by My Blooming Biz | Apr 21, 2019 | Empowerment Tools, Personal Growth & Development, Wholistic Empowerment, Women Empowerment

Looking around the world today at what’s happening seems like a never ending roller coaster of tragedy, mournings, sadness caused by wars, rumors of wars, retaliations leaving many dead and those alive, in despair. This is a constant reminder that life is unpredictable. You can be here one minute, and gone the next. You can be here one minute with all your faculties, and losing any at any given moment. Adding to that, are the other culprits – diseases, illnesses caused by unnatural elements in our foods and air adding to the equation – painting a dismal picture and bringing into clear focus the fragility of our life, and why we have to do our best to live our best life possible – while we have the chance.
Many of us don’t think about this much until tragedy strikes us, or someone close to us. We never give a thought to the unpredictability of life and the urgency that’s required to ensure our life is lived to its fullest. However, this is something we must be cognizant of. Don’t wait to start living your life to its fullest. Start now! That said, there are things we can control and then there are things we cannot control, and will never be able to control. So what we have to do is figure out what we can control and make them work for us, and what we cannot and will never control, and formulate ways to work around, with, or through them.
Here are 7 Tips to Embracing Your Life and Following Through to Your Dreams Sooner Than Later:
Tip# 1. Write down everything you are passionate about in life
There’s a certain switch that happens when we write things down. It moves from the abstract into reality. Thoughts materialize on paper in front of us. This is monumentally important! So if you haven’t been writing down your goals, dreams, and desires, go ahead and begin writing them down. Not just think it in your mind, but actually write it down pen to paper.
Ask yourself, “what are you passionate about?” Don’t answer something superficial like money. Money is just a conduit to something else like freedom or security. The question is about passion. You are not passionate about money! Maybe about what money would bring. But forget about money for a moment. What else are you passionate about? Is it your family? Is it helping others? Is it traveling? Is it new experiences? Is it reading books? Writing books? Sharing stories? Write it down. Write down everything that you’re passionate about and then a short description of why it means so much to you in life. This is crucial! Don’t skip this step.
Tip# 2. Write down what you are no longer willing to tolerate
We usually end up tolerating things because we’re too afraid of the alternatives. For example, you might tolerate a relationship because you’re too afraid of divorce – afraid of being alone. You might tolerate your 9-5 job because you’re too afraid of starting your own business and possibly failing. Or you might tolerate your diet because you’re too afraid of trying to lose weight and failing and what others might think of you.
What have you been tolerating? What have you put up with in your life for far too long? Don’t just think about it. Write it down. Again, writing it down makes it real. Thinking about it keeps it in the abstract. Write it down then write down why you’re no longer willing to tolerate it.
Something amazing happens when you do this. You won’t realize it right away, but your mind will start searching for ways to overcome those things that you’ve been tolerating for too long that have been holding you back in life. Do this and watch your transformation unfold. Our lifestyle designing workbook is designed with this in mind.
Tip# 3. Revisit the big goals you’ve long given up on and enhance them with new empowering goals
When you realize how unpredictable life is, you begin to understand why you cannot sit and watch your dreams fade. You only get this chance at life once, and when it’s over it’s over. Also, there are things you can do more easily when you’re younger, things that will be more challenging as you get older. You must revisit those big goals you had – now, and begin working to bring them to fruition. You may also want to create a new set of empowering goals that will fuel you and drive you forward. Write them down. Create a plan and put your plan in action.
We live in fear too often! We think that if we reach for something and fall flat on our faces that it’s the end of everything. But it’s not, it doesn’t have to be! You can always learn from the things that failed and use those lessons to your advancement, so you can come out victorious the next time around. We’ve learned more lessons through failure than anything else here at MBB, and they have definitely made us better – individually, and collectively. Failure can either demolish you or drive you to reach higher. Choose to reach for your goals and let nothing stop you from accomplishing them. Use everything along the way as you embrace your process, to enhance and elevate you to your best standard of living and quality of life.
