Dare to Dream BIG and Improve Your Odds of Realizing Your Dreams

Dare to Dream BIG

Dreaming BIG may sound like a fantasy, but we have seen time and again how “small” people with BIG dreams turn their dreams into reality. All of us can name at least one person who started out really shaky, but have pulled through tremendously, and have continued to up their ante – setting new goals and reaching them. So, whatever struggles you’re facing in life right now, or however grim your situation looks, just know that dreams are still coming through today just as they were yesterday – and yours can too! This too shall pass!

Dreams give us life! They give us a sense of purpose, a sense of something incredible to look forward to – something that would make our lives so much more meaningful, and those dreams invigorate us and keep us vibrant and charged. So, don’t be afraid to dream BIG! No matter how many people have doubted you can ever achieve what you set out to accomplish because of where you’re from or the struggles they’ve seen you have – dare to dream big. Be down but not out! Across the world and through the annals of history, people have dreamt big dreams; they’ve had audacious hearts and unrelenting spirits. And those who dared to get out there and pushed and pushed through – unrelentingly, have seen their dreams come true, and so can you.

If you can dream it, you can do it. – Walt Disney

Now, we know what you’re thinking! You’re asking yourself questions that start with “How” “When” and “Where”. You’re saying things like, “How am I ever supposed to achieve my dreams when I’m so far in debt?” or “When will I ever get the opportunity to truly succeed?” and, “Where will I ever find the money, time, or connections to accomplish what I want in life?” We all ask ourselves these types of questions as we have a tendency to doubt our capabilities, but you will find a way like many others who did pursue their dreams relentlessly and have seen it realized. If you want it enough, you will find a way, and see it through! Here are a few workable programs that can help you in this quest:

MBB Signature Programs & Workshops

Debt Free in 5 Steps eBook


Notable People Who Have Remained Relentless In Spite of Obstacles & Have Realized Their Dreams

1. Oprah Winfrey

One of the best examples of a person who dared to dream big and have realized their dream in spite of obstacles, is Oprah Winfrey. Oprah was born into poverty. She was fired from one of her first TV jobs because the producer said that she was “unfit for television” – how dare he/she? But, Oprah Winfrey has gone on to become one of the richest, most successful women in the world, and it was all because she dared to dream big and remained resilient. She could have not tried hard, or given up as soon as she faced the first obstacle, but she pushed through and remained persistent and consistent until her dream was realized. And how great is she at talking and bringing people together in conversation? She’s amazing!

2. J.K. Rowling

We cannot overlook one of the most amazing experience J.K. Rowling has shared with us, of her courage, tenacity, and determination to have her dream of becoming one of the most-read authors – realized. While working a secretarial job, Rowling, now famous for the Harry Potter series of books, was fired because she was spending more time working on the book at work than she was with her secretarial duties. Talk about passion! Rowling spent 7 years toiling away at the book, suffered through the death of her mother, a divorce, living on government assistance, and being turned away by publishers. But she dared to dream big, and remained in pursuit, and is now the wealthiest author and one of the most-read author in the world. Talk about resilience!

3. Jerry Seinfeld

This is a story of courage in the face of pain and opposition. One of the most successful comedians to date, dared to dream big, and have materialized his dream in the face of obstacles. Success did not come easy for him! In fact, the first time Seinfeld stepped on stage to do his act he was booed off. But that didn’t deter him. Seinfeld was a dreamer and he kept at it, even though he failed and was embarrassed and humiliated, he kept at his dream. He did not give up because people were mean to him, and he was mortified, he went away from that experience with the mindset to perfect his acting skills, and that’s exactly what he has done. Would he have gotten to experience his dream of acting had he given up when they booed him? No, he would not! Was he a terrible actor when they booed him? You bet he was! But those boos pushed him to get better at acting, and he continued because he was passionate about acting. He needed it; it was meaningful to him, and nothing was going to stop him from realizing that dream.

So, how can you increase the odds of ever seeing your dreams come true?

1. Ensure It Is Something Meaningful To You & You Have a Strong Why For Wanting It

That passion, meaningfulness, and tenacity that the above-mentioned people had towards their dream, is the same passion, meaningfulness, and tenacity you must have, in order for your dreams to be realized. If you do not have a strong “why” and your dream is not meaningful to you, you will not be able to continue the pursuit when the going gets tough. And it may!

