8 Characteristics That Separate a Woman from a Girl

8 Characteristics That Separate a Woman From a Girl

The transition from girlhood to becoming a woman doesn’t happen automatically or overnight; experiences, relationships, and challenges faced along the way shape each of us into unique individuals, and all of these factors help fashion a girl into a woman. While most females learn and grow on this journey, others do not. How a girl responds to the adversity along the way will determine if she matures or gets lost in an arrested development. Some females learn from their mistakes, seek wisdom from older adults, and take the challenges that come at them head on, but others do not.

In society today, age is often used as a marker for determining if a female is a girl or a woman, with that “standard” age being different around the world. However, we know that age does not equate to a girl suddenly being a woman simply by reaching that age set by society.

Here are 8 Characteristics that Differentiate a Woman from a Girl


1. They Know What They Want

Females who are truly women have a clear vision of what they want for their future. They know what they want in a partner, career, and life in general. For instance, women pursue a relationship with a man instead of chasing after dates with boys. Women stay the course in pursuit of their goals and dreams; girls often give up when the going gets tough.

2. They Are Decisive

Because women have a better idea of what they want, they tend to make decisions easier and more decisively. They go after career opportunities that interest them and are willing to commit to a partner. They aren’t afraid to make a decision because they have a clear idea of who they are and what they want.

3. They Plan Their Future

Women think long term—about their relationships, career, finances, living situation and more. They aren’t just winging it. Sure, they may not have it all figured out, but they have a good idea of where they want their life to go in the next five or ten years and they are laying the foundation to get there. On the other hand, girls who are yet to become women don’t have these plans and live moment to moment.

4. They Take Responsibility

Women have a lot of pressure on them – always, and let’s face it, we don’t always get it right. Being a woman means owning up to your mistakes and taking responsibility for your actions – even if you are in the wrong. Girls, however, tend to make excuses rather than take responsibility.

5. They Think About the Kind of Woman They Are Be-ing

Women reflect on their values and morals, what kind of person they are be-ing, and are always becoming. This includes what kind of partner, father, employee and friend they are and how that matches what they want. Women have put thought into their values and lead lives that reflect them. They mindfully use their time and do not allow others to mindlessly use it. Girls aren’t sure about their moral compass just yet and don’t steer their life with such intention. They allow others to mindlessly use their time without any thought about how they themselves – could mindfully use it.

6. They Practice Integrity

Women have integrity! They say what they mean, they show up when they said they would, and they follow through on their promises. Girls, on the other hand, who haven’t yet become women, are capricious and don’t always follow through – or even make the effort to always follow through.

7. They Are Emotionally Intelligent

Women are aware of their surroundings and environments, and know that it influences people in different ways. As such, women are equipped to stave off unwanted direction of anger towards them, that they know they have not warranted. They are in control of their emotions and know how to deter someone’s emotion – that is being projected onto them, from influencing their response or action. They avoid cattiness, and quickly steer disparaging and downward spiraling conversations to an upward more civil engagement – without causing obvious obstruction or further chaos to the process of the matter at hand.

As a woman, you try to talk it through instead of shutting down and using the “silent treatment” and also listen to hear instead of listen to respond. A woman takes time out to study her partner, and knows when to give him space without thinking it is all about her, and ensure he knows she is available should he need to talk. Girls do the opposite. They are unaware. They think mostly of themselves. They start drama and quickly escalate conversations into putrid arguments.

8. They Understand What it Means to Pursue Love

Women may be fearful of rejection, but they will still initiate conversation with a man, knowing that the reward can be greater than the risk. They understand what it takes to seek out and go after what they want, and they muster the courage to do so. Girls wait for opportunity to find them, and are often unprepared when it does come – often leading to an end – right after the beginning.

So, two females can wear the same clothing, go to the same job, and even date the same man; on the outside, they may look similar, but after taking a closer look, it can become clear that only one is really a woman, while the other is still functioning as a girl.

Disclaimer: Nothing wrong with being a girl! If you are a girl, enjoy every minute of being a girl. But there comes a time when you have to put away girlish things, and embody womanhood.

What other characteristic(s) can you add that separates a woman from a girl? Do tell in the comment section below .

