Transformational Book Series – Our Picks | Becoming Whole

In January we kicked off a new MBB series to highlight transformational books for women called, Transformational Book Series – Our Picks. This month we’re excited to continue the series by sharing with you our next transformational book in the series – Becoming Whole by Bruce Alan Kehr, M.D.

We have chosen and added this book to our transformational picks because it has helped us and our clients in our quest to becoming whole, and we want you to know that it is entirely possible to become whole – if only you acknowledge your need to be whole, and take the necessary action steps to embody your wholeness. Wholeness is available to YOU too! Take action, change your life!

Bruce Alan Kehr, M.D. is a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist, and while this book was written from a perspective of helping people who are already engaged in some type of psychotherapeutic counseling, it houses tons of gems that can benefit us all and help us live a better, more fulfilling life – a wholesome life. With his game-changing, life-saving strategies, Dr. Kehr has helped thousands of women find joy, peace, wholesomeness in their personal, family, and business life. As he said in his own words, “Helping others brings me enormous joy. During my 40 years as a practicing psychiatrist it has been my honor to help thousands of patients ease emotional pain, end aloneness, and find self-love”…”If you suffer from emotional pain that just won’t go away, feel alone at work or at home, suffer from low self-esteem, or endure challenging love relations, read my blogs and my book. I wrote them for you, to bring you hope.” Our team here at MBB can attest to that!

Dr. Kehr’s Book is Geared Towards:

1. Anyone suffering from emotional distress that just won’t go away.

2. Patients in psychotherapy who are not getting better.

3. Psychotherapists who would like to better understand the underlying biological basis of the symptoms experienced by their clients.

4. Patients in treatment with a psychiatrist who have not fully recovered.

In this book you will find provocative lessons, actionable plans, and real-life case studies that make clear what we must do everyday to ensure we embody wholesomeness. There is a section devoted to romantic relationships and emotional intimacy which is superbly written and expounded on, and many of us here have found it very useful and we are sure some of you will too. There is also a section about children growing up and leaving the home – empty nesting, and how you can be prepared to let go. Very valuable insights! There are stories of people in treatment which is very helpful in understanding and accepting that the problems we all face are universal, and that there is always hope, no matter how our circumstances can make us feel.

This book will help you get past emotional struggles and get unstuck so you can begin attracting all the good things you envision for your life.

Dr. Kehr is ingenious, and this book is life-changing. Get this book Becoming Whole: A Healing Companion to Ease Emotional Pain and Find Self-Love, read it and implement the strategies in your life.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International




5 “Must Do” Exercises To Start Appreciating Your Life Real Quick

5 Must Do Exercises to Start Appreciating Your Life Real Quick | My Blooming Biz International

Many of the problems we are facing in our world today are due to two things: 1) lack of empathy, and 2) selfishness. We all know what selfishness is, but what is empathy? It is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, and experience their circumstance in that moment. Appreciating anything requires empathy as well as the ability to think of someone else other than yourself. We can take care of our well-being and still regard others!

“If you are lacking the ability to be empathetic – to understand and share others’ feelings, then nothing and no-one will be able to make you more appreciative of your life and where you are right now. You will remain in a permanent, constant stronghold of me, me, me, more, more, more and never ever be satisfied.” — Eugénie Nugent

Our need to be constantly better than the other – not because we personally desire the things the world perceives as “the best”, but because having those things make us looked on as “living the good life” and getting us the well-envied “attention”. The constant comparison, trying to keep up with the Joneses and the Kardashians, feeling very badly about ourselves when we don’t, which causes us to remain in that constant space of lack and ingratitude. We are continuously sizing up and putting our attention on the people who are getting the attention and seemingly living a wonderful life instead of focusing on what we truly want as individuals and working to bring “that” to fruition, as well as listening to others who are screaming for help – some of whom we may be able to help using our unique gifts and talents. It’s in giving that we receive!

Stephen R. Covey gave us the best advice in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He said we should, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood”. Many of us do the reverse, and this again is due to selfishness and lack of empathy. What does all this have to do with you appreciating your life? If you are only “seeing” the people you are working tirelessly to catch up to or surpass, and not the people who “seemingly” are less fortunate but may be in alignment with the purpose you were put here on this earth to fulfill, you will never live a fulfilling life because you will never be satisfied and will remain unappreciative.

