Wouldn’t it be amazing to attract just the right things into your life that will allow you to live your dreams? We all have dreams that we constantly think about – dreams so inspiring they keep us up at nights, and many of us have taken steps to help bring them to fruition such as setting SMART goals, crafting a plan to accomplish them, and consistently working towards them with discipline. But somehow it seems that regardless of how dedicated we are to realizing our dreams, we can never get close enough because there are things interfering with the equilibrium? There is a way! Something is missing from the equation, and it is observance of the Law of Attraction.
The best way to attract the right things in life, is to obey the Law of Attraction. Whether we believe in the Law of attraction or not, it is affecting our lives in one way or another – positively or negatively. Whether we are doing it knowingly or unknowingly, every second of our existence, we are acting as human magnets sending out our thoughts and emotions and attracting back more of what we have put out. But the good news is, we can command the Law of Attraction or the Universe to work in our favor by acknowledging: it, its power, its all-encompassing presence and doing everything in our power to lean in to the Law of Attraction and making it work for us. With that in mind, here are a few things you can do to ensure you attract what you want in your life.
Control Your Thoughts
Thoughts build momentum over time, so be very careful of the things you tell yourself and think about.
Direct Your Focus
The Law of Attraction states that whatever you focus on, will be manifested. Whatever you focus on will be what you spend your time on, and what you spend your time on, will inevitably come to fruition. If you focus on a particular outcome in your life, that’s what’s going to eventually materialize. If you focus on your goals – how good it will feel to be living your dreams, and you envision that deeply enough – eventually, it will be manifested.
If you want to attract the right things into your life, direct your focus. Learn what to focus your mind’s eye on. If you concentrate on negativity, you’ll beget more of it. If you live in a state of fear, worry, anxiety, and stress, you’ll simply manifest those things. The subconscious mind will steer you towards whatever it is that you focus on, and over time, the all-powerful id will help to manifest the abstract into reality. So be the director of your focus and channel it only on things that you want to see manifested in your life.
Emit Positive Energy
According to the Law of Attraction, what you put out is what you’ll get in. So do whatever you have to do to always be in a positive mood. Eat right, exercise regularly, get ample amount of sleep, maintain healthy relationships, consistently set higher bars and reach them, share your passion.
It’s difficult to attract the right things into your life when you’re consumed with negative energy. The vibrational frequency of your energy will pull the equivalent towards you. So if you’re constantly living in a state of negativity, you’ll end up attracting more of that into your life. It’s a delicate balance and it needs to be kept in check if you’re going to achieve your dreams.
Exercise Integrity
Regardless of whether someone is around or not, you continue to do what’s right. No-one may be present, but the Universe is, and it will reward you in due season – favorably or unfavorably – depending on your deeds. Some call it karma, but whatever you call it, just know that you too will reap whatsoever you sow. Don’t think for one minute that you can short-change people and cheat them and get away scotch free! It may take a minute to get back around to you, but we promise you it’s coming. If you take others for granted in any way, you will be taken advantage of too. Not necessarily by the person or persons you have wronged, but someone somewhere at some point – in our universal sphere of operation – will respond to you with the wrath you have bestowed on others. So, do exercise integrity.
Participate in the Universal Reciprocity Network
This is another important thing you must do to attract the right things in your life; you must participate in what we term here at My Blooming Biz International, the Universal Reciprocity Network. Simply put, the law governing the Universal Reciprocity Network – the Universal Law of Reciprocity states that whatever you sow that also shall you reap. So if you sow a coconut, you will reap a coconut or coconuts. And depending on the soil and how you tend that seed, that’s the quality of what the result will be. No good soil, no tending, nothing to reap. Good soil, good tending, great quality and abundance of whatever you sow. If you are not a part of the URN, you will remain in a SPINN cycle. If you contribute nothing to the Universal Reciprocity Network, you will gain nothing from it. So, don’t sit idly by, and don’t be afraid to sow. Participate, sow, water your seeds and be prepared to reap in abundance.