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International

4 Reasons You Should Commit to Personal Growth & Development

4 Reasons You Should Commit to Personal Growth & Development

Personal growth and development as the name suggests, is the way you improve and evolve in your personal life. Growth by nature is an evolving process. It is not something static that we can ‘master’ once and for all. We are constantly changing, constantly evolving, and so we need to learn how to channel this change, and move skillfully with it so that it can be guided to reward us with the things that we seek.

There are many techniques for personal growth, such as creative visualization, repeating affirmations, developing a positive mindset, and meditation. Personal growth also involves counseling, coaching, and reading. You can commit to personal growth in 4 of the 5 ALLY’s – spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Physical personal growth is not the same as growing old. We all grow in age physically, and this is automatic. Nothing we can do about it! But physical personal growth is about improving your physical to better reflect your target goal, for example losing the extra weight, and you can do this by exercising regularly and eating more healthy nutritious foods. The fifth Ally which is financially, will be greatly improved as a result of the development of the prerequisites – spiritual, mental, emotional, physical growth.

Personal growth can help you in all areas of your life. It can help improve your relationship with your spouse, children, family members, friends. It can help you at work. It can change your attitude towards work and therefore open new opportunities for advancement, and it can help you to have better business deals and make better decisions. Personal growth is a necessity! Without commitment to personal growth, you will remain stuck in the same position, situation for years to come which is a recipe for depression, anxiety, and unhappiness. And if these are not enough reasons to commit to personal growth and development, here are 4 additional reasons:

4 Reasons You Should Commit to Personal Growth & Development

1. Personal Growth Helps You to Discover Your Purpose

Your purpose help to give your life and goals meaning. When you commit to learning, you will discover your strengths, improve your skills, and find ways to make you happy. For example, you may discover you feel invigorated teaching others. With this in mind, you can find or create opportunities to express your purpose, whether it is teaching a lunchtime workshop at your office, an online workshop, or coordinating a new youth program within your community.

2. Personal Growth Helps You Gain Clarity & Focus

It is easy to feel adrift, especially if you are unhappy or frustrated with certain areas of your life. For example, if you are burdened by debt, you may lose sight of your goal to get out of debt. Commitment to learning helps you focus on the things you need to do to achieve your goals. If your goal is to get your financial house in order, focus your growth on resources that help you get out of debt and improve your financial security.

3. Personal Growth Helps You Become More Resilient

Life can change in an instant, and the more resilient you are, the faster you will be able to recover from challenges or setbacks you face. When life throws you a curve ball, a commitment to learning will help you deal with it effectively and even grow from it, because you will have developed confidence in your skills and expertise. You will feel empowered and in control over your actions and decisions.

4. Personal Growth Improves Your Attitude

Studies have shown that the more optimistic you are, the more successful you will be. Why? Because optimistic people feel their actions and habits will impact their success and as such continually seek out ways to keep them engaged in their interests, while aligning themselves with people and things that aid their efforts. Their sunny dispositions make them feel more in control of their lives, and the results they get from their pursuit will continue to have a positive effect on their body, mind, and spirit. Since they tend to be happier than their more negative peers, people like them and are drawn to them, and want to see them succeed.

What are some of the ways you invest in yourself? Do share with us in the comment section below.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International


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5 Ways to Tap Into The Power of Your Thoughts and Channel It To Serve You

5 Ways to Tap into the Power of Your Thoughts and Channel it to Serve You

Thoughts are powerful! And they become our actions! The very thoughts that are circulating through your psyche can help to manifest the life of your dreams, or deter you from pursuing your dreams because of fear. But most people don’t realize the inherent power of their thoughts. We go about our lives infused in one mindset or another, without the clear realization that whatever it is we think about or focus on consistently, we move towards. We are the product of our thoughts! Think, and you shall become, is a huge part of the manifestation of our destiny. As author Norman Vincent Peele emphasize in his book, The Power of Positive Thinking “Change your thoughts and change your world.” Not everyone believes in the fervent power of their thoughts. They brush it off while dwelling on the past or fearing the future, not quite understanding that the very things that they are thinking about, they are inching closer towards. And whether they believe it or not, it is happening. It’s kind of like the Law of Attraction, it’s happening the way it operates, whether one acknowledges it or not – it is affecting their life! And since this is the case, we must be intentional about channeling our thoughts to serve us. It does take practice and work, but it has been proven that it is totally possible, and the ultimate determinant of us achieving our goals and enjoying a high quality of life.