So are you empathetic? And will you begin appreciating your life? If you do the following 5 “Must Do” to start appreciating your life real quick, and find yourself un-phased and still unappreciative, you have no empathy and you need to snap out of this virtual reality and look inwardly at “who you truly are”.

“By taking the time to stop and appreciate who you are and what you’ve achieved – and perhaps learned through a few mistakes, stumbles and losses – you actually can enhance everything about you. Self-acknowledgment and appreciation are what give you the insights and awareness to move forward toward higher goals and accomplishments.” — Jack Canfield

5 Things You “Must Do” To Start Appreciating Your Life Real Quick

Exercise 1. Visit a Homeless Shelter

Take some time and go to a homeless shelter, and immerse yourself into what is taking place there. We would recommend that you literally go and seek shelter as if you are homeless – even for 1 night, but it will not be fair to a real homeless person who will be turned away that night because you have taken the spot they should have gotten, and you don’t really need it. But go and be a part of what is going on. Don’t just go there and be an outsider looking in! Immerse yourself. To make it more real, you can probably volunteer so you can get an inside look and feel. Help to feed the people who can’t manage to feed themselves. Look into their eyes and listen to their stories. They’ve lost it all for one reason or another. Some of them are alone in this world, and others have to care for small children, and it’s utterly heartbreaking to see this.

But again, if you do not possess the ability to be empathetic – putting yourself in their shoes instead of staying on the outside looking in at them going through and totally separating yourself from them and that experience, this exercise will have zero effect on you and your ability to be more appreciative of your life and where you are right now.

Exercise 2. Visit a Food Pantry

We have heard from many of our women around the world how grateful they are for the people who take time out to cater to their needs by opening pantries and seeking out donors to contribute to their efforts so that people do not have to die of hunger, but they also have a common thread, and that is that the foods are mostly barely edible. People who go to pantries do not have a choice! In fact, even our CEO Eugenie Nugent has had her share of relying on pantries while going through a tough time in her life during the recession, and while the pantries she visited in New York City mostly had reasonably good foods, most pantries are filled with “whacky foods” as some of our women term it.

Don’t get us wrong! The owners of those pantries have really good intentions, but the quality of the food they give is most times what they themselves would not eat. Yet, many people who have no other option at a particular time in their life, have no choice but to eat what they receive in order to remain alive while clinging to hope that “this too shall pass”.

Go ahead and visit one of those pantries and eat their food for 1 entire week. No, don’t cheat the people who really need that pantry food; give your grocery money for that week to the pantry coordinator so they can add more foods to the supplies they have. Do not cheat this! You have to be in the moment as if it is really happening to you, and you have no idea when that phase will be over. Again, if you do not have the ability to be empathetic, this exercise will not work for you. Without empathy, you will tell yourself, “It’s happening to ‘them’ not me”.

Exercise 3. Visit Terminally Ill Patients at The Hospital

Whether it’s sick children or sick adults, there are people that are dying right now in hospitals close by you. Some are waiting for a new kidney, liver, heart, and some are laced with incurable diseases that makes them all the more hopeless. Some are constantly in pain, because they have exhausted all pain medications that are available on the market as their body has gotten so used to them from taking them for so long and have become immune to them and thus – ineffective. There are terminally ill children who haven’t been given a chance in life. When you look into their eyes and realize that you’ve lived such a full life, you feel instantly guilty that you’ve been such an ingrate – that is if you possess the ability to be empathetic and unselfish.

This exercise isn’t meant to make you feel guilty for your life; it’s meant to help you appreciate your life and what you have – NOW. Even if you’re not 100% healthy and you’re living with some illness like high blood pressure, high blood sugar, etc. you are alive! And those can be monitored and controlled. Right now, you’re alive.

So, go ahead and visit those people who are currently less fortunate than you are, and are fighting for the simple thing that so many of us take for granted – life.

Exercise 4. Visit a Women Detention Center

See the conditions that those women are existing in and listen to their stories. Many of them have done wrong in their lives to end up there, but many have been done wrong and after retaliating have ended up there. In many countries, the crime rarely fits the time, and people are forced to remain in inhumane conditions for periods not conducive to normal human functioning. You are not there! That does not mean that you couldn’t have been there. Many of us are born into situations that are surefire setups for takedowns, and some have been caught in “wrong place, wrong time” situations. If you have the “freedom” and ability to go about your business and pursue your dreams, you should be very appreciative – even though you are not there yet.

