5 Ways to Tap Into The Power of Your Thoughts and Channel It To Serve You

5 Ways to Tap into the Power of Your Thoughts and Channel it to Serve You

Thoughts are powerful! And they become our actions! The very thoughts that are circulating through your psyche can help to manifest the life of your dreams, or deter you from pursuing your dreams because of fear. But most people don’t realize the inherent power of their thoughts. We go about our lives infused in one mindset or another, without the clear realization that whatever it is we think about or focus on consistently, we move towards. We are the product of our thoughts! Think, and you shall become, is a huge part of the manifestation of our destiny. As author Norman Vincent Peele emphasize in his book, The Power of Positive Thinking “Change your thoughts and change your world.” Not everyone believes in the fervent power of their thoughts. They brush it off while dwelling on the past or fearing the future, not quite understanding that the very things that they are thinking about, they are inching closer towards. And whether they believe it or not, it is happening. It’s kind of like the Law of Attraction, it’s happening the way it operates, whether one acknowledges it or not – it is affecting their life! And since this is the case, we must be intentional about channeling our thoughts to serve us. It does take practice and work, but it has been proven that it is totally possible, and the ultimate determinant of us achieving our goals and enjoying a high quality of life.

How to Channel Your Thinking

We are all creatures of habit! We have very set ways of doing things and have conditioned ourselves to think, feel and behave a certain way through years (and sometimes decades) of practice. It is this type of habitual thought patterns that can set the stage for an empowering and fulfilling life, or help to play a hand in our resultant downfall over time.

If you’re serious about achieving your goals and accomplishing anything worth noting in life, then you have to leverage the power of your thoughts by channeling your thinking. And this may require you to do some mindset shifting and institute a new way of doing things as far as your thoughts, to bring about the change you seek. If the same ole’ same ole’ is not cutting it and is actually hindering you from progressing, then it’s time for that change to take place. As Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” We cannot expect to think, feel and behave the same way but garner different results. We have to do what’s necessary to create that change that is required for us to get to that next level.

As long as you can channel your thinking into the right direction, you can quite literally manifest your dreams. So what does it mean to channel your thoughts? Channeling your thoughts mean that you practice being present so you can always be aware of your thoughts and redirect it to a place where it can serve you – if it was not bringing forth thoughts that serve you.

Here Are Five (5) Ways You Can Channel Your Thoughts So They Serve You

1. Set Meaningful (SMART) Goals

When we set goals that mean a lot to us and are so very profound, it allows us to keep them front and center of our mind and makes it easier to refocus our attention when our thoughts stray. We have something that means a lot to us and will not allow us to be distracted for long. When we set goals that truly mean something to us beyond things like money, fame and prestige, we are better able to leverage the power of our thoughts to achieve those meaningful goals. The less superficial, the better the goals. If you set superficial goals you will very easily lose sight of them.

2. Create & Follow a Detailed Plan to Get to Your Goals

We can help to guide our thoughts in the right direction when we follow detailed plans. Whatever it is that you want in life, as long as you do the proper amount of planning for it, you can achieve it over time. It just won’t happen overnight. But it’s the right plan that will take you from Point A to Point B. Without a very detailed plan, and disciplined execution of that plan, it’s highly unlikely you will ever get to that goal or get to that goal in the time you determine you would. Again, if your goal is not very meaningful to you, and has substance, you will be more easily distracted. If they mean a lot to you, your thoughts will be more focused on them, and easily channeled when strayed.

3. Put Past & Present Hurt/Setback In Their Proper perspective

Deal with what you have to deal with, because having things throw us off our center is a part of the journey here on earth. But do not dwell there! Stay there long enough to mourn, grieve, and experience that pain, then deduct the lesson(s) from that experience so you can use it to advance you forward. The power to achieve anything lies in your focus. The more you can focus your thoughts on something, the more likely you’ll be able to achieve it. If you focus your mind on the wrong things, then you’ll have a harder time achieving anything in life.