How to Channel Your Thinking

We are all creatures of habit! We have very set ways of doing things and have conditioned ourselves to think, feel and behave a certain way through years (and sometimes decades) of practice. It is this type of habitual thought patterns that can set the stage for an empowering and fulfilling life, or help to play a hand in our resultant downfall over time.

If you’re serious about achieving your goals and accomplishing anything worth noting in life, then you have to leverage the power of your thoughts by channeling your thinking. And this may require you to do some mindset shifting and institute a new way of doing things as far as your thoughts, to bring about the change you seek. If the same ole’ same ole’ is not cutting it and is actually hindering you from progressing, then it’s time for that change to take place. As Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” We cannot expect to think, feel and behave the same way but garner different results. We have to do what’s necessary to create that change that is required for us to get to that next level.

As long as you can channel your thinking into the right direction, you can quite literally manifest your dreams. So what does it mean to channel your thoughts? Channeling your thoughts mean that you practice being present so you can always be aware of your thoughts and redirect it to a place where it can serve you – if it was not bringing forth thoughts that serve you.

Here Are Five (5) Ways You Can Channel Your Thoughts So They Serve You

1. Set Meaningful (SMART) Goals

When we set goals that mean a lot to us and are so very profound, it allows us to keep them front and center of our mind and makes it easier to refocus our attention when our thoughts stray. We have something that means a lot to us and will not allow us to be distracted for long. When we set goals that truly mean something to us beyond things like money, fame and prestige, we are better able to leverage the power of our thoughts to achieve those meaningful goals. The less superficial, the better the goals. If you set superficial goals you will very easily lose sight of them.

2. Create & Follow a Detailed Plan to Get to Your Goals

We can help to guide our thoughts in the right direction when we follow detailed plans. Whatever it is that you want in life, as long as you do the proper amount of planning for it, you can achieve it over time. It just won’t happen overnight. But it’s the right plan that will take you from Point A to Point B. Without a very detailed plan, and disciplined execution of that plan, it’s highly unlikely you will ever get to that goal or get to that goal in the time you determine you would. Again, if your goal is not very meaningful to you, and has substance, you will be more easily distracted. If they mean a lot to you, your thoughts will be more focused on them, and easily channeled when strayed.

3. Put Past & Present Hurt/Setback In Their Proper perspective

Deal with what you have to deal with, because having things throw us off our center is a part of the journey here on earth. But do not dwell there! Stay there long enough to mourn, grieve, and experience that pain, then deduct the lesson(s) from that experience so you can use it to advance you forward. The power to achieve anything lies in your focus. The more you can focus your thoughts on something, the more likely you’ll be able to achieve it. If you focus your mind on the wrong things, then you’ll have a harder time achieving anything in life.

4. Constantly Seek Ways to Add Value to Your Life

We can harness our thoughts to achieve wild success when we’re constantly seeking ways to add value. Life shouldn’t always be about a direct return on investment from your time spent on things. You have to look at the long-term implications of doing things the right way – today, even if it takes a considerable amount of time for that to materialize into real results. If you are constantly seeking out ways to add value to your life, the chances of your thoughts dwelling on things that do not serve you, will be zero/nil.

5. Ensure Your Mind, Body & Spirit are Always Amply Fed

We are most functional when we are balanced! Have you ever noticed after you go for a walk, run, or complete an exercise routine how entirely sharp you feel? Or when you travel away on vacation and get back how much more focused you are? When your mind, body, and spirit is catered to, focus becomes more natural, and having those meaningful goals will ensure you stay on course with your detailed plan and see them through to fruition more timely. You will find that it demands less thought channeling when you live a balanced life.

The right thoughts directed in the right direction can be powerful. But the wrong thoughts directed in the wrong direction can be fatal. Empower yourself by utilizing these 5 ways to tap and channel your thoughts so that they can serve you.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

15 Ways to Let Your Ideal Customers Know You Have Launched Your New Business

15 Ways to Let Your Ideal Customers Know You Have launched Your New Business

You have worked your butt off trying to get everything ready for your BIG launch, and now it’s go time! Now, the time has finally come for you to transition into the final phase of product/service to customer/client, and you are ready. This is where advertising/marketing comes in! Advertising/marketing is the means by which you position and communicate your products and/or services in a way so that potential customers will find, want, or recognize a need for what you have to offer. The key to good advertising is identifying your potential customers and your target market. We have come up with 15 ways to get everyone buzzing about your new business, and while there are definitely more ways to do this, these will work very well for your business launch.

