If you’ve never heard of Deepak Chopra, please Google him – after you’re through reading this post. In short, he’s a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation, and the author of a multitude of personal development books that can literally transform lives. This is one such book! Not only is this book fitting for the beginning of such a time as this, but it’s central in the art of you moving from where you are to where you want to be – realizing your dreams. In this book, Dr. Chopra explains in detail each of the seven philosophical and spiritual factors that are required in order for us to live a full productive and happy life.
We’ve been blessed to attend a few of his conferences, and if you’ve attended any live events, you know the unparalleled experience being present brings. However, reading his books and having them physically to go over again and again – at your speed, is a huge advantage.
There are exercises and steps to follow in each chapter, and although this book is a quick read, we recommend you read and absorb each chapter – taking time to do the exercises before moving on the the next chapter(s). You will make notes, and you will refer back to this book from time to time, because there are gems sprinkled all throughout – gems that are timeless.
Dr Chopra’s 7 Spiritual Laws of Success
1. The Law of Pure Potentiality. This law is about pure consciousness; something we didn’t fully grasp until after The Reset Experience. It says that the core of our being is pure awareness. This realm of pure awareness is the place of all possibilities, and underlies all creativity. The Law of Pure Potentiality is about first tapping into that silence and stillness that resides within ourselves by taking time to just be.
2. The Law of Giving (and Receiving). This revolves around “intention” when giving and receiving, which should be unconditional and from the heart. This law is based on the fact that everything in the universe operates through dynamic exchange. Every relationship is one of give and take because giving and receiving are different aspects of the energy in the universe.
3. The Law of “Karma” or Cause and Effect. I believe we all need to understand this one! The Law of karma is all about the positive or negative valance of our words, thoughts, and deeds. In essence, everything we do creates a corresponding energy that comes back to us in some form or another. Be all about doing good – sowing good seeds, and good will inevitably return to you. Be all about doing bad – sowing bad seeds, and you bet bad things will return to you. Karma works – every time!
4. The Law of Least Effort. In short, The Law of Least Effort is based on the fact that nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease and abandoned carefreeness. Follow the path of no resistance. In other words, when you operate in your zone of GENIUS you will find FLOW, and everything becomes effortless.
5. The Law of Intention and Desire. According to Dr. Chopra, “Attention energizes and intention transforms”. When you place your attention on your intention, you will attain the desired outcome. That is why we recommend that you set your intentions before doing anything – especially when creating your Vision Board.
6. The Law of Detachment. According to Dr. Chopra, “The known is the prison of past conditioning. In our willingness to step into the unknown – the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe.” A lack of knowing the TRUE “Self” creates attachments based on fear and insecurities. Let go of expectations and attachments to outcomes.
7. The Law of “Dharma” or Purpose in Life. The Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life, says that we are spiritual beings who have taken physical form to fulfill a purpose. Everyone has a purpose in life — a unique gift or special talent to give to others, and for every unique talent and expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. When we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our spirit. This is the goal of all goals.
As we always say here at My Blooming Biz, it is in giving that we receive!
If you believe in the Law of Attraction as we do here at My Blooming Biz, this book will be easy to follow. It is insightful and practical leaning in to you – helping you align your consciousness, your being to the energy of the Universe so that you can effortlessly release your wish, as you do your part, and allow the Universe to do its part in making your dreams a reality.
How to say no to family members/friends who keep asking you for money
How to end generational negligence on money in your family
How to raise your children to understand money and how it works
How to accumulate and build generational wealth
Dr Chopra’s book is like a precursor to Patrice Washington’s book in the sense that the 7 laws must be practiced in order for everything else to flow the right way. Yes, we need money, and excellent money management to make our lives more manageable and meaningful, but we also need to follow natural laws in order for us to fulfill our purpose, be successful, and live our best lives.
Dr. Chopra’s book reminds us of one of our CEO Eugénie Nugent’s favorite quote, which is, “Not everything depends on you, so for the things that do, make them count.” In other words, do your part to the best of your ability, and be confident enough to know that the universe will do its part in bringing your vision to fruition.
We’re all about living a full, happy and productive life. And so, as you pursue your dream relentlessly – allowing nothing and no-one to keep you off-track – take time out to smell the roses, live in each moment, learn from setbacks, and celebrate every win.