4. Constantly Seek Ways to Add Value to Your Life

We can harness our thoughts to achieve wild success when we’re constantly seeking ways to add value. Life shouldn’t always be about a direct return on investment from your time spent on things. You have to look at the long-term implications of doing things the right way – today, even if it takes a considerable amount of time for that to materialize into real results. If you are constantly seeking out ways to add value to your life, the chances of your thoughts dwelling on things that do not serve you, will be zero/nil.

5. Ensure Your Mind, Body & Spirit are Always Amply Fed

We are most functional when we are balanced! Have you ever noticed after you go for a walk, run, or complete an exercise routine how entirely sharp you feel? Or when you travel away on vacation and get back how much more focused you are? When your mind, body, and spirit is catered to, focus becomes more natural, and having those meaningful goals will ensure you stay on course with your detailed plan and see them through to fruition more timely. You will find that it demands less thought channeling when you live a balanced life.

The right thoughts directed in the right direction can be powerful. But the wrong thoughts directed in the wrong direction can be fatal. Empower yourself by utilizing these 5 ways to tap and channel your thoughts so that they can serve you.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

5 Steps to Getting Out of Debt and Staying Out of Debt

5 Steps for Getting Out of Debt & staying Out of Debt

Having huge amounts of debt can wreak havoc on our emotions and even wreck our relationships. It can feel like eternal servitude being obligated to pay out large portions of our monthly income for pleasures we have already enjoyed, trapped as puppets in a very calculated zero-sum game of financial chess that leaves us as mere pawns on the playing field. Yes, having huge debt is serious business!

So how can we get out of debt and remain debt free? Let’s first take a look at why the majority of us get in debt in the first place.

Debt is, for the most part, accumulated by impulsive behavior. When we have those I-need-to-have-it-now moments in life that serve to balloon us out of our circumference of affordability, we often do not think about the consequences of our impulsive action, and are usually only keyed in to the pleasure we will be getting from whatever we are entering into debt for. So money in those instances to us is merely a tool in our virtually endless quest to constantly gain pleasure – at whatever cost. This uncontrollable behavior stems from deep down within our psychic apparatus – the Id, Ego, and Superego, which is the driver of the thing we call our minds. So the first thing we have to do to combat this persuasion from our psychic apparatus, is to learn to create some awareness to this interaction so as to override it.

What can be added to the happiness of a man who is in health, out of debt, and has a clear conscience? ~ Adam Smith

Here are 5 Steps for Getting Out of Debt & Staying Out of Debt

Step 1. – Analyze your Debt

The first step to getting out of debt is to make an analysis of your debt. You cannot get out of debt without first understanding how much and what kind of debt you have. We know many of you have a vague idea of what you owe and to whom; however, in order to know exactly what you are getting ready to tackle, and the options available to you, you must write down all your debt and the corresponding parties you owe. Facing debt is not an easy task! We here at MBB know how difficult it can be to face the music of your debt load, but we also know that it must be done if you are serious about ridding yourself of debt for good. Many of us weren’t always debt free! And the biggest problem most of us faced, was that we did not want to look at our debt situation. We did not want to face it! We would rather turn a blind eye, cause we’re too afraid to see just how much debt we’ve racked up. It’s frightening – we know! However, if you cannot analyze and understand your debt, then there is absolutely no way you can rid yourself of those debts and emerge debt free. An analysis must be done!

So, if you’ve not been keeping track of your debt, gather all your bills for the past 12 months and get to a table so you can start organizing and tallying the numbers. Organize your bills in date format, with the most recent on top. Now, you are ready to organize and tally your numbers. We recommend you use an accounting software such as QuickBooks, Mint, or FreshBooks to do this, or at the very least a Spreadsheet, because they make it so much easier to edit, make changes, calculate, and store in an organized way. If you do not have any of these, do not allow that to hinder your progress. Get a sheet of paper, turn it in a landscape position (or rectangular) and at the top of page, write a main heading “My Current Debt to Date – (input the date you are doing this)”. Next, create 4 columns below the main heading with 4 headings: 1) Creditor’s Name, 2) Amount Owing to Date, 3) Fixed Interest Rate 4) Average Variable Interest Rate. Use the last bill from each creditor to fill in each column and rows. Then tally the total of column 2 – Amount Owing to Date and write that figure down at bottom of column 2 below the last used row. Be sure to include and calculate all of your debts – from credit cards, to car loans, personal loans, student loans, mortgage, insurance, and everything else. Now that is what you owe to date, with the exception of the missing interest that may be accumulating on a daily basis. Each debt terms will most likely be different, likewise the interest rates – some may be fixed and some variable. Now you want to calculate the interest rate you’ve been paying per month for each variable interest debt. To do this, find the average interest by adding all the interest for each month of the creditor and dividing that total by the number of months. You want to tackle the highest-interest rate cards first, as well as the variable interest debt in order to wipe those out as quickly as possible.