These 15 advertising/marketing guide will assist you in determining when, where, what, and how to advertise and market your business. Of course you do not have to use them all at once. Try using them over time, and subsequently based on the result (or non result) you get, choose the forms of advertising that work best for your business. Also, in your communications through whichever methods you choose, maintain a clear and consistent message as well as a consistent company image – branding. Here are our 15 ways to let your ideal customers know you have launched your new business and it’s time for them to perform for your bank account:

1. Word-of-Mouth

Shout it from the roof top! Word-of-mouth advertising is not going anywhere. In fact, it is one of the best advertising method for new and small businesses, because: a) it is free, b) sincere, c) believable, and d) unsolicited. Be sure the “word” is favorable by building up a good reputation. Be professional, meet deadlines, keep appointments, and do not accept more work than you can deliver. Good business practices and friendliness will enhance your business and make people want to return – in addition to referring you to others. Building a reputation takes time however, so you will need to use other forms of advertising as well.

2. Business Cards

Whip out those beautiful, presentable business cards and let it rain! 
A professionally printed card is an asset to any business. Include your name, business name, address, phone number, social media links, products or services you provide, and an attractive logo – if you have one. Give cards to interested people you meet. They may not buy your product or service now, but may refer someone to you at a later time. So make an impression in that initial connection; something that they will take away and remember about you, such as “very professional”, “easy-going and sincere”, and/or “very personable.”

3. Letterhead and Envelopes

Let the communications begin! Printed letterheads used to be a must, but in today’s digital world has far less need. However, you should still have a small supply of stationery on hand; for a proposal, thank you letter, or any of many other uses. Also, you may want to send out a few letters along with your brochures to select officials who have the ability to impact your business positively, letting them know you are open for business, and welcome their feedback. Letterhead stationery is often necessary when purchasing materials and equipment from wholesalers and suppliers for your business as well. Letter heads are way more professional looking than no letterhead at all, and when done right, they can improve the perspective of your business.

4. Brochures

A brochure can be small, inexpensive, and attractive. Get advice from a printer. You may want to hire a graphic designer to help with the layout of artwork, text, and lettering. The level of sophistication in the design of your brochure is directly related to; who your customers and potential customers are, the industries they are in, and the positions your contacts hold. And although professional and polished should be the goal, it is worthless without substance, so spend time getting the text right – clearly and succinctly expressing what you do, how you do it, and why they should buy from you.

5. Direct Mail

Mailing brochures or letters to businesses or individuals is a great way to make potential customers aware of your business; especially when you’re just starting out. Periodical updates and notices throughout the year can also serve to remind them that you’re still there. Mailing can be expensive and should be weighed with the other options when you decide on your advertising campaign, but since you are a new launch, you want to use as many options as possible. Again while technology has provided other options, direct mail still hold value based on who your customers are, and how they prefer to be reached. Also, consider providing a prepaid response card in your direct mail, which would provide you with some insight as to: a) whether that customer likes to receive direct mail, b) whether they found it informative, and c) whether they have comments or suggestions. A grand idea if you can afford to, is to include a souvenir in your direct mail to them – such as a pen with your logo. This will no doubt increase your chances of getting a reply from them. So don’t discount this option in your initial launch phase. If nothing else, you could gain valuable feedback from those response cards you sent. Yes, we have technology and the good ole Internet, but there is nothing better than giving your potential customers something tangible to hold.

6. Bulletin Boards

Post professional-looking brochures, flyer’s, or business cards on public bulletin boards in restaurants, grocery stores, laundromats, apartment complexes, schools, or anywhere visible to your target market. It’s old school but still work in certain local regions. We know! We have used it and it works!

