Manifest Your Greatness and Become the Empowered Woman You Were Born to Be

Tony Robbins, the highly sought after, deep thinking, thought-provoking motivational speaker has given us a lot of wise words we can meditate on and use to enhance our lives. His wisdom stems from his personal experiences as well as his view and observation of the people and world around him. He is doing amazing things in this world by impacting the lives of those of us who are passionate about self development.

My Blooming Biz has made it a priority for our entire team to attend at least one of his conferences, and being live has been an indescribable experience; one that for some reason has the potential to make one absorb more. However, if you haven’t had the chance to go see and experience him live, it is not too late. And if you really won’t be able to make it at all, no worries! He is everywhere speaking and his wisdom can be accessed via his books: 1) Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny!, 2) MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom, 3) Unlimited Power : The New Science Of Personal Achievement, his website, and across many influential media online.

Today we are sharing with you twenty of his quotes that are based on what we are passionate about here at My Blooming Biz, which is empowering you to manifest your greatness, and becoming the woman you were truly meant to be.

Twenty Tony Robbins Quotes to Empower You to Manifest YOUR Greatness and Become the Empowered Woman You Were Born to Be:

1. “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

2. “Create a vision and never let the environment, other people’s beliefs, or the limits of what has been done in the past shape your decisions.”

3. “Take control of your consistent emotions and begin to consciously and deliberately reshape your daily experience of life.”

4. “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”

5. “Your life changes the moment you make a new, congruent, and committed decision.”

6. “We can change our lives. We can do, have and be exactly what we wish.”

7. “The path to success is to take massive, determined action.”

8. “The secret of success is learning to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you’re in control of your life. If you don’t, life controls you.”

9. “Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.”

10. “Lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action.”

11. “Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all our resources on mastering a single area of our lives.”

12. “One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.”

13. “Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or that can literally save their lives.”

14. “If you don’t set a baseline standard for what you’ll accept in life, you’ll find it’s easy to slip into behaviors and attitudes or a quality of life that’s far below what you deserve.”

15. “There is no such thing as failure. There are only results.”

16. “Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions.”

17. “Leaders spend 5% of their time on the problem & 95% of their time on the solution. Get over it and crush it!”

18. “Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment.”

19. “Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.”

20. “I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk.”

So to wrap up in a nutshell:

1. You must set goals in order to make anything you wish become a reality. And remember what we constantly stress here, that your goals must be S.M.A.R.T.

2. After creating your vision for your life, get to working on it, and allow nothing and no one to get in the way of you realizing that vision. This is powerful because too many times we allow what people say to sway our view of ourselves and have us question our capability to see our visions through. Don’t allow anyone to project their limiting view of themselves onto you. Create your vision, align yourself, and pursue pursue pursue.

3. Be conscious and present with yourself always and ensure you do what you want to do, and feel the way you want to feel on a daily basis by aligning yourself with the right people, environs and choosing how you respond to internal as well as external stimuli.

4. Decision-making is a huge part of our everyday lives, and one that can affect us enormously in good or bad ways. Thus it is imperative to apply critical thinking and brainstorming opposing ends before making BIG decisions.

5. You will see the changes you desire, the moment you make decisions that are in alignment with accomplishing your goals, and remain committed.

6. Absolutely! If we first know what we want, brainstorm how to get it, then put a plan in place and take consistent steps towards it – with discipline, we can indeed be, do and have WHATEVER we desire.

7. As he says, you must take huge, determined action to get to where you want to be – successful at whatever you’re pursuing.

8. Use every experience – pleasant or unpleasant to propel you towards your goal. Deduct the lesson, and use it to advance you forward.

9. Learning to ask the right questions is key in helping us receive the right answers for our different situations.

10. Knowing what to do is not enough. You have to start implementing what you know in order to get results, for it to materialize, to come to fruition.

11. If we channel our energy into mastering one single area of our life, there is a bigger potential that we will master that area, and that will bring us success. Instead of trying to do multiple things at once – businesses, careers, etc. focus on one thing – the thing you love to do, are very good at, and has the potential to make you money.