Step 2. Create a Budget

A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went. ~ Dave Ramsey

Now that you have analyzed your debt, it’s time to create a budget, or adjust the one you currently have. There is no way you’re going to pay off your debt without making some adjustment to your spending and sacrificing some things. So, in this new or newly adjusted budget you will leave those things in place that cannot be carved such as your rent/mortgage/insurance and any other fixed payments you have. Then decide on what you want to cut back on in terms of using less electric/water/gas/phone etc., and possibly spending less on cosmetics/clothing/entertainment/traveling. The one thing we recommend is that you do not cut back on the quality of foods you eat. If you usually eat out a lot, you may want to start preparing your own meals at home, but you must insist on enjoying the same quality of healthy foods so you do not compromise your health. The last thing you need as you go through this transitioning from debt trapped to debt free, is a medical bill. We here at MBB do not believe in lowering our standard of living; we believe in elevating our monetary strategies and increasing our finances to meet our standard of living instead. However, drastic times demand drastic measures, and working to get out of debt that can be so crippling, warrants this deviation.

Step 3. Bargain With Your Creditors

Call up your creditors, and seek out a bargain. Many creditors will be happy to make a deal with delinquent debtors. They will be happy to get back a portion of the monies owed to them and close out old debts, rather than lose the entire sum of money. Some creditors you just can’t bargain with, but most will welcome your call and attempt to resolve your debt situation, and be more than willing to cut your debt – astronomically.

Step 4. Set a DEBT FREE Goal

Now that you understand your debt and has bargained with your creditors, it’s time to set a debt-free goal, which means you cannot continue to keep up with the Joneses (and the Kardashians). Depending on how badly you want to get out of debt, your situation will now be different. The way you go about doing what you do in living your life, will have to change as getting out of debt takes precedence. If you are truly ready and committed to becoming debt free, then you will make the drastic changes necessary to achieve that goal. Be realistic and specific about your debt free goal. Don’t make it so drastic that you won’t have food – healthy foods, as you go through this process. If you know you are only able to put $1000 each month towards this goal, do not lay out a plan for $2000 or even $1500 per month. Put the $1000 down as what you will pay out. It may take a bit longer, but you will not feel too strapped and possibly jeopardize your health in the process. You want to come out debt free but still healthy and whole at the end of it all. Also, be specific about a deadline. Based on how much you owe and how much you can pay out each month, divide them to see how many months it will take. Keep that month as your goal deadline. Now, you may be able to pay out more some months than others, depending on your situation – if you have a side hustle or run a business – but even when you do that (and by all means do that), you want to keep the $1000 each month as your realistic amount on your paperwork. There is hardly any better feeling than completing your mission and achieving your goal way before the time you have set.

Step 5. Increase Your Income

There are so many ways to increase your income, and based on your individual situation – whether you’re working a 9-5 or running your own business – technology and the Internet make it possible and easier for anyone to uplevel their finances. If you are working a 9-5, consider using a part of your skillset to bring in money on the side. You can do this by creating a course to sell, which will bring you passive income as we so highly recommend, or you can write a book about a topic that you know a lot about that you know is in demand. You can also use any of these 7 Income streams that can truly uplevel your net worth. If you are a service business owner, you can choose to package and position your services, or an aspect of what you do in course format, so that you too can take advantage of some passive income. If you are product based, you may want to rethink your marketing strategies, and reposition your products so a wider market can access your products. If you are not using social media marketing, you may want to take a look at it, as it is one of the most effective marketing tool in today’s technologically advanced world. Increasing your income or money inflow should always be on your agenda. Money can never be too much!