7. Newspapers

Contact local editors and tell them about your new service or product. An editor may want to do a feature story, especially about your grand opening. An article can be free advertising and may be more effective than a large, paid Ad. Be sure to thank the editor if he or she runs the story. Getting space in a newspaper may be easier if you can tie into the activities of a charitable organization, or a community activity. Include a black-and-white picture and news release.

8. Classified Ads

Ads in local newspapers and shoppers guides are appropriate for many businesses. You’d be very surprised by who still reads these, many times passing along what they have seen to family members and friends. This will cost a bit of money, but you should also have an option of 1/4 page, 1/2 page etc. instead of a full page Ad. If you are a local brick and mortar business, try to work out a cost with them so you do not have to miss out on what could be your biggest opportunity to make a huge splash – a bigger impact.

9. Portfolio

Of course if you’re just launching you would not have past projects to use for a portfolio; however, we are listing it here because it is one of the most valuable and vital tool in a business owners’ arsenal, and we want you to start building your portfolio as soon as you’ve signed up your first clients. You could also think about a giveaway, where a few customers receive a different good or service you provide in exchange for a review, and also so you’ll have that to start building your portfolio. Be sure to put some effort into building a collection of your best work. You may want to include a resume and list the advantages or special features of your business. Include those letters/reviews from satisfied customers, and be prepared to suggest those past customers as references. In addition to your website, you can also setup your portfolio on your social media sites using several different features.

10. Shows or Displays

Displaying some of your work in a public library or bank may be appropriate depending on your type of business. Along with your display, be sure to also have business cards available for people to take as well. Ensure the display is secure so you do not lose valuable merchandise.

11. Other Businesses

It is never too early to begin aligning with businesses that complement yours. Seek out to make those strategic alliances and work at advertising in their business and vice versa. Cooperative advertising usually benefits both businesses – immensely.

12. Directories

There are countless directories online to choose from, but the ones that matter most are the ones your customers use. If you don’t know, ask people who fit your ideal customer type, what their favorite search engine is, and how they find businesses they need. You may also find the top directories have a spot for the customer to review your company. Welcome it, and use the service to your advantage by asking your customers to review you. Believe it or not this will help you to trend higher on the search engines, and don’t forget to link your website to that directory page. Many times these directories will allow you to post a picture. If you don’t have a storefront then post your logo and make sure your information stays current.

13. Local Radio and Television Stations

This can be quite intimidating especially if you’re introverted and haven’t done any interviews before, but it is definitely an avenue you want to take advantage of. You can leave this for a later date, and use smaller platforms in the meantime such as Podcasts that align with your business niche. Some radio stations have local talk shows where you can be on air instead of on television – out of view, while still getting your business out there. When you are ready, call up the directors to see if they are interested in discussing your business, or a topic relative to your business industry. You can also purchase radio or television Ad time, which can prove expensive, but worth researching to know the pricing in your area – especially when it can be tied into some news feature or special event. There are many radio stations out there — especially now that there are web-based stations — so do your homework and position yourself effectively.

14. Local Organizations

Joining local organizations such as your Chamber of Commerce, provide a good opportunity to network and make valuable contacts. People like doing business with people they know! By participating in community activities, you increase the visibility of yourself, and subsequently your business. Remember, you are your business! Back then you could have a storefront with employees and no one even knowing who the business owner is – unless they do some research, and they did well! Today though, if you are not Google, Microsoft, Ford, or one of those big companies, you have to get yourself out there not just representing your business but being your business. We are in the age of Know. Like. Trust. Do business with. – in that order.

15. Networking

A network is a collection of acquaintances and business peers you depend on for information, services, support, and access. Network relationships are based on mutual and professional respect for the other’s ability to help when needed – as needed. There are many networking groups in most cities, but you will need a modest budget to attend their events to network effectively. Not every networking group is as valuable as another, so you need to do some homework to see what community is best for you. Learn as much as you can about potential customer habits, what types of events they attend. You may also want to craft a rich elevator pitch that represents your business and defines your products/services in 30 seconds or less. Also, always be on the lookout for collaborative partners where a mutually beneficial relationship can be forged to provide you both with value-added services for your respective customers. Remember that conducting research can pay-off immensely.

So there you have it! 15 ways to let your ideal customers know you have launched your new business.