12. Concentrating our power in one area is a surefire way for us to achieve what we truly desire. Dabbling will result in the total opposite.

13. We have the power to shift our mindset, and use our experiences to enhance our lives. For example our mistakes which we call missteps here at My Blooming Biz, you can view them as stepping stones, deduct the lessons from them and use those lessons as catalyst for your advancement.

14. We must set clear standards and guidelines for ourselves and ensure we adhere to them. Without these in place anything will go, and anything go lifestyle is detrimental.

15. Again, perspective makes the difference. Take time out to mourn what you view as your loss, but don’t dwell there. Examine the input and the results, and learn from it.

16. You must identify your problem or else you cannot solve it; however, once you have, do not spend your time focusing on the problem. Use your time and energy to find the solution to your problem. Some of us can talk about the problem for days, with little to no focus on a solution. The problem will take all the power and energy, leaving none to brainstorm a solution.

17. Yes! Same here again. Spend as little time as possible – just enough to figure out what the problem is, then use most of your time to craft and devise a solution to the problem. Being solution-oriented pays!

18. If you have not been giving, then you have not yet received the biggest fulfillment any human can experience. There is a deep fulfillment to be had from giving selflessly and sincerely.

19. By replenishing and becoming more than what we currently are and have, we can therefore give what has not yet been given.

20. Make your life the masterpiece you want it to be, by knowing what you want, crafting a plan to get it, and moving consistently towards it – with discipline. As we say here at My Blooming Biz, Design and Live Your Dream Lifestyle.

So there you have it, Twenty Tony Robbins Quotes to Help You Manifest Your Greatness and Become The Empowered Woman You Were Truly Meant To Be.

Cheers to your empowerment 🍷

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International

Transformational Book Series – Our Picks | The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Last month marked the start of a new MBB series to highlight transformational books for women called Transformational Book Series – Our Picks. This month we’re excited to continue the series by sharing with you our next transformational book in the series – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey.

Transformational Book Series - Our Picks | The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People We have adopted his principle-centered, holistic approach to efficiency in our programs, and it is highly attributive to our culture and operations here at MBB.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People outlines seven habits everyone must have in order to navigate life effectively. We all know that there is an order to things in this life, but what the author has done in this book is to orchestrate the order and clarify its components. He has established timeless principles that have proven effective to millions of people around the world, and women have used them to transform their lives enormously.

So what are these 7 habits of highly effective people?

Habit.1) Be Proactive

Habit.2) Begin with the end in mind

Habit.3) Put first things first

Habit.4) Think win win

Habit.5) Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Habit.6) Synergize

Habit.7) Sharpen the Saw

Be Proactive

As we continue to emphasize in all our programs here at MBB, you must remain proactive in all your endeavors. People who are proactive accomplish more with less time, and are proven to be happier than people who are reactive – accomplishing less with more time. In reactive living one focuses on the things he or she cannot control and continuously complain about it – uselessly, while the proactive lifestyler focus on what he or she can control and influence, and using those things to improve their situation.

Begin With The End in Mind

This approach serves us well when applied to everything we set out to do. And that is why it is so deeply engraved in everything we do here at MBB. When you visualize your end goal, you end up having a strategic vision for yourself or your business. You will then set and implement SMART goals with each task aligning and moving you closer to that vision being accomplished. That vision of your end goal will keep you anchored, and the strategic steps you’ve laid out in your goal book will simplify the process encouraging you to keep going as you move forward and the end becomes closer and clearer in view. If you don’t know what you want, you will not know how to get it, and if you don’t know where you’re going, you will not know how to get there.