Exercise 5. Visit a Morgue

Yes, there are dead people there. They have no life, and regardless of what they did with their one life chance, they can’t do anything now. Their time is up, but you’re still here. For how long? None of us know, but somewhere in the scriptures it states, “it is appointed unto man to die…” so death is sure! So what are you doing with your life right now? Are you living it to its fullest? Or are you spending it trying to live someone else’s life and yearning after things you think you should have for all the wrong reasons?

If you find yourself being unappreciative, do the above-mentioned 5 things. If none of the above makes you appreciative, take some time away from everything and connect with who you truly are.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

Transformational Book Series – Our Picks | Secrets of Six Figure Women

In January we kicked off a new MBB series to highlight transformational books for women called, Transformational Book Series – Our Picks. This month we’re excited to continue the series by sharing with you our next transformational book in the series – Secrets of Six Figure Women by bestselling author Barbara Stanny.

Secrets of Six Figure Women - My Blooming Biz Book PickWe have chosen and added this book to our transformational picks because it has helped us and our clients in our quest for financial prosperity, and we want you to know that financial prosperity is available to you as well – if only you acknowledge that it is, and take the necessary action steps to pull in YOUR six figures. There is enough for YOU too! Change your mindset, change your life!

The number of women making six figures or more is increasing and continues to rise at a rate never seen before. This is cause for celebration! If you’re not already in on this six-figure-women-winning-wealth-building juggernaut, then it’s time to get in formation and align yourself for yours.

Now, let’s set something straight! Six figure women did not just wake up and tada “I’m a six figure chick”! They face some of the same issues and challenges you face, but they held steady and consistent in their quest for success, and allowed nothing and no-one to get in their way – or stay in their way – and alas they ultimately succeed. You don’t get to see the tears, doubts, downfalls, sleepless nights that they experience, but without those down times, making six figures might not have been possible. They didn’t start making six figures overnight! Even the Kim Kardashian had to start somewhere and gradually work her way to the pinnacle she’s at where she can sellout a new-just-launched product within hours of launching it. Ask any six figure woman and she’ll tell you she didn’t start out keeping up with the Joneses and the Kardashians, she prioritized her “must haves” that are in alignment with her goals, channel her resources where they best work for her, so that later she could do whatever she wants – including keeping up with the Joneses and the Kardashians if she so desire.

Barbara outlines the power of understanding the difference between working hard and working smart with practical techniques that will energize and move you to take initiative in changing your mindset and the way you view and deal with money. According to Barbara, “If you continuously earn less than your full potential, you’re a perpetual under-earner”. And the main differences between high earners and the under-earners are actions and attitudes. What this means is that you are caught in what we termed here at MBB – a SPINN Cycle, and you have the power to change your mindset, take action and get in alignment with your worth in order to see your greatest dreams and desires realized. Sometimes we have to do something new! Change course. Keep our eyes and hearts on our goals and dreams, but configure the strategies we use to accomplish them. We cannot keep doing the same thing but expecting different results.

You Can Count On Secrets of Six Figure Women to:

1) Challenge the way you view and treat money

2) Create thought-provoking, mind-shifting aha moments

3) Show you why you too can amass the wealth you so desire and deserve

4) Help you bounce back from self-doubt, procrastination, and self-sabotage

Like many of us here at MBB, this book will help you get on the right path to financial freedom. As long as you follow the concepts and apply them to your individual situation, you will benefit immensely. It is filled with anecdotal evidence and practical steps that can prove very effective when practiced! And as we always recommend here at MBB, read this book all the way through, and do so with an open mind. Not with the mind to make critique, but to absorb what you can from it that is meaningful and geared towards enhancing your life. We all have different writing styles and ways we tell stories, but we all have something valuable to offer. Never discount that!

Read, and reread the chapter on money and begin to transition to your six figures, using those tools. You can have your money work for you! This is what we talk about and help women implement here at MBB through one of our signature programs MASTER Your Finances. But before you can MASTER your finances, you first gotta earn some money in order to have it work for you, and that’s in our signature program WERK Your Money Making Genie.