Happy launching, and cheers to your business success🍷

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International

5 Steps to Getting Out of Debt and Staying Out of Debt

5 Steps for Getting Out of Debt & staying Out of Debt

Having huge amounts of debt can wreak havoc on our emotions and even wreck our relationships. It can feel like eternal servitude being obligated to pay out large portions of our monthly income for pleasures we have already enjoyed, trapped as puppets in a very calculated zero-sum game of financial chess that leaves us as mere pawns on the playing field. Yes, having huge debt is serious business!

So how can we get out of debt and remain debt free? Let’s first take a look at why the majority of us get in debt in the first place.

Debt is, for the most part, accumulated by impulsive behavior. When we have those I-need-to-have-it-now moments in life that serve to balloon us out of our circumference of affordability, we often do not think about the consequences of our impulsive action, and are usually only keyed in to the pleasure we will be getting from whatever we are entering into debt for. So money in those instances to us is merely a tool in our virtually endless quest to constantly gain pleasure – at whatever cost. This uncontrollable behavior stems from deep down within our psychic apparatus – the Id, Ego, and Superego, which is the driver of the thing we call our minds. So the first thing we have to do to combat this persuasion from our psychic apparatus, is to learn to create some awareness to this interaction so as to override it.

What can be added to the happiness of a man who is in health, out of debt, and has a clear conscience? ~ Adam Smith

Here are 5 Steps for Getting Out of Debt & Staying Out of Debt

Step 1. – Analyze your Debt

The first step to getting out of debt is to make an analysis of your debt. You cannot get out of debt without first understanding how much and what kind of debt you have. We know many of you have a vague idea of what you owe and to whom; however, in order to know exactly what you are getting ready to tackle, and the options available to you, you must write down all your debt and the corresponding parties you owe. Facing debt is not an easy task! We here at MBB know how difficult it can be to face the music of your debt load, but we also know that it must be done if you are serious about ridding yourself of debt for good. Many of us weren’t always debt free! And the biggest problem most of us faced, was that we did not want to look at our debt situation. We did not want to face it! We would rather turn a blind eye, cause we’re too afraid to see just how much debt we’ve racked up. It’s frightening – we know! However, if you cannot analyze and understand your debt, then there is absolutely no way you can rid yourself of those debts and emerge debt free. An analysis must be done!

So, if you’ve not been keeping track of your debt, gather all your bills for the past 12 months and get to a table so you can start organizing and tallying the numbers. Organize your bills in date format, with the most recent on top. Now, you are ready to organize and tally your numbers. We recommend you use an accounting software such as QuickBooks, Mint, or FreshBooks to do this, or at the very least a Spreadsheet, because they make it so much easier to edit, make changes, calculate, and store in an organized way. If you do not have any of these, do not allow that to hinder your progress. Get a sheet of paper, turn it in a landscape position (or rectangular) and at the top of page, write a main heading “My Current Debt to Date – (input the date you are doing this)”. Next, create 4 columns below the main heading with 4 headings: 1) Creditor’s Name, 2) Amount Owing to Date, 3) Fixed Interest Rate 4) Average Variable Interest Rate. Use the last bill from each creditor to fill in each column and rows. Then tally the total of column 2 – Amount Owing to Date and write that figure down at bottom of column 2 below the last used row. Be sure to include and calculate all of your debts – from credit cards, to car loans, personal loans, student loans, mortgage, insurance, and everything else. Now that is what you owe to date, with the exception of the missing interest that may be accumulating on a daily basis. Each debt terms will most likely be different, likewise the interest rates – some may be fixed and some variable. Now you want to calculate the interest rate you’ve been paying per month for each variable interest debt. To do this, find the average interest by adding all the interest for each month of the creditor and dividing that total by the number of months. You want to tackle the highest-interest rate cards first, as well as the variable interest debt in order to wipe those out as quickly as possible.