Put First Things First

In our modern day super busy lifestyle, if we’re not careful we can run ourselves into the ground “busy doing everything” but accomplishing very little in the process. And so this habit is designed to help us prioritize. Prioritizing how we use our most important resource – time, is paramount if we are to live efficiently – using less time to get more. This habit is divided into four quadrants where you will layout all your dealings or things to do in order of priority. They are: Quadrant 1 – important and urgent, Quadrant 2 – important but not urgent, Quadrant 3 – urgent but not important, and Quadrant 4 – not urgent and not important. This setup allows us to live our lives according to the values we choose for ourselves, and enable us to consciously use our time to focus on those things that are taking us closer to our goals in quadrant 1, with the rest of our time spent in quadrant 2 improving ourselves.

Think Win Win

For the most part, we all want to win when we compete. And for a lot of things such as sports competition, someone has to lose in order for the other to win. In many things however, such as in business, a person or company does not have to lose in order for another to win. We can entertain what Stephen Covey calls the Win Win approach – which means finding ways to build interdependent relationships and make business deals that are mutually beneficial to all involved. Thinking win win can only happen when parties involved are approaching the relationship from an abundance mentality rather than a scarcity mentality. The abundance mentality as the name suggests, is having the world view that that there is plenty of “success” out there for everyone to have, while the scarcity mentality will put you in a “zero-sum” mind-frame which says, “If you get it, I don’t.”

Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood

This is huge! Your important relationships could benefit from this. Many times in relationships we end up escalating discourse that could have been simply resolved, into big “OOC” arguments that many times causes hurtful words to be introduced that are relationship-killing. We each so deftly want to be understood, that no effort is made to understand the other party. Imagine, if we listen to understand, instead of listening only to respond. This principle can also be applied to religion, race, countries. Can you imagine what would happen if we all seek first to understand, then to be understood?


We love synergy here at MBB! What this habit means is to engage in teamwork so openly and so well that even disagreements and differences of opinion can somehow lead to finding new ways of approaching a problem or even solving them. When members in a team are thinking win win and seeking first to understand each other, it will have no alternative but to lead to synergy, aligning on the same side with the same goals, and finding creative solutions despite the earlier disagreement in managing the project. This habit if adopted by everyone, could change our world for the better. No more wars, killings, fightings – just synergizing and basically finding common ground.

Sharpen the Saw

Yes, we cannot become so complacent that we stop learning, improving, and growing. Sharpening our Saw means taking the time to ensure our minds, bodies, and spirits are ready to take on the challenge of constant improvement. However, this cannot happen unless we take a step back from our hectic, ever demanding schedules in order to rest, reflect, read and fill our spirits, and spend quality time with our loved ones doing the things we all enjoy doing – at regular intervals. To remain highly effective, we must constantly recharge and restore our body, mind and spirit.

We have adopted these principles here at MBB, in addition to many others that we have harnessed over the years, and if you are a client of ours we have already passed them on to you through one or more of our many programs and workshops here. But for those of youwho are reading this and it’s new to you, go ahead and get this book, read it, and apply these habits and principles to your life. We have just narrowly touched the surface of this book in this blog post, and there is so much more for you to experience and grasp from Stephen R Covey himself in his book.

Stephen R. Covey is a mastermind, and this book is a masterpiece. Get this book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People By Stephen R. Covey, read it, implement the strategies in your life, and we promise you – you will NEVER be the same again! In a good way!

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International

How to Do What You Love, Love What You Do, and Live Your Dreams

How to Do What You Love, Love What You Do, and Live Your Dreams

“Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours.” ~ Dale Carnegie

There is nothing like living your passion! I cannot think of anything that can compare to doing what you love, loving what you do, and seeing the results of your labor. I remember my passion for helping people igniting in me and I took it and ran with it. As a young girl, I was always giving advice to my peers from what to say in situations to how to behave. And I have to say, it felt great when they came back and told me how well it all worked out. Today, I’m a Cognitive Psychologist and Behavioral Mentor and I couldn’t be happier in my life. Listen, when you are doing what you love in the form of a profession, it makes you happy, and when you are happy, it makes it easier to deal with all the other aspects of your life. Your family life, your friendships, your community engagements – every area of your life benefit from you being happy and fulfilled – and that’s what Dale Carnegie’s “throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart” will do for you.