Barbara is perceptive, and this book is informative. Get this book Secrets of Six Figure Women: Surprising Strategies to Up Your Earnings and Change Your Life, read it, implement the strategies in your life, and expect to be improved – wholistically.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International

How to Harness and Effectively Use The Pareto Principle to Improve Your Life

How to Harness & Effectively Use the Pareto Principle to Improve Your Life

We all want maximum results with minimal effort! Can you agree with us on that? Especially, in today’s technologically advanced, information age where there are tons of new things available to learn and do, which somehow – topped with our daily responsibilities, make the days seem shorter. And there is a way to use minimal effort to gain maximum results. Thanks to a rule derived by economist and philosopher Vilfredo Pareto called the 80/20 rule or the Pareto principle.

The Pareto Principle – also known as the law of the vital few – states that 80% of the results come from 20% of the causes. In 1906, Pareto observed that 80% of the land was controlled by 20% of the people, and that 20% of the pea pods in his garden produced 80% of the peas. Since its introduction, the Pareto Principle has been applied and proven to exist in virtually all areas of life. Whether it’s maths, economics, business, software, health, or energy, the Pareto Principle is statistically embedded into virtually everything.

We have mastered this 80/20 rule here at MBB and have amplified it to the point where we have pinpointed our 4% that has been yielding the most favorable results and have been concentrating our efforts on those specific areas. This is the pinnacle of the Pareto Principle and it can literally improve your life in all key areas, enabling you to enjoy a higher quality of life.

How the Pareto Principle Can Help Improve Our Lives

The Pareto Principle Helps Us to Leverage Our Time

Time is our most precious resource! It is universal, meaning we all have the same 24 hours in each day, but what we do with that 24 hours will make the difference in whether we achieve success and how soon. When we leverage our time we channel it towards the things that are important and meaningful to us, and look for ways to maximize it. Most of us don’t use our time efficiently! But utilizing the Pareto Principle will help immensely in ensuring we use every ounce of our time where it is most valuable to us – towards our BIG goal. It is important to note that we have productivity peaks when we are most effective at whatever it is that we do. There are certain tasks, times of day, or even days of the week when we tend to produce the best results. So, by identifying these productivity peaks, and applying the 80/20 rule, we can optimally harness time and catapult our results.

The Pareto Principle Forces You to Identify Your Goals

The first step in harnessing the Pareto Principle is to identify your goals. When you know what your goals are, you have a target. Without a target in mind, the Pareto Principle is not very beneficial. If you’ve never done any goal setting, now is the time to get started. Goal setting is essential to progress and growth in any area of your life. It gives you a steady target for your mind’s eye. Without goals, we are aimless! And being aimless is synonymous with wasteful time. We might think we know what we want in some obscure fashion, but if we haven’t actually actualize it on paper and laid out a plan to accomplish those goals, then there’s no telling where we’re heading. By writing out your goals, they become more real, and you are 99 times more likely to get set on your path towards something meaningful and actually follow through.

The Pareto Principle Demands That You Track your Progress

The second step in leveraging the 80/20 rule for exponential growth in any area of your life, is to thoroughly track your progress. If you’re in sales, this means you should track the number of leads per day, how many phone calls or contact attempts you made (and the type of those attempts – i.e. email, phone, in-person), how many sales you closed, the dollar amount of those sales, your profit, etc. Create a spreadsheet for yourself – whatever the goal may be. If you have a goal to lose weight, put a number to it, and track your progress assiduously. How much did you weigh this morning? What precisely did you eat (write it all down)? How many calories went into your body? How many calories left your body? How many steps did you walk? How much cardio did you do? How much do you weigh at bedtime?

The Pareto Principle Works When You Identify the 80/20

Now that you’ve tracked everything comprehensively, you can identify your 80/20 subset. Which 20% is giving you 80% of the results? Once you’ve identified the 20%, you can work on scaling out your 20%. For example, if you’ve identified that 80% of your results in marketing are coming from a particular online campaign, scale out that campaign. Now, this is why tracking is so important. You have to be able to identify where your results are coming from so you can maximize that source.