Money Maven, Patrice C. Washington continues to show herself worthy of that title by putting forth invaluable money-making, money-maximizing, money-retaining tips and strategies that will ensure you succeed financially well into the future – if you heed them. Like a true money maven, Patrice begin the book by addressing Money Mindset issues because she knows that that is a huge issue with many women, and so many repeat the same behaviors over and over without learning that the root cause of their money problem is in their belief system. Excuses, myths, and attitudes about how to handle money are all addressed and knocked out right away. She touched on various aspects of using your God given gifts and talents to find ways to earn more money. She talked about creating a game plan for organizing and managing your money and some financial tools you can use. She later digs deep into managing money and relationships; and how to make them both work for you. It covers every single topic of money you can think of such as:
How to say no to family members/friends who keep asking you for money
How to end generational negligence on money in your family
How to raise your children to understand money and how it works
How to accumulate and build generational wealth
The book is compartmentalized in 4 sections:
Section 1: Create Wealthy Habits
Section 2: Earn More Money
Section 3: Manage Money Wisely
Section 4: Relationships and Money
Patrice does not believe in “emergency fund” as that instigate expecting things to go wrong, and it makes perfect sense – if you believe in the Law of Attraction as we do here at My Blooming Biz. As she explains, if you handle your money the way you are suppose to, then you will already have more than enough money in your possession to take care of that “emergency” – should it occur. You cannot get any more real about money answers than what Patrice shares in this book. She gives, real, honest and practical tips to winning at the money game.
As we always say, no-one is perfect, and likewise no book is perfect. She over-mentions Steve Harvey (but who wouldn’t with the significant clout he embodies). She recommends not helping your family/friends financially if they need your help and you have the means to (which we disagree with and you can choose to agree or disagree as well). However, do not allow these few items to take away from all the vital gems she shares that can literally change your financial game for the better. Patrice C. Washington is right up there with other finance superstars such as, Suze Orman, Chris Hogan and Dave Ramsey. Get this book, Real Money Answers for Every Woman: How to Win the Money Game With or Without a Man, read it and begin implementing its strategies.
This is one of those books that we revel in here at MBB! And there’s a reason for that. It was borne out of Paulo Coelho asking himself the BIG question, “Why did it take me so long to fulfill my dream?”. He had just completed something he had wanted to do, and was compelled to put pen to paper and share his experiences with us – in the hope that we will not wait another second to begin following our hearts and realizing our dreams. You have a dream that’s close to your heart or one that has been deferred, or buried, and now is the time to exhume that dream, dust it off, remove it from the shelf and begin the process of bringing it to fruition. You will inevitably face obstacles and obstructions on your journey, but you will develop the requisite stamina and qualities you need to face and pursue your dreams as long as you submit to the authority of your will, that you will see your dreams through to the very end. Make that commitment to yourself and honor it!
The Alchemist is a New York Times bestseller, international bestseller and it is choc full of spiritual and practical gems that can be applied to our everyday life. The journey in the book is much like an initiation, where one is constantly subjected to tests of patience and courage. It will remind you that in pursuing your “Personal Legend” (what you’ve always wanted to accomplish), it is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. Coelho constantly reminds us that we don’t have yesterday or tomorrow; we only have today. It is written in original word version and also an illustrated edition which is excellent for readers who prefer story-telling through images and graphics.
Travel your journey with joy, hope, and challenges in your heart. – Paulo Coelho
The most important thing this book commands is that you strive to accomplish your dreams and allow nothing and no-one to stop you! You must decide whether you’re going to continue with what you’ve been accustomed to – remaining in your comfort zone, or pursuing what you really want and expanding your territory. It is beautifully written with gorgeous illustrations which makes the story shine through in a pellucid way. It is evocative and allusive – working on you without seeming to, and at the end you’re left both satisfied as the adventure concludes and also wanting more, and more importantly – wanting to do more.
In order to live the life you truly desire, you have to let go of inhibiting thoughts and beliefs, be free with your expressions and actions, and follow your heart. You have to do those things you crave so you can have a fulfilling life and one day look back and declare – “I’ve lived”. Your quest to explore and enjoy life may not only bring you tangible wealth, but may also be far different and far more satisfying than you could ever imagine – bringing you abundance of intangible wealth. Life is truly a blessing! Embrace it to its fullest. As Coelho exclaimed in his book interview, “A blessing has no explanation, but needs to be treasured and honored”. Live your life completely, being unapologetically you – in mind, body, and spirit.