“To be all we can be we must dream of being more. To do all that is possible, we must attempt the impossible.” ~ John C. Maxwell

There are so many things we don’t know about ourselves, about life, about what is possible and what is not possible, about what we can and cannot do, and most of us choose to believe everything other people tell us to believe without questioning a single word.

I remember when I was a little girl, I had a very strong belief that grown-ups – especially the elders, had the answers to all of my questions and I believed everything they told me as being true – not questioning a single word. Well, as I grew up, things changed, I changed, and I started using more of my own brain power, questioning all the things that no longer made sense for me. If we have a brain, we might as well use it, right? Unfortunately, not all of us are willing to do it and that is why we don’t think and just allow others do most of the thinking for us. Well, if you want to start living your dreams, you have to start thinking and doing for yourself. If you haven’t found your passion as yet, now would be a good time to start seeking out what it is. There is no way around it! In order for you to live your dreams you must do what you love, love what you do, and embrace life with all you’ve got. As we say here at My Blooming Biz, Design and Live Your Dream Lifestyle.

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” ~ Buddha

We need dreams! They keep us alive. Without dreams we are like birds with broken wings. And in order for dreams to come true, we must actualize and materialize them. And the best way to do that is to create a plan, set SMART goals, and work consistently at it – with discipline.

You don’t have dreams? Did I hear you right?

Well then, get you a pen and a piece of paper and let your imagination run wild. Start visualizing then actualizing your vision. Write down everything you imagine becoming, everything you want to have and everything you want to be. Don’t be afraid, if you haven’t done this in a while, or maybe never done, you might think you have little or nothing to write, but that’s not true. You know it and I know it, so just get to writing.

Remember when you were a little girl and you knew exactly what you wanted to do with your life? Remember how you used to dream all day long about the great things you would one day accomplish? What happened to those dreams? I will tell you what happened. Everyone around you started telling you how things aren’t the way you think they are, and that life is hard, life is tough and you need to be more realistic…and you gave up. You became one of them and you decided to leave your dreams behind you. That was how you forgot about your dreams.

Such a sad story, isn’t it? Not really. If you can find the courage to bring them back to life and work towards making them come true, it won’t be a sad but a wonderful life story – the story of your life.

So start writing.

Ask yourself:

What do I really want?

Write down all that comes to your mind, whether you think is crazy or not, whether you think is possible or impossible. It does not matter. Forget about your limits and dare to dream, big dreams, for they are the ones that move the hearts of men as Goethe once said.

After making your list, wait an hour or two to pass, read the list and ask yourself these questions:

Why do I want this?

If you can’t seem to get an answer, then it’s not really a dream, and it won’t become a goal for you. We don’t want to waste any time on something we don’t really want. Cross it off your list. We only want those things that keep us focused, enthusiastic, excited, and passionate. Your “why” should do all this.

We don’t want to be living somebody else’s dream, right? We’re done with doing that! We only want to do those things that bring us joy, peace, and happiness. We only want to do those things that are morally right for us and for those around us.

If you have doubts about any of them, you will have to cross them off the list. We have to make sure that we set our goals properly for a goal properly set is halfway reached as Abraham Lincoln once said.

With those dreams that are left, ask yourself:

Will each and every one of them make me feel better about myself?

Will they will bring inner peace and joy into my life and the lives of those I love?

Will my dreams help me live a healthier and more abundant life?

Will they help me make new and wonderful friends?

Will they help me meet new people, people who can help me grow and learn new and interesting things?

We don’t want any “No’s”. If you have one, two or more of them, you will want to cut those dreams off your list also. You might think it is nonsense but it’s not. We have to go through this process in order for you to eliminate all those things you thought you want but don’t really need.