Tip# 4. Come up with compelling reasons to achieve your goals
We will only achieve our goals when they are meaningful to us. With that in mind, come up with some compelling reasons for achieving YOUR goals. Dig deep inside for the meat of your “why“ and solidify them. Why does reaching that goal matters most to you?
Figure that out and you’ll find the solution. Come up with reasons that you would quite literally give life and limb for. Think about it! In the past, didn’t you do whatever it took to achieve something when you really wanted it badly? Badly enough that you did whatever it took to achieve it? Of course you did! That’s the secret sauce right there – a meaningful why.
Tip# 5. Do something outside of your comfort zone
We all have a comfort zone! Pushing ourselves outside of that comfort zone is imperative, if we are to live and experience life to its fullest. Yes, you are in your comfort zone, but how comfortable are you if you are not maximizing your fullest potential? How comfortable are you if you are not fully living and thriving? Author and brand strategist Rachel Wilson Thibodeaux terms this the “uncomfortable comfort zone”. You are in your comfort zone but you are not comfortable because you are not where you want to be in life, you have not exhausted all your potential to be the best you you can be, and as such you are not living your best life – but compromising.
You’re probably afraid of the unknown,
afraid of failing, afraid of what others may think of you as you step out. Stepping out makes us vulnerable! But it is in this vulnerability that we are seen, recognized, and able to extend our greatness to those our gifts were designed for. Defy fear! Put fear in its proper perspective so you can achieve success. Make the first step outside of your comfort zone. Even if it’s something small, for example, if you’re afraid of meeting new people, go to networking events and speak to others. Push yourself! It’s only temporary discomfort, but that temporary discomfort could mean a lifetime of empowerment, abundance, and true comfort. As our CEO Eugénie Nugent like to say here at My Blooming Biz, “Get it on! Short-term discomfort for long-term comfort”.
Tip# 6. Contribute something of value to help others
Here at My Blooming Biz International, we believe in the law of reciprocity which states, “it is in giving that we receive”. And no, we will not necessarily be rewarded by the ones we help, however, when we help others we become a part of the circle of reciprocity, and as your good flow out some good returns to you. So with that in mind, what can you do for others? What can you do for your family or friends? What about for the community? What type of life can you provide for your family and what value can you give to the world if you were to achieve your dreams? If you can find something that fuels you that’s bigger than you, it is your purpose. When you add value to the lives of others, an extraordinary transformation occurs. Imagine being able to make money doing something you love and also giving to other people at the same time.
Of course, this isn’t just about making money. You should find ways to contribute in any way possible. Donate your time to help others solve some problem or just to lend a helping hand. If you have disposable income, consider donating some of it. Do something to make the world and the lives of others better and you’ll begin to attract good things in life.
Tip# 7 Allow Nothing to Keep You Off-track
Things are going to happen that will take you off track, that’s life. As we said before, there are things we can control and things we cannot control. And so those “things we cannot control” have the potential to get us off-track, but how we will get back on track is by using the things we can control. Formulating new ways and approaches to achieving our goals. Changing our route if we have to, but never our BIG goals and dreams – not our destination.
You may have to say goodbye to friends, colleagues, and even family members who seem to only discourage, disparage, and dissuade you to thwart your dreams. Some of them will be temporary, some will be permanent, but you have to let them be so you can move forward and get pass those testy hurdles that would have been so much easier to cross if only those nays were actually yays. It’s difficult enough trying to jump those hurdles that are inevitable in life, but when the support is not there, and some are even making you question what you are trying to do – if you are even capable or good enough – it’s time to let them go.
So make a commitment to yourself that from now on you are going to do whatever it takes to live your life to its fullest potential, and allow nothing and no-one to keep you off track. You will set your goals, solidify your why, formulate your plan, embrace fear, stay on course because life is too short to not live every minute of it just the way we want to.
With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,