Every medium has something else to offer! We go to live plays and shows for that in-person experience. We watch movies for that visual-effect experience. We read books for that in-depth pull-me-in experience that only a book can beget. Movies and plays can only show so much, but a book can encompass substantial amounts of detail and context that surpass all other media. Books help us understand life!
They provoke reactions. They have the ability to change us for better, or change us for worse. We say use them as catalyst for your advancement.
Make it a habit to secure and read books of all genre, background, and intent! You can begin by reading this book – The Alchemist, and continue reading from the books we have curated in our series Transformational Books – Our Picks.
Remember: You too can live “the empowered woman lifestyle”. And you don’t need permission!
We have chosen and added this book to our transformational picks because it has helped us and our clients in our quest to becoming whole, and we want you to know that it is entirely possible to become whole – if only you acknowledge your need to be whole, and take the necessary action steps to embody your wholeness. Wholeness is available to YOU too! Take action, change your life!
Bruce Alan Kehr, M.D. is a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist, and while this book was written from a perspective of helping people who are already engaged in some type of psychotherapeutic counseling, it houses tons of gems that can benefit us all and help us live a better, more fulfilling life – a wholesome life. With his game-changing, life-saving strategies, Dr. Kehr has helped thousands of women find joy, peace, wholesomeness in their personal, family, and business life. As he said in his own words, “Helping others brings me enormous joy. During my 40 years as a practicing psychiatrist it has been my honor to help thousands of patients ease emotional pain, end aloneness, and find self-love”…”If you suffer from emotional pain that just won’t go away, feel alone at work or at home, suffer from low self-esteem, or endure challenging love relations, read my blogs and my book. I wrote them for you, to bring you hope.” Our team here at MBB can attest to that!
Dr. Kehr’s Book is Geared Towards:
1. Anyone suffering from emotional distress that just won’t go away.
2. Patients in psychotherapy who are not getting better.
3. Psychotherapists who would like to better understand the underlying biological basis of the symptoms experienced by their clients.
4. Patients in treatment with a psychiatrist who have not fully recovered.
In this book you will find provocative lessons, actionable plans, and real-life case studies that make clear what we must do everyday to ensure we embody wholesomeness. There is a section devoted to romantic relationships and emotional intimacy which is superbly written and expounded on, and many of us here have found it very useful and we are sure some of you will too. There is also a section about children growing up and leaving the home – empty nesting, and how you can be prepared to let go. Very valuable insights! There are stories of people in treatment which is very helpful in understanding and accepting that the problems we all face are universal, and that there is always hope, no matter how our circumstances can make us feel.
This book will help you get past emotional struggles and get unstuck so you can begin attracting all the good things you envision for your life.
We have chosen and added this book to our transformational picks because it has helped us and our clients in our quest for financial prosperity, and we want you to know that financial prosperity is available to you as well – if only you acknowledge that it is, and take the necessary action steps to pull in YOUR six figures. There is enough for YOU too! Change your mindset, change your life!
The number of women making six figures or more is increasing and continues to rise at a rate never seen before. This is cause for celebration! If you’re not already in on this six-figure-women-winning-wealth-building juggernaut, then it’s time to get in formation and align yourself for yours.
Now, let’s set something straight! Six figure women did not just wake up and tada “I’m a six figure chick”! They face some of the same issues and challenges you face, but they held steady and consistent in their quest for success, and allowed nothing and no-one to get in their way – or stay in their way – and alas they ultimately succeed. You don’t get to see the tears, doubts, downfalls, sleepless nights that they experience, but without those down times, making six figures might not have been possible. They didn’t start making six figures overnight! Even the Kim Kardashian had to start somewhere and gradually work her way to the pinnacle she’s at where she can sellout a new-just-launched product within hours of launching it. Ask any six figure woman and she’ll tell you she didn’t start out keeping up with the Joneses and the Kardashians, she prioritized her “must haves” that are in alignment with her goals, channel her resources where they best work for her, so that later she could do whatever she wants – including keeping up with the Joneses and the Kardashians if she so desire.