2. Make a Commitment To yourself That You Will Realize Your Dream & Write It In Big Bold Letters Placing It Conspicuously

If number 1 is not in place, then this number 2 will be useless. You can put up all the pictures and words (vision boards) you want, but if you are not passionate about them and they are not very meaningful to you, you will quit at the first sight of a stumbling block. But as long as #1 is in place, putting your dreams in visual form and placing it where you can see it throughout your day – or at least in the mornings and again at nights, will improve your odds of realizing your dream.

3. Use Negativity & Obstacles as Catalysts for Your Advancement Towards Your Dream

When people criticize you or don’t see what you see in yourself, and believe about yourself, it is easy for us to fold than continue on whatever journey we were on. However, those criticisms and obstacles may be learning/stepping tools we can use to propel us further. We can use those setbacks as the prerequisite to our comeback, in that we will take those criticisms and use them to better equip ourselves.

4. Follow Your Plan & Path You Have Crafted & Take Consistent Steps Towards Your Dream – Every Day

Regardless of how you feel each day, as far as emotions/moods, make every effort to follow through with your success-oriented plan towards realizing your dreams. Whatever you have setup for each day to do that will take you closer to your dream, allow nothing and no-one to veer you off track – and if by chance you get off track – to stay off track. Get back on track and continue on with your eyes fixed on the prize – your BIG dream. Design and Live Your Dream Lifestyle! You have it in you to succeed and accomplish anything you desire. Make your plan, work our plan, and materialize your dream.

Dare to Dream BIG isn’t just a mantra that you should mindlessly chant to yourself; it’s a way of life. When you can dream something and envision it with all your mind, and you actualize that vision and make it visual, you will be opt to pursue that dream with an unwavering spirit that will ensure you materialize that dream. With the passion and drive you have for that desired dream, you will overcome, override, and obliterate all obstacles that threatens your path, and continue on to victory.

Grab a copy of our popular Lifestyle Designing Workbook and begin designing your desired lifestyle so you can get to implementing and start living the lifestyle you so desire and deserve – sooner than later.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International


  1. Jennifer

    Without dreams our lives are pointless. I know mine would be, if i didn’t have dreams. My dreams are what keeps me going. There are days when I look around and feel somewhat hopeless with the way things are sometimes in this world, but when I think about my dreams I do feel like continuing. It’s as if I’m reignited and I become more focused. Possibly because they mean a lot to me and I am passionate about them.

    Timeless piece! Thank you.

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Absolutely pointless, Jennifer! Dreams are what channel us and give us something to look forward to. They are what gives us hope and help us to override and overcome those obstacles that threaten to derail our progress. Don’t allow what’s happening around you to dampen your dreams! As in the past – good and bad were always happening, but people were still pursuing and realizing their dreams, and we still can today – in spite of our grim current events.

      Keep pursuing, and allow nothing and no-one to keep you off track!

  2. Samantha Goldstein

    My dreams have shifted a lot from I was young to now, and I still sometimes find myself wondering what I really want ultimately. Can’t seem to figure that out in the longterm sense, but maybe it will come to me some day.

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Understandably Samantha, like many of us! Our visions, dreams and goals change as we get older, gain more experience, increase in knowledge, and mature. Know that you are not alone in not quite figuring out what you want in life – ultimately, but in the meantime as you work to figure that out, take every step and make every effort to enjoy your life right now. It’s a process, and there is no fixed way to suddenly realize what you want.

      We invite you to download and complete the exercises in our Lifestyle Designing Workbook. It is not the 100%, here-you-go-crystal-ball-answer-to-your-prayer, but it will surely get you thinking about your life thus far with the targeted questions designed for this specific purpose.

      Download, complete, and come back here to let us know how it has helped you, and how we may further assist you as you decide on your ultimate goal.

      Thanks for stopping by and chiming in!

  3. Janice

    Someone once said, “if your dreams don’t scare you, then they are not BIG enough.” I agree with this quote in the sense that we should not try to place a limit on our dream, but dreams are also personal and individual and we may not all want BIG dreams. Some of us are simpler than others and prefer to live a life that reflects that.

    I love those stories! Oprah, Seinfeld, and JK Rowling are really great examples of what passion, meaningfulness, and resilience bring about. They have literally beaten the odds that were against them, and I’m sure many of us can get to our end goal, if we just stick out.

    Great post.

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Indeed, Janice! Our dreams, goals and desires are all different (and thank God for that!) but whether BIG or small in our sight, it is important to pursue those dreams and never doubt we can accomplish them. And yes, those three are amazing 😊