Transformational Book Series – Our Picks | The Strategic Goal Setting Handbook

We began 2018 with a new MBB series titled Transformational Book Series – Our Picks, and there were no other books more fitting to start with than Brian Tracy’s Goals: How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible. It is comprehensive in the goal, goal setting, and goal accomplishing arena, and a very useful tool to have in our arsenal.

In continuing the series we are highlighting this handy goal setting book titled, The Goal Setting Handbook: A Step by Step Guide to Realistic Goal Setting, by motivational speaker Shauna-kaye Brown. It is easy to read, yet packed with vital materials on the tactics goal setting demands and the importance of setting realistic goals.

The Strategic Goal Setting Handbook | A Step by Step Guide to Realistic Goal SettingGoal setting is an essential part of anyone accomplishing anything. In fact, if you do not have a goal there is nothing to move towards, and if there is nothing to move towards then all your movements will be aimless. And so as you continue on your journey through this 2018, ensure you assess, reassess, and revamp your strategies towards our goals and align ourselves so you are better able to accomplish them.

If you’ve been with us here at MBB for a while, you already know the importance of setting and implementing SMART goals. But what Shauna-kaye has done in this book is to delve into the intricacies of not only setting those goals but setting up strategies and approaches that will ensure you follow through.

The goal setting process also include identifying the things and tools that will be needed in order for set goals to be accomplished. It is a comprehensive approach designed to ensure you complete your journey from visualization through actualization to materialization.

Get this The Strategic Goal Setting Handbook: A Step by Step Guide to Realistic Goal Setting, read it, and use the strategies to refine your goals as well as your approach to accomplishing them.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International


1) 100 page spiral goal book designed for your short and longterm goals. Personalize your goal book, document your goals, and use the calendar to keep track of them. Also include section to input method you will use to accomplish your goals. 2) 400 page sturdy cover refillable planner with customizable wording option (my name and title will be replaced with yours)

Get it Here


  1. Gillian

    I had gotten a copy from your Facebook page about a month ago, and it is a very good book with practical approach to goal setting and implementation. I now return and got 7 more copies for my nieces and nephews and just want to let you all at My Blooming Biz know that I am thankful for the share. Great work Shauna-Kay 🙂

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Thank you for your purchases Gillian! Shauna-Kaye Brown has indeed written a great book about goal setting, and how to do it strategically so it work for you and not against you. We are happy that you found it useful and you’re sharing it with the people in your life who means the most to you. More power to you 🙂

  2. John

    I also got 2 for my friends as gifts and they say it was one of the best gifts they’ve ever gotten. So a big thank you to My Blooming Biz Team! Keep sharing the goodies.

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Hi John, thank you for your purchases! Sharing is caring and we love and appreciate it when our fellow contributors share what they have learned, and the goodies they have found here. Much appreciation 🙂