Now that you only have what’s really worth having and what’s really important to you, try to separate them into three (3) categories:

1. Short term goals (1 month or less),

2. Intermediate goals (3 months to a year for achieving your goal)

3. Long term goals (between 1 and 3 years to achieve your goals).

We need small goals and also BIG goals. The small ones to teach us how to be more patient, more disciplined and to make us aware of the fact that the future comes one day at a time and to help reduce the possibility of feeling stuck and frustrated. We also need small goals so we can see results more frequently, and be able to celebrate our wins. Trust me! This is major. Ensure you celebrate all your wins.

We also need BIG goals for they are the ones that can help us grow, they help us reach our full potential. They help us to stretch and reach further.

We all want to live an amazing life and enjoy a high quality of life, and if we are intentional about it, we can live that life.

So now, after doing all this “hard work” that some of you thought as being impossible, rewrite all of them on your notebook or place them somewhere you can see and read them often – a visual board. You can also make them into a vision board at a later time using pictures to represent each.

Let’s not forget, what’s out of sight is also out of our mind. At first, see if you can read your goals and intentions every day if possible, it should only take you five to ten minutes.

And make sure you commit yourself to making your dreams come true.

Take action, have fun and remember to enjoy life – one step at a time.

Also remember,

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ~ Lao-Tzu

Now, do tell! What are some of the amazing things you intend to make happen?

Share with us in the comment section.

Love & Light,

Design (& Live) Your Dream Lifestyle Los Angeles 2018

CEO of My Blooming Biz Eugénie Nugent presenting at MBB 's Design Your Dream Lifestyle LA

MBB DYDL LA Event 2018

MBB hosted our 3rd biannual Design Your Dream Lifestyle event on Saturday, this time in the beautiful aesthetically pleasing Los Angeles.  Over 100 women attended of whom 68 are active participants in our Design Your Dream Lifestyle Workshop, and 22 women signed up to start our Lifestyle Designing program.

We are happy to say that MBB DYDL participants are delighted with our program as they are seeing results and “feeling fantastic and optimistic” in the words of Jada McIntosh and Isabella Reid, about their new lifestyle and where they are headed – respectively. See more of what My Blooming Biz family are saying on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, and don’t forget to like, follow, and interact with us while you’re there.

We handed out over 100 bags of goodies that include mbb gift cards, discounts to our WERK Your Money Making Genie Workshop and our UPPPP Your Genius system of programs, and copies of our popular signature book written by our CEO Eugénie Nugent titled – Unleash: Activate Your Power, Manifest Your Greatness & Become The Empowered Woman You Were Born to Be. Lots of goodies! But if you were not at our event, do not despair! Sign up to our newsletter and get notified of our next event, and also of new launches and promotions.

In addition to being created because we understand the brilliance, beauty, and boldness of women and the role that being balanced and purpose-driven can play in improving women’s lives, My Blooming Biz International was created to help women harness their skills and talents and use them to propel a ton of money to flow in. In order to live life on our own terms we need money – and lots of it, and in recognition of that, our CEO and founder Eugénie Nugent – in collaboration with her team, have designed programs that are specific to building wealth and becoming financially independent such as our MASTER Your Finances workshop.

As she often says and strongly believes, “Having our finances in order is the highest form of self-love, a love that cannot help but to command respect.

Money is a subject many people are still hesitant to speak freely about, but money expands who we are, and what we are able to access. And so, as we teach here at My Blooming Biz; being open about money – changing the way we view, treat, and interact with money will be the difference in whether we snatch, snatch and let go, or snatch and hold on to it, as she wrote in her book, The Elusive Money: How to Snatch & Hold On To It.
  Bottom line: Money commands respect! And for those of us who were taught to hate money and negatively treat money, we need a new mindset in order to accept and act on this new reality.

Design Your Dream Lifestyle programs and events are designed to bring out the best in you and challenge you to empower yourself. In our CEO’s own words, “We are here to pull things out of you that you didn’t know were there, and assist you in making them work for you, to the enhancement and betterment of your overall life.” She has selectively created four (4) programs to help women become empowered and she is relentless in making “the empowered woman lifestyle” a reality for thousands of women.