Be What You Want to Attract
And finally, be what you want to attract. Like attract like. If you want a fit hunky partner, you have to be fit and attractive too. You must do the inner as well as the outer work before venturing out with your green light on looking for the right partner to latch on. And when the ones you view as “your type” aren’t giving you the time of day, you secretly blame them and refuse to look at yourself. Think about it, if you are in excellent shape as far as the eyes can see, would you be attracted to someone who is not in shape at all? Most definitely not! Also, if you have no money would you want someone with no money? And if you have money would you want someone with money? Sure you would not, and yes, you sure would – respectively. The same for intangibles. If you are kind, loving, caring, thoughtful, considerate, empathetic, the universe will respond to you in like forms. If you are unkind, unloving, uncaring, thoughtless, inconsiderate, pathetic, the universe will also respond to you in like forms. For many of us, it’s very easy to see what’s not cool about others but very hard to see what’s not cool about ourselves. So be what you want to attract – both tangibly and intangibly – outwardly and inwardly – and expect the universe to respond to you in like manner.
With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,
This post is soooooo interesting! I was actually talking with my bestie about the Law of Attraction last Friday and she shared a lot with me, and now here you are shedding more light on it. Awesome! I’ve never really focused in on it, but I sure will after today.
Thanks for sharing.
That’s confirmation for you, Desiree 🙂 Go on, get into the Laws of Attraction and align yourself so it work positively for you. It’s working whether we want to participate or not. You seem to be in good company with your bestie. That’s one of the best things in life – being aligned with smart, savvy, sweet people.
Thanks for sharing!
A lot of people miss that integrity part, not to mention the “be what you want to attract” part. I for one believe in the LoA and am always conscious of adhering to its principles. Never heard of the URN but I will definitely read up on it. I also want to add that emitting positive energy, like remaining in our happy place is pretty difficult but if we consistently work at it it will become a habit for sure.
Nice article 🙂
Indeed Jennifer! Thank you for this, “remaining in our happy place is pretty difficult but if we consistently work at it, it will become a habit for sure.”
My friends always says that! “Be what you want to attract” But a lot of times what I wanted to attract I just couldn’t be. For example, if I wanted to attract money, what would I do? Be money? Impossible. I didn’t quite get it at first, but it has become much clearer to me, and the way it is explained and put forward here helps.
Another thing I want to say and agree with is that energy begets energy. I find that whenever I’m in my happy place a lot of happy people and good things are drawn to me. BUT when I’m sad, down, and just not in a happy place, negativity engulf me. Nothing seem to go right then! Maybe it’s mind over matter as they say, but I really do notice it a lot.
So yes, I always make an effort to “remain in my happy place”, as Coach Eugénie Nugent always encourage.
Happy to be a part of My Blooming Biz family 🙂
Briana, learning and growing is what it’s all about. We don’t always understand everything, but if we continue to seek out and understand something, we will – no doubt.
Yesssss! Energy begets energy, and we always come back to that happy place 🙂
Coach Eugénie is the best!
And we are happy to have you here 🙂 Thanks for chiming in!
I’m loving this!
“Regardless of whether someone is around or not, you continue to do what’s right. No-one may be present, but the Universe is, and it will reward you in due season – favorably or unfavorably – depending on your deeds. Some call it karma, but whatever you call it, just know that you too will reap whatsoever you sow.”
Karma is a bitch, watch out!
Indeed Janice, do right always! What we sow, we reap.
This right here:
“Wouldn’t it be amazing to attract just the right things into your life that will allow you to live your dreams?”
Yes, it would.
Sometimes we have to position ourselves to allow the right things to enter and that’s exactly what I did in 2017 and the unimaginable happened. See I share it with you here: I’m Living My Best Life.
None of this would have happened had I not positioned myself. And you know what? I didn’t know all the pieces that needed to be put together. I just didn’t have the whole picture, but I followed my gut feelings and intuition, and making 1 right move just pull the other pieces into place. Amazing!
Don’t be afraid to make bold moves 🙂 Or be afraid and make them anyway. How about that?
You are such an inspiration Katherine! A true epitome of what “making bold moves” mean. You made the moves and now reaping the rewards. So happy for you 🙂
I love your blog 🙂 So informative + stylish. And I totally agree with you on this, that we attract what we are, and so we must be what we want to attract. I’ve learned that I can yearn for the best man, car, home, lifestyle but unless and until I uplevel myself – mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially, I will not be able to attain any of them. If I’m in alignment I will achieve it all (and be able to keep it – very important!).
Too many times, I’ve seen friends, family members get off track and slack off – even with something as simple as self-care – keeping fit and healthy, yet they want to attract the most handsome, fit, healthy-looking man. Not happening!!! They put effort in to look good – meaning looking good is important to them. They will want someone who is attractive, and healthy-looking on their arm as well.
You agree with me, right?