Step 2. Create a Budget

A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went. ~ Dave Ramsey

Now that you have analyzed your debt, it’s time to create a budget, or adjust the one you currently have. There is no way you’re going to pay off your debt without making some adjustment to your spending and sacrificing some things. So, in this new or newly adjusted budget you will leave those things in place that cannot be carved such as your rent/mortgage/insurance and any other fixed payments you have. Then decide on what you want to cut back on in terms of using less electric/water/gas/phone etc., and possibly spending less on cosmetics/clothing/entertainment/traveling. The one thing we recommend is that you do not cut back on the quality of foods you eat. If you usually eat out a lot, you may want to start preparing your own meals at home, but you must insist on enjoying the same quality of healthy foods so you do not compromise your health. The last thing you need as you go through this transitioning from debt trapped to debt free, is a medical bill. We here at MBB do not believe in lowering our standard of living; we believe in elevating our monetary strategies and increasing our finances to meet our standard of living instead. However, drastic times demand drastic measures, and working to get out of debt that can be so crippling, warrants this deviation.

Step 3. Bargain With Your Creditors

Call up your creditors, and seek out a bargain. Many creditors will be happy to make a deal with delinquent debtors. They will be happy to get back a portion of the monies owed to them and close out old debts, rather than lose the entire sum of money. Some creditors you just can’t bargain with, but most will welcome your call and attempt to resolve your debt situation, and be more than willing to cut your debt – astronomically.

Step 4. Set a DEBT FREE Goal

Now that you understand your debt and has bargained with your creditors, it’s time to set a debt-free goal, which means you cannot continue to keep up with the Joneses (and the Kardashians). Depending on how badly you want to get out of debt, your situation will now be different. The way you go about doing what you do in living your life, will have to change as getting out of debt takes precedence. If you are truly ready and committed to becoming debt free, then you will make the drastic changes necessary to achieve that goal. Be realistic and specific about your debt free goal. Don’t make it so drastic that you won’t have food – healthy foods, as you go through this process. If you know you are only able to put $1000 each month towards this goal, do not lay out a plan for $2000 or even $1500 per month. Put the $1000 down as what you will pay out. It may take a bit longer, but you will not feel too strapped and possibly jeopardize your health in the process. You want to come out debt free but still healthy and whole at the end of it all. Also, be specific about a deadline. Based on how much you owe and how much you can pay out each month, divide them to see how many months it will take. Keep that month as your goal deadline. Now, you may be able to pay out more some months than others, depending on your situation – if you have a side hustle or run a business – but even when you do that (and by all means do that), you want to keep the $1000 each month as your realistic amount on your paperwork. There is hardly any better feeling than completing your mission and achieving your goal way before the time you have set.

Step 5. Increase Your Income

There are so many ways to increase your income, and based on your individual situation – whether you’re working a 9-5 or running your own business – technology and the Internet make it possible and easier for anyone to uplevel their finances. If you are working a 9-5, consider using a part of your skillset to bring in money on the side. You can do this by creating a course to sell, which will bring you passive income as we so highly recommend, or you can write a book about a topic that you know a lot about that you know is in demand. You can also use any of these 7 Income streams that can truly uplevel your net worth. If you are a service business owner, you can choose to package and position your services, or an aspect of what you do in course format, so that you too can take advantage of some passive income. If you are product based, you may want to rethink your marketing strategies, and reposition your products so a wider market can access your products. If you are not using social media marketing, you may want to take a look at it, as it is one of the most effective marketing tool in today’s technologically advanced world. Increasing your income or money inflow should always be on your agenda. Money can never be too much!

BONUS TIP: Use a software to keep a record of your income and expenses. There are many free software on the market to date, such as Mint.com and Wave.com. This will give you a clear precise picture of where your money is coming from and most importantly, where it is going. This way you can analyze and cut back on your outflow – where necessary, and work at improving your money inflow. These software will allow you to see a complete snapshot of your monthly money flow, so you can quickly nip the unnecessary expenses in their bud, and work at increasing your income.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International

Self-Love: Loving Yourself Unconditionally – Including Your Imperfections

Self Love: Loving Yourself Unconditionally, Including Your Imperfections

Self-love.  What is the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear this word?

To me, self-love means to truly love yourself – with all your imperfections, the way you look, how you act, how you think – without giving a fadizzle what others think about you.  Loving yourself without conditions – unconditionally!   You love yourself even when you’re mad at yourself because you took your parents advice and marry Dick over Harry and that ended badly and now you’re having to start all over again.  (A bit dramatic, but you get the picture?)  You accept what happened, cry or laugh about it, learn from it (yes, deduct the lessons from your losses – there are always lessons), dust yourself off and continue on with your self-love in tact.