Barbara outlines the power of understanding the difference between working hard and working smart with practical techniques that will energize and move you to take initiative in changing your mindset and the way you view and deal with money. According to Barbara, “If you continuously earn less than your full potential, you’re a perpetual under-earner”. And the main differences between high earners and the under-earners are actions and attitudes. What this means is that you are caught in what we termed here at MBB – a SPINN Cycle, and you have the power to change your mindset, take action and get in alignment with your worth in order to see your greatest dreams and desires realized. Sometimes we have to do something new! Change course. Keep our eyes and hearts on our goals and dreams, but configure the strategies we use to accomplish them. We cannot keep doing the same thing but expecting different results.
You Can Count On Secrets of Six Figure Women to:
1) Challenge the way you view and treat money
2) Create thought-provoking, mind-shifting aha moments
3) Show you why you too can amass the wealth you so desire and deserve
4) Help you bounce back from self-doubt, procrastination, and self-sabotage
Like many of us here at MBB, this book will help you get on the right path to financial freedom. As long as you follow the concepts and apply them to your individual situation, you will benefit immensely. It is filled with anecdotal evidence and practical steps that can prove very effective when practiced! And as we always recommend here at MBB, read this book all the way through, and do so with an open mind. Not with the mind to make critique, but to absorb what you can from it that is meaningful and geared towards enhancing your life. We all have different writing styles and ways we tell stories, but we all have something valuable to offer. Never discount that!
Read, and reread the chapter on money and begin to transition to your six figures, using those tools. You can have your money work for you! This is what we talk about and help women implement here at MBB through one of our signature programs MASTER Your Finances. But before you can MASTER your finances, you first gotta earn some money in order to have it work for you, and that’s in our signature program WERK Your Money Making Genie.
We are not only featuring this book because it has helped all of us here at MBB – from CEO to management to staff improve our lives, but we are sharing and crediting this book because we have used its teaching to help hundreds of women around the globe empower themselves.
Brendon’s vision for his book was to help individuals institute those habits that will enable them to accomplish their goals and achieve success in all their endeavors, and we can attest that he has accomplished that. He believes that his “high-performance habits” will help all who utilize them have a more fulfilling, happier life. According to Brendon, “Taken together, the six habits you’ll learn here won’t just get you to excellence, they’ll make you happier — and the data proves it. The positive emotions of engagement, joy, and confidence that define the high performer’s emotional state can be yours.” He demonstrates the power of being deliberate in your dealings, and include practical tools and techniques that will energize and move you to take initiative in realizing your vision and dreams.
This book will equip you with strategies to:
1) Seek and gain clarity
2) Generate energy
3) Raise necessity
4) Increase productivity
5) Develop influence
6) Demonstrate courage
Like many of us here at MBB, this book will help you to breakthrough barriers using practical elements which has the potential to attract what we are intentional and deliberate about into our lives. It is filled with thought-provoking exercises, and real-world daily practices you can implement right now! Read it all the way through and highlight important parts or the portions that speak to you, then read at least one highlighted passage every day.
We have utilized these strategies here at MBB, in addition to many others that we have harnessed over the years, and if you are a client of ours we have already passed them on to you through one or more of our many programs and workshops here. But for those of you who are reading this and it’s new to you, go ahead and get this book, read it, and implement these strategies in your life. We have just narrowly touched the surface of this book in this blog post, and there is so much more for you to experience and grasp from Brendon Burchard himself in his book through context he so elaborately put forth.
This book is necessary for those of you who know there is more you can be, do, and have. We’re not just talking about money. We’re talking about advancing in a significant way – every area of your life. Invest in yourself by buying this book and implementing its strategies to enhance your life. The material is based on much research and scientific study, so the conclusions are reliable. Also, we all learn differently, and so what Brendon has done is to provide his teachings via various methods including courses which he mentions throughout his book. We recommend that you read this book with an open mind, and look pass whatever you do not like about Brendon or his writing style and take what is necessary to build you up.
In Brendon’s own words, “This book is about how people become extraordinary, and why others block themselves from that possibility. It will show clearly and unmistakably why some excel, others fail, and far too many never even try.” “It will reveal what it takes to become not just an achiever but a high performer — someone who creates ever-increasing levels of both well-being and external success over the long term.” Brendon Burchard is a great public speaker and writer who is very intentional about his writings and labors to make it exceptional. He is insightful, and this book is relevant. Get this book High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way, read it, implement the strategies in your life, and expect whatever you desire to be materialized.