Download your FREE copy of our Lifestyle Designing Workbook and complete the worksheets. It is packed with thought-provoking questions to get you thinking about your current life situation, where you would rather be, and how you can equip yourself (with our help) to get there.

Our next DYDL event will be in July, so sign up to our newsletter and be informed when our venue is solidified.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

5 Steps to Stomp Out Fear, Ignore Negativity and Achieve Your Goals

5 Steps to Stomp Out Fear Ignore Negativity & Achieve Your Goals

There will always be people out there to tell you that you can’t do something, that you’re not smart enough, that you don’t have enough resources or connections, that you don’t have enough money, and the list continues on and on. But you have to ignore the negativity if you want to achieve your goals – even if the person or persons saying and projecting those negatives to you are your closest family members, you have to block them out, if you’re ever going to succeed at whatever it is you are trying to achieve.

The unfortunate truth is that people, for the most part, do not want to see others close to them succeed. But negativity can also come from within. Your own mind can help to breed and foster that negativity, making you doubt your self-worth, abilities, talent, and capacity for success. We don’t know the future. You don’t know the future. But if you have a dream and a goal in mind that you know wholeheartedly you want to pursue and accomplish, then allow nothing or no-one to get in your way of making it a reality. Not even you!

Remember, your biggest failures can be your greatest blessings! So resist the urge to fear. Everyone in life fails at something. When we fail, it causes a tremendous amount of pain. And, our minds do whatever they can to help avoid pain and gain pleasure – it’s part of a paradigm of innate biological cues and responses that are basic by nature. It’s not easy to fail at something. It’s not easy to be beset with a tremendous amount of pain, but that pain and failure could produce your greatest blessings.

When you’re surrounded by negativity, it can exponentially increase the pain of failure or even the potential pain for failure. Even if you didn’t fail at something, the fear of failing itself tends to hold us back. That fear is bred not only by the mind itself in its quest to avoid pain, but also by external influences such as friends, family members, and peers. But you can change that once and for all! As Henry Ford once said,

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligibly.”

So, how do you achieve your goals in the face of fear and negativity? How do you ignore negativity and breakthrough your self-imposed limitations? Here are 5 Steps:

Step 1. Know and Understand Your Why

It doesn’t matter how much negativity there is out there that may be holding you back. It doesn’t matter how many times you failed at doing something. It doesn’t matter if you’re feeling fearful about pursuing that BIG goal in the face of your critics. What matter is your “why” and how powerful it is. Why do you want that thing? Why do you have a certain goal? How important is reaching that goal to you? If you don’t know why, then you’ve missed the first and most important step in goal setting. But if you do know why, and it is very meaningful to you to accomplish, that why will be strong enough to propel you pass the fear and negativity so you can achieve your goal.

Remember, reasons come first in goal setting. If you don’t have a strong enough reason why, then it’s hard to ignore negativity or overcome past failure and pain. But, when your why is strong enough, you can achieve anything! Figure out why you want something, and if it has a profound and deep enough meaning to you, then it will help to fuel you in your pursuits.

Step 2. Plan and Map Your How

After knowing and understanding your why, nothing can be more compelling than planning and mapping your how. Crafting a plan – a roadmap to show you the A to Z steps to fulfilling your dreams, will wipe away your doubts and solidify that your goal is indeed reachable. That visual will give you a sense of confidence and help to stomp out that fear and negativity.

Step 3. Decide on Your Timeline – When

The third step to achieving your goals, even in the face of great adversity, negativity, or past failures, is to understand when you’ll achieve your goals. You have to associate a specific date to your goal achievement. Don’t just come up with some obscure timeframe in your mind. Be exact and specific!

After you write out what your goals are, why you want to achieve them, and how you’re going to achieve them, next to each of your goals write the date you’ll achieve them by when. Don’t just say you want to lose more weight this year. Write out exactly how much weight you intend to lose, why you’re going to lose it, how you’re going to go about losing it, and specifically when you’ll do that by. Setting up your roadmap and having a clear path with a timeline will make your dreams appear more real and give you that extra boost of bravado and confidence you need to shut out all fear and negativity – both internally as well as externally – and get on with your goals.