BONUS TIP: Use a software to keep a record of your income and expenses. There are many free software on the market to date, such as Mint.com and Wave.com. This will give you a clear precise picture of where your money is coming from and most importantly, where it is going. This way you can analyze and cut back on your outflow – where necessary, and work at improving your money inflow. These software will allow you to see a complete snapshot of your monthly money flow, so you can quickly nip the unnecessary expenses in their bud, and work at increasing your income.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International

Self-Love: Loving Yourself Unconditionally – Including Your Imperfections

Self Love: Loving Yourself Unconditionally, Including Your Imperfections

Self-love.  What is the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear this word?

To me, self-love means to truly love yourself – with all your imperfections, the way you look, how you act, how you think – without giving a fadizzle what others think about you.  Loving yourself without conditions – unconditionally!   You love yourself even when you’re mad at yourself because you took your parents advice and marry Dick over Harry and that ended badly and now you’re having to start all over again.  (A bit dramatic, but you get the picture?)  You accept what happened, cry or laugh about it, learn from it (yes, deduct the lessons from your losses – there are always lessons), dust yourself off and continue on with your self-love in tact.

One aspect of self-love is that you love spending time with yourself.  It’s not enough to love spending time alone while watching TV or reading a book.  Yes, that’s awesome! But you have to go deeper than that.  Can you be in your own company with your own thoughts doing nothing but just being?  Do you like yourself when you’re not motivated and feeling kinda out of place?  What about when you put on weight or when you’re angry and are having a heated argument with someone?  Do you still love yourself in those moments?  It’s a process to really and truly accept and love yourself as a whole.  You do not have to love the situation or what is happening to cause you to feel uncomfortable to the point where you want to self-hate, but if you learn to separate that thing from your person, you will be better able to disconnect it from you and thus use it as a learning tool.

I have learned not to self-sabotage, and self-hate but prior to that I cannot tell you how many times I’ve beaten upon myself with the “You’re so stupid!”, How could you’ve done that?!” “You stupid fool!” and at times literally harming myself.  (You do not want to hear about that, I promise you!).  True story.  But how do you get to that stage of being wholeheartedly comfortable with yourself?  It’s a process and it takes time.  And sometimes when you think you’re already there, you find that there’s still so much to learn.  It can be hard to love yourself through some things, but with each trial and overcoming, you will be stronger and get closer to loving your self unconditionally as you will definitely learn so much more about yourself with each trial and triumph.

I think it’s important to acknowledge that it all starts in your mind. Negative thoughts can have such a negative effect and there’s really no room for them. It’s easy for me to write this because I’m naturally a positive person, but trying to change the negative thoughts to positive ones can make such a difference. Simply reminding yourself: “it’s okay, everything is okay”. It’s okay to feel anxious and not good enough.  Recognizing negative thoughts is half the work. Know that not being a positive person is okay too.  Think about what you would say to your loved one if they were feeling uninspired and down.  I’m sure you would be encouraging and kind, so be the same to yourself.  It’s hard but not impossible.  I really like self-loving affirmations, inspiring quotes and even listening to inspiring videos on YouTube.  You could also say those affirmations to yourself.  I’m sure we’ve all seen it in a movie before; someone standing in front of a mirror saying to themselves “I’m beautiful. I’m worthy. I’m proud of myself”. It’s so easy to believe negative things that someone is saying about you but did you ever think that positive things you say about yourself can also be the truth?

The biggest part of mastering the art of self-love is beginning to take better care of yourself – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Doing things that make us genuinely happy and fulfilled is the way to go.  For me, it’s going for a walk to enjoy nature, doing yoga, having a home spa evening, watching a TV show, meditating, or reading. I don’t think we should worry about being perfect. No one is! Simply start practicing self-loving thoughts and incorporate self-care acts and practices into your life.

Ladies, we cannot look to someone to love us when we don’t even love ourselves.  Not gonna happen!  And you know what?  You could attract a narcissist whose vibratory lens are keen at identifying self-sabotaging, self-hating women and are masters at pretending to be just what you need – initially, until you are deeply entwined in their web of deceit.