The Pareto Principle Shows You Where to Scale or Outsource

Depending on the type of goal you’re working towards, once you’ve identified your 20% subset, you can either scale out or outsource in order to uplevel those efforts. For example, if you’re a graphic designer, and you find that 80% of your income comes from a specific 20% of your clients, your goal would be to scale or outsource that subset. If 80% of your income comes from 20% of your clients, but you spend 50% of your time on it, by reducing the time spent to 25% by outsourcing certain tasks related to that work, you can spend more time on scaling your business by locating more clients like your 20%. All you have to do is identify your 20% target demographics’ customer profile, and engage in marketing efforts to gain similar clients. This applies to any measurable and trackable goal that you can have in life.

The Pareto Principle Allows You to Explode Your Results to Its Highest Degree

To harness the true power of the Pareto Principle, identify the 20% of the 20%. This will allow you to exponentially explode your results! The 20% of the 20% of your subset – or the 4% – is producing 64% of your results. So, if you can identify this elite subset, then you can truly develop explosive results by scaling out further. The 4% of your subset are in a class of their own. The 20% of the 20% is your optimal peak performance segment. Identify this segment and replicate it in any way possible. This should be your utmost important task. Find this 4% and foster it, replicate it, and nurture it, and you’ll find yourself producing explosive results in the long term. In other words, put your efforts where it benefits you most, and multiply your efforts in that area. You can read author David Finkel’s article over at regarding taking the 80/20 rule to the next level for better productivity and more massive results.

We are fully immersed in the 80/20 rule here at MBB, and we encourage you to get started using this principle today. It will save you a lot of time and effort, and improve your overall life, by helping you to direct your time and energy where it serves you most.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International

8 Steps to Managing and Improving Your Finances

There is hardly anything tangible in this world that is more important than money. And while money may not be the most important thing in life, it most certainly is that key that enable us to enjoy the high standard of living and excellent quality of life we so desire and deserve. As the bible says in Ecclesiastes 10:19, “A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.” Our standard of living and quality of life will be determined by how much money we have.

“Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.” – Benjamin Franklin

Since money is so vital to our overall health and well-being, we must do everything in our power to accumulate as much as possible based on our maximum potential, and take the necessary steps to ensure our money is secure. So how do we manage and improve our finances?

Here are 8 Steps to Managing and Improving Your Finances:

Step 1. Set Clear Financial Goals

One of the best ways that you can improve your finances is to set clearly-defined financial goals. You want to set short-term financial goals – within a one year period, and you want to set long-term financial goals – 2, 5, 10 years. Answer questions, like: Where would you like to be financially in the next year? Where would you like to be financially in the next 5 years? How will you meet your target? What will you do differently to ensure you accomplish each goal? Don’t just say you’ll make more money by the end of the year. How much more money will you have to make in order to achieve it? Set a figure. Map a plan. Do you want to get out of debt? Exactly how much debt do you plan on paying off, and exactly by when? Maybe your goal is to eliminate $5,000 of debt in the next year. Define that and set a date that you can move towards. Don’t make them some abstract target in your mind. Actualize them! Make them real! And the best way to do that is to write them out with real dollar amounts that have set dates by which to accomplish them.

Setting financial goals that are real and on paper creates a visceral transformation in your mind. When you can see your goals outlined there in front of you, you’ll do more to ensure you achieve them. The unconscious mind has a funny way of moving you towards what you ask it for, as long you make it real. When it’s abstract, it’s easier to get distracted and put it off. Make it real and measurable!

Step 2. Create Financial Milestones

Now that you have set your financial goals, it’s time to setup some financial milestones. They create a breathing space on our way to your financial goals. When you set a yearlong financial goal, the milestones are what make up the gaps between that year. For example, if you’re looking to pay off $5,000 of debt within 12 months, you could break that down into monthly or quarterly milestones – whichever work best for you. Financial milestones are important because they target the small picture as well as give you that added boost to actually see your efforts being paid off and be able to pat yourself on the back a bit and be encouraged to continue on.

Step 3. Create a Monthly Budget

A budget tells your money where to go, rather than have you wondering where it went. Creating a monthly budget is the best thing you can do for your finances (and your sanity)! It gives you a snapshot of your spending capacity, keeps you on track with your spending, helps you achieve a financial goal you set out to achieve, and provides some structure to your life. Budgets bring order to an otherwise financially chaotic life.