One aspect of self-love is that you love spending time with yourself.  It’s not enough to love spending time alone while watching TV or reading a book.  Yes, that’s awesome! But you have to go deeper than that.  Can you be in your own company with your own thoughts doing nothing but just being?  Do you like yourself when you’re not motivated and feeling kinda out of place?  What about when you put on weight or when you’re angry and are having a heated argument with someone?  Do you still love yourself in those moments?  It’s a process to really and truly accept and love yourself as a whole.  You do not have to love the situation or what is happening to cause you to feel uncomfortable to the point where you want to self-hate, but if you learn to separate that thing from your person, you will be better able to disconnect it from you and thus use it as a learning tool.

I have learned not to self-sabotage, and self-hate but prior to that I cannot tell you how many times I’ve beaten upon myself with the “You’re so stupid!”, How could you’ve done that?!” “You stupid fool!” and at times literally harming myself.  (You do not want to hear about that, I promise you!).  True story.  But how do you get to that stage of being wholeheartedly comfortable with yourself?  It’s a process and it takes time.  And sometimes when you think you’re already there, you find that there’s still so much to learn.  It can be hard to love yourself through some things, but with each trial and overcoming, you will be stronger and get closer to loving your self unconditionally as you will definitely learn so much more about yourself with each trial and triumph.

I think it’s important to acknowledge that it all starts in your mind. Negative thoughts can have such a negative effect and there’s really no room for them. It’s easy for me to write this because I’m naturally a positive person, but trying to change the negative thoughts to positive ones can make such a difference. Simply reminding yourself: “it’s okay, everything is okay”. It’s okay to feel anxious and not good enough.  Recognizing negative thoughts is half the work. Know that not being a positive person is okay too.  Think about what you would say to your loved one if they were feeling uninspired and down.  I’m sure you would be encouraging and kind, so be the same to yourself.  It’s hard but not impossible.  I really like self-loving affirmations, inspiring quotes and even listening to inspiring videos on YouTube.  You could also say those affirmations to yourself.  I’m sure we’ve all seen it in a movie before; someone standing in front of a mirror saying to themselves “I’m beautiful. I’m worthy. I’m proud of myself”. It’s so easy to believe negative things that someone is saying about you but did you ever think that positive things you say about yourself can also be the truth?

The biggest part of mastering the art of self-love is beginning to take better care of yourself – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Doing things that make us genuinely happy and fulfilled is the way to go.  For me, it’s going for a walk to enjoy nature, doing yoga, having a home spa evening, watching a TV show, meditating, or reading. I don’t think we should worry about being perfect. No one is! Simply start practicing self-loving thoughts and incorporate self-care acts and practices into your life.

Ladies, we cannot look to someone to love us when we don’t even love ourselves.  Not gonna happen!  And you know what?  You could attract a narcissist whose vibratory lens are keen at identifying self-sabotaging, self-hating women and are masters at pretending to be just what you need – initially, until you are deeply entwined in their web of deceit.

And finally, as our CEO here at MY Blooming Biz Eugénie Nugent once wrote, “Having our finances in order is the highest form of self-love, a love that cannot help but to command respect.”  This is definitely another aspect of self-love.  Being financially secure!  We need money to do pretty much everything on a daily basis, and while it cannot afford us the important intangibles, it will allow us to have the tangibles that are vital to our very being.  Without financial security, many women often find themselves in precarious situations where they are being pimped and abused, or living in inhumane conditions.  If you are not financially independent, this should be your immediate priority.  Your self-love depends on it.  Your livelihood depends on it.  Your life depends on it.  You cannot leave something this important to anyone else.  Your finances is your lifeblood, and your lifeblood is your life.

Bottom line: If you do not like something about your physical, you can change it.  There is exercise, healthy foods, and even plastic surgery available – thanks to innovation and how far we have come.  If you don’t like where you’re at financially, you can change that too.  Most things about us can change, but whatever you do, do not strive to be anyone else.  Do not zone in on any person and start working at being just like them.  You will not be successful at being them, and you may just become self-loathing.  Your unique essence of you is exclusive to YOU.  You cannot be anyone else, and no-one else can be you.  Connect with your inner self and allow that connection to manifest.

Show yourself some LOVE, we all deserve it.  Embrace and love YOU!

Love & Light,