And finally, as our CEO here at MY Blooming Biz Eugénie Nugent once wrote, “Having our finances in order is the highest form of self-love, a love that cannot help but to command respect.”  This is definitely another aspect of self-love.  Being financially secure!  We need money to do pretty much everything on a daily basis, and while it cannot afford us the important intangibles, it will allow us to have the tangibles that are vital to our very being.  Without financial security, many women often find themselves in precarious situations where they are being pimped and abused, or living in inhumane conditions.  If you are not financially independent, this should be your immediate priority.  Your self-love depends on it.  Your livelihood depends on it.  Your life depends on it.  You cannot leave something this important to anyone else.  Your finances is your lifeblood, and your lifeblood is your life.

Bottom line: If you do not like something about your physical, you can change it.  There is exercise, healthy foods, and even plastic surgery available – thanks to innovation and how far we have come.  If you don’t like where you’re at financially, you can change that too.  Most things about us can change, but whatever you do, do not strive to be anyone else.  Do not zone in on any person and start working at being just like them.  You will not be successful at being them, and you may just become self-loathing.  Your unique essence of you is exclusive to YOU.  You cannot be anyone else, and no-one else can be you.  Connect with your inner self and allow that connection to manifest.

Show yourself some LOVE, we all deserve it.  Embrace and love YOU!

Love & Light,

21 Rules to Live By So You Can Enjoy a Higher Quality of Life

21 Rules to Live by So You Can Enjoy a High Quality of Life

We all look to accomplish and achieve things everyday because we want to enjoy a high standard of living and a higher quality of life. If we adhere to certain rules and principles, we can ensure our goals and dreams will be fulfilled.

Here are 21 rules to live by so you can enjoy a high standard of living and a higher quality of life:

1. Never compromise your integrity for anyone or anything.

2. Set SMART goals and work at them until you have achieved them all.

3. Never wait for something to happen; make it happen! Do it now!

4. Allow nothing and no-one to hinder you from accomplishing your goals. Life’s darts may knock you off track but dust yourself off, get back on track and keep it moving to the finish line.

5. Deduct the lessons from your losses before tossing them. Toss them, you must!

6. Do not try to be all things to all people. Learn to say no politely and pleasantly, but immediately and firmly.

7. Set clear boundaries! Let people know what lines they can and cannot cross with you.

8. Do not be overwhelmed by the tasks before you. Don’t try to do everything at once; just do one thing at a time. Do something!

9. To accomplish your objective, first begin. Secondly, concentrate exclusively on the project at hand. Third, don’t stop!

10. Document and celebrate all your wins!

11. Let circumstances dictate your priorities; let priorities determine your actions.

12. Focus your efforts on the root of the problem. Do not expend energy on peripheral issues that are not crucial to producing results.

13. For maximum effectiveness, do only what you do best and let others do the rest.

14. Concentrate on long-term, permanent solutions rather than stop gap measures.

15. Do not waste time telling people what you are doing or what you are going to do. Results have a way of informing the world!

16. Do not make promises you cannot keep; once made, keep them!

17. Don’t be tempted to take the easy way out! Have the self-discipline to do the right thing rather than the instinctive easier thing.

18. Don’t become lax; play every point as though it were matching point.

19. Allow opportunity to find you ready!

20. You are not through until you have dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s.

21. Avoid premature celebrations! You are not through till the check has cleared the bank.

As we have here at MBB, and our many empowered Power Circle women around the globe, abide by these 21 rules and you can be sure that you too will enjoy a higher quality of life.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International

14 “Must Read” Dream Quotes To Put a Pep In Your Step Towards Your Dreams or Knock You Off Your Rockers


Everyone has dreams!

And the great news is,

                                they can all be realized.

Well, as long as your dreams are accomplishable, you can make them a reality.

Yes YOU can!

Isn’t that liberating to know?

Here are 14 “Must Read” Dream Quotes to Put a Pep in Your Step Towards Your Dreams OR Knock You Off Your Rockers:

1. “Every dream has the potential to come true!”

                                – Eugénie Nugent

2. “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”

                                – Oprah Winfrey

3. “Build and realize your dreams or risk living your nightmares.”