Today, creating a budget is easy. In fact, there are plenty of tools at our disposal – from smartphone apps to desktop-based solutions, you can find a budget friendly tool to help you get started with budgeting. And once you find your favorite tool, simply build yourself a budget that you can stick with, and stick with it. Of course, sticking to a monthly budget can be difficult, especially when certain habits are ingrained but if you know that you have some bad habits that are costing you dearly, prioritize the elimination of those habits. Keep in mind that if a goal means something profound enough to you, you’ll do whatever it takes to reach it, and that includes eliminating any and all financially-draining habits. Commit to doing it for 3 months and after 3 months it will begin to stick with you and subsequently become a habit – a good habit.

Step 4. Track and Monitor All Expenses

Tracking your expenses is one of the most important habit you can develop. In fact, you can put your financial life in jeopardy if you do not intentionally track and monitor your finances. Without proper tracking, you will lose sight of where you are financially, which makes it easier for you to overspend – having a false sense of security. When you can see your money in and outflow – right there in front of you, it’s harder to lose sight of how much you’re spending and on what you are spending. If you are a frivolous spendthrift, when you track your expenses you will be able to see the cost of your bad spending habit much easier, and be able to possibly make some future changes.

There are many free apps available to help you track your expenses, and it’s imperative you take advantage of one such as

Step 5. Prioritize Debt Repayments

One of the biggest deterrents to making headway in financial improvement, is the overwhelming debt that most people face. When you’re faced with enormous debt, it’s hard to concentrate on anything else. It deters you from looking at bank account statements and anything money related such as bills, and so the sooner that debt is repaid, the better you will feel. Also, paying down those debts will build momentum, and once you get in the habit of paying off debt, your overall spending will fall in line with it.

To prioritize your debt, pick the highest interest credit card that you have, and double the minimum payments until it’s paid off. Then, switch to the next highest interest credit card and continue until they’re all paid up. If your goal is to get out of debt, not only do you have to make a plan for repayment, but you also must monitor your spending habits.

Step 6. Open Bills Immediately & Pay On Time

Dodging bills and putting off opening them up could end up hurting your pocket. Yea, yea, we know you know, but seriously, bills can accumulate interest! Also, you may be given a break on the balances of some bills you owe with a specific time period; however, if you do not open them within that timeframe, you will not be able to take advantage of that opportunity.

Of course, the frequency of bills can sometimes put a damper on the spirit, but the downside of not staying on top of them is that you could end up making the next one bigger – with the interest and other fees that are added due to late payments which is defeating the purpose of not opening the bills in the first place – trying to avoid spending but end up spending more. If you are in a position to automate your bill payments, we highly recommend that you do. However, you must always check your money out processes, to ensure the monies going out of your accounts are all spending you authorize, as well as to keep abreast of your balances so you do not have dishonored checks or returned payment fees.

Step 7. Save & Invest at Least 20% of Your Income

Saving and investing should be the number one priority, especially for women, who usually place great value on security and stability. But, for many women, it’s not! Some has the money flow to really get on with some serious savings but refuse to do so, while others struggle to break even let alone save. However, as the old saying goes, “It’s not how much you earn but how much you save that makes you a woman”. So regardless of your earning right now, pay yourself first! That means take a portion (20%) and tuck it away in a high-yield savings account until there is enough to invest in a bigger way.

We know how difficult some women are having it trying to survive on a nickel and a dime. In fact, according to one study by, 76% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. That’s more than two-thirds of the population in the world’s richest country. The study also concluded that fewer than 1 in 4 Americans have enough in savings to last them 6 months should they lose their ability to earn income. But you cannot continue to make this your reality! You may want to take advantage of one of our signature money-making programs.

Step 8. Take a Daily Money Minute

Things happen! Accounts get hacked, bank make mistakes, and you could lose some money either way. So at the end of each day, take a daily money minute. Login to your bank accounts and review the transactions for that day. You want to ensure that you know what money is going out of your account and why. You also want to verify you are on budget for each of the categories you’ve set your budget up for. If you are over on any category, then you know you are through spending on that category for the remainder of the month. If you are tracking your expenses, you should be able to double check this with ease.

Reviewing your financial picture on a daily basis is all part of the money minute. Your money minute could be 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or even an hour. This all depends on how committed you are to your saving, spending, and investment objectives.

Take these 8 above-mentioned steps and get on your journey to better money management and ultimately – true financial independence.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International