Step 4. Create a Visual Reminder & Make it Conspicuous

One of the best ways to stay motivated, in addition to knowing and understanding your why, is to set up a visual reminder. It is highly recommended you create a vision board and place it on a wall where you can see it first thing in the morning, possibly throughout your day – if you work in a home office, and last thing before going to bed. If you’re working at losing weight, you may want to put a photo of you now and one of you when you were just the weight you’re trying to get back to.

Step 5. Be Consistent & Stay the Course

The final step to achieving your goals, even in the face of negativity and failure, is remaining consistent and persistent. Goal achievement can only be accomplished along the path of persistence, not the path of least resistance. If you’re thinking that something is going to be easy, especially if it’s a major goal, then think again. You’re going to feel like quitting. You’re going to feel like sabotaging the course – the routine, you’re going to get frustrated. That’s when you’ll have to reach for your why, and look at your vision board. As the masterful author Stephen R. Covey advise in his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “Begin with the end in mind.” When you know where you’re heading, it’s highly likely you will get there. When you started out setting your goals, you had an end in mind. And although there is a process to get to that end, your roadmap, execution and dedication will ultimately get you to that end.

Remember that many others have failed countless times before they achieved their goals. Whatever you want out of life – smaller size, more money, better-paying job or anything else – realize that it’s not going to be easy. You’re going to have to persist until you succeed. You might fall down repeatedly and face the wrath of negativity from every direction, but all you have to do is lean on your why and persist. Time will pass by, and you’ll inch closer and closer to your goals as long as you do not give up!

If you are sabotaging your goals and dreams because of fear of failure, remember that “failure is simply the opportunity to begin again more intelligibly” – and take the leap. If you are doubting your ability to pursue and accomplish your goals in the face of your cynical critics, remember what the great Mahatma Gandhi said, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win” – and go ahead and get yours!

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International

Transformational Book Series – Our Picks | The Strategic Goal Setting Handbook

We began 2018 with a new MBB series titled Transformational Book Series – Our Picks, and there were no other books more fitting to start with than Brian Tracy’s Goals: How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible. It is comprehensive in the goal, goal setting, and goal accomplishing arena, and a very useful tool to have in our arsenal.

In continuing the series we are highlighting this handy goal setting book titled, The Goal Setting Handbook: A Step by Step Guide to Realistic Goal Setting, by motivational speaker Shauna-kaye Brown. It is easy to read, yet packed with vital materials on the tactics goal setting demands and the importance of setting realistic goals.

The Strategic Goal Setting Handbook | A Step by Step Guide to Realistic Goal SettingGoal setting is an essential part of anyone accomplishing anything. In fact, if you do not have a goal there is nothing to move towards, and if there is nothing to move towards then all your movements will be aimless. And so as you continue on your journey through this 2018, ensure you assess, reassess, and revamp your strategies towards our goals and align ourselves so you are better able to accomplish them.

If you’ve been with us here at MBB for a while, you already know the importance of setting and implementing SMART goals. But what Shauna-kaye has done in this book is to delve into the intricacies of not only setting those goals but setting up strategies and approaches that will ensure you follow through.

The goal setting process also include identifying the things and tools that will be needed in order for set goals to be accomplished. It is a comprehensive approach designed to ensure you complete your journey from visualization through actualization to materialization.

Get this The Strategic Goal Setting Handbook: A Step by Step Guide to Realistic Goal Setting, read it, and use the strategies to refine your goals as well as your approach to accomplishing them.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International


1) 100 page spiral goal book designed for your short and longterm goals. Personalize your goal book, document your goals, and use the calendar to keep track of them. Also include section to input method you will use to accomplish your goals. 2) 400 page sturdy cover refillable planner with customizable wording option (my name and title will be replaced with yours)

Get it Here