                                – Eugénie Nugent

4. “No dream can be accomplished without a solid ‘WHY’. If you don’t know your ‘why’ don’t take another step before figuring it out.”

                                – Eugénie Nugent

5. “If you don’t believe your dreams can be realized, don’t bother pursuing them. Give up now!”

                                – Eugénie Nugent

6. “Every “dream-come-true” story includes at least 1 struggle, and could not have been fulfilled without consistent action, determination, persistence, resilience – and a solid ‘why’.”

                                – Eugénie Nugent

7. “It is the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”

                                – Paulo Coelho

8. “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.”

                                – Les Brown

9. “No one can keep you from realizing your dreams – but YOU.”

                                – Rosetta Thurman

10. “You are busy building a dream. The question is, is it yours?”

                                – Eugénie Nugent

11. “Each day as you embark on your journey towards your dream, your path will become clearer and your dream more real, as you get closer… and closer… and closer.”

                                – Eugénie Nugent

12. “Follow your dreams and use your natural-born talents and skills to make this a better world for tomorrow.”

                                – Paul Watson

13. “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

                                – Harriet Tubman

14. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”

                                – Henry David Thoreau

Did our quotes put a pep in your step

        towards your dream

                or knock you off your rockers?

Which dream quote(s) did the number on you?

3 Questions to Answer in Order to Craft a Rich Elevator Pitch

If you are a startup business owner or an aspiring entrepreneur, it is inevitable that you will need an elevator pitch to tell people about your business – in as little as thirty (30) seconds. Yes, thirty seconds isn’t a lot of time but that’s all you will have to sell your business to prospects or investors in a concise, yet compelling way.

Convincing the right person at the right time can make all the difference for your startup; which is why it pays to master the punchy summary.

While it may be short, an elevator pitch is by no means small. Crammed into that thirty (30) seconds is an explanation of what your business is, what makes it unique, and what it hopes to achieve. On top of this, an elevator pitch needs to capture someone’s interest and ensure it is sustained long after you have left.

Because of the sheer amount of information covered in such short timeframe, an elevator pitch can be harder to write than even the most lengthy and detailed business plan. But because of how often it will be used, it’s crucial to get it right.

Here are three (3) questions to ask yourself to ensure you end up with a rich elevator pitch:

1) What Problem Does My Business Solve?

There is a problem-solving angle for all businesses.

Your business must be framed as the solution to a problem. Even if that problem doesn’t come readily to mind, keep thinking – there is a problem-solving angle for all businesses. Once you’ve identified the problem your business solves, find a way to present it in a relatable manner that can be quickly and easily grasped.

Your audience needs to walk away from your elevator pitch believing your business leaves the world a better place. There must be something at stake and something to be gained to make your business seem valuable and memorable.

2) Who Is Having This Problem?

You need to get specific about who is having the problem your business currently solves, and incorporate it into your pitch. Is it a community problem? Is it domestic? Is it for women? Men? Children? Pets? Is it schools? churches? Is it other businesses?

3) Why Should They Choose To Do Business With Me?

In the same way it is important to present a problem to be solved, it is equally necessary to explain why your business is the ideal place to solve it. If this connection isn’t made, your audience will be left wondering why your competitors cannot do it, or why they can’t do it themselves.

Make your pitch pop with richness and be a precise representation of your business.

Identify your unique features and what makes them efficient and effective, explaining clearly and concisely how they solve the problem. At the same time, touch on the shortcomings of other existing approaches to the problem and why yours is different and better.

Make your pitch pop with richness and be a precise representation of your business. They need to be excited about you and your business in order for your elevator pitch to stick, so go for the rousing and inspiring. Where possible, use narratives that engage people on a deeper level. Avoid anything negative – keep it constructive, affirmative and optimistic to create lasting positive associations. Ensure your language serves your audience. Edit and cut the dry jargon that slows speech down, and instead use natural, plain English. Don’t get bogged down by boring nouns but draw on punchy verbs that convey action and results. Meet your audience halfway and make it easy for them to understand, remember and care about your business and what it does.

So there you have it! Three (3) Questions to Answer in Order to Craft a Rich Elevator Pitch.

Do this right, and watch your business succeed!

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International