There is a huge buzz going on about vision boards and that’s because a vision board when created and used the right way, has the power to make dreams come true. Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Vision boards work! But you must do it right.
What is a vision board?
A vision board or dream board is simply as the name suggests – a board with the visions and dreams you have for yourself – what you want to be, do, or have in your life. It is meant to serve as a reminder of what you seek, and a motivator to continue seeking. It is visual and must be placed in a conspicuous space so you can see it as often as you can throughout your days.
A vision board can be displayed in picture form, word form, or a combination of both. The most common method used is to cut images that represents your vision from magazines, and place them on a board or construction paper in a collage fashion. A vision board can also be created digitally using a software such as the one at the top of this page which was created using Microsoft Word, then enlarging it in Photoshop, and printing it so you can have it on display in your home or office. The most important aspect of a vision board is that it is visual and not hidden away.
A vision board does not work without a plan, and actual action to bring that vision to fruition. As such, there is a main question to ask yourself as you complete your vision board, and that is, what do I need to do to bring my vision to fruition?
A vision board is not magical in and of itself, but we do believe and have proven that the Universe does conspire to bring into existence what we constantly think about and work towards. Whatever we direct our energy towards, will be what is manifested. You must be moving in the direction towards your dreams in order for the Universe to open the way and put the missing pieces into place for you.
You must set your intention for your vision board. What is it for? What is your expectation for it? When are you expecting it to materialize? How will you engage your vision board as you wait for it to come to fruition? Creating, activating, and engaging a vision board is a surefire way to ensure you realize your dreams and begin living the empowered woman lifestyle.
Types of Vision Boards
Our vision for our lives can encompass so many things in each of the 8 key areas of our lives that they may not be able to fit on one vision board. So you can either include only the most important pieces in each key area on one vision board, or create multiple vision boards. You can create a vision board for your health and wellness, personal development, financial aspiration, family life, geographic location…or include a bit of each on one board.
Short term or Longterm Vision Board
A vision board can be short-term – lasting up to a year or longterm – lasting more than a year. For the short-term you want to create a snapshot of the things you want to accomplish within the year in all the areas of your life you desire. For example if you want to complete and publish your book with a particular publisher, include that publisher on the board. If you want to lose some weight and be at a particular weight, include that number on your board. If you want to increase your finances by a certain amount, put that amount on the board. If you want to travel to a specific place within the year, put that place on your board as well. Whatever it is you desire within the year, include them on your short-term vision board. Whatever you desire for the longterm – over a year such as meeting your ideal man and getting married or graduating college with your next level of degree, include them on your longterm vision board. Remember to set your intention for each piece of item you put on your vision board and be as specific as possible.
Aspects or Lifestyle Areas Vision Board
Aspects or Lifestyle Areas vision boards are, as the name suggests, vision boards geared towards specific aspect of your life. For example if you are in the process of writing a book or thinking about writing a book and you want that book to become a success in a certain geographic area or worldwide, or for a certain set of people, you would want to include all the pieces that will get you there – a library, bestseller wording, pen, the name of your book, the publisher you would like to publish your book, key people you would like involved in the process, an image of yourself at a book signing (yes, you can sketch it), and bookstores you would like to sell your book. Again, it is important you set your intention for your vision board before creating it, and for each piece you put on your board.
All in One or Compact Vision Board
A All-in-One or Compact vision board is one that is created to reflect your entire vision for yourself. Whether they are short or longterm, your All-in-One or Compact vision board will embody everything you desire in all 8 key areas of your life. Again, it is important to set your intention for each component you are placing on your vision board.
Physical or Digital Vision Board
With the advent of the internet and our technologically advanced age, vision boards no longer have to be only physical. Vision boards have gone digital! Digital vision boards are created digitally using one of many software such as Microsoft Word, Photoshop, Vision Board, or Paintshop Pro to name a few, which create a space to hold the pieces together. Digital Vision Boards work best for people constantly on the move – whether moving because they have to – for work, or other reasons, digital vision boards will ensure they can view their vision board regardless of where they are. Physical Vision Boards are created using physical boards such as poster board, and cutting relevant pictures, artwork from magazines, articles and securing them on the board using glue adhesives. Physical Vision Boards are for people who are stable without the need to be constantly moving from one city/state/country to the next. You may also create your vision board digitally, and have it enlarged and printed so you can display it in your home or preferred place.
You want to place your vision board(s) conspicuously in relevant places so you can see them as you go throughout your day – working those goals toward your vision. For your bestselling book vision board, place it in your library above your bookcase. For your weight loss vision board, place it in your gym if you have one or gym area so you see it as you walk in. For your ideal man/husband put a pic of him surrounded by the words of all the qualities you want in him in your bedroom. If you do not know him as yet, never seen him but have a vision in your head of him, make sketch of him the best way you can and put him on your wall in your bedroom.
What You Need to Create Your Vision Board
a poster board, cork board or canvas board
a stack of old magazines
glue, thumbtacks or pins
a photo of yourself (optional)
How to Create a Vision Board
To create your physical vision board, you will need to gather all the things we discussed above in a space you have already set the intention for, and may be playing your favorite inspiring music with your favorite candle and/or incense burning. You want a distraction free space! Cut the images/wordings that represent your vision from the magazines you have gathered. Arrange the pieces you have cut and prepared on your board until they are all in the space and position you want them to be. Then take up each – one at a time, put a dot of glue on the edges and affix to its former position and space – as you set your intention for it. (If some of the pieces are overlapping, be sure to secure the lower ones before the upper ones.) You may also write your personal mantra or a favorite quote on your vision board with a marker. You may choose to include a photo of yourself on your vision board, or not. (Your vision board is unique to you and there is no right or wrong way to construct it.) When you are through, place your vision board in a conspicuous space that is convenient for you to see as often as you go throughout your day.
How to Bring Your Vision to Fruition
Think about your vision for yourself – everyday! Imagine yourself already in receipt of those things and living your life the way you envision with the people, things, and in the place(s) you desire and have setup on your vision board. Having your vision board in a conspicuous place or places, will be a constant reminder of your desires for yourself and give you that extra motivation or reason to continue on your life path to achieving your desires. Our CEO Eugénie Nugent always reminds us to “Allow opportunity to find us ready” and we are encouraging you to do the same. After setting your intention and creating your vision board(s), you must get to work in aligning yourself for your vision to materialize in your life. This means you will be actively pursuing those things you desire – which is your part, so that the Universe can do its part by bringing the missing pieces your way – for full fruition. If one of your vision on your vision board is to have the man/life partner you desire, make it your duty to get out there to places you envision him to be – places you envision you both visiting later on when you are together, and mix and mingle. Do not stay home all day, everyday! You must be actively moving in the direction towards your vision. Leave a space for him in your closet, at your dinner table, and on your bed. Do that, and you will witness the pieces coming into place right before your eyes, and sometimes you will be amazed at how some things happen without you knowing how they will ever be. That’s the power of setting your intentions, doing your part, and allowing the Universe to do its part.
Do Vision Boards Really Work?
Vision boards work! Here is living proof!
R E M E M B E R: The Universe and the Law of Attraction can only work for you if it finds you working on the vision you envision for yourself. That sports car, mansion, and attractive life partner will only come to fruition if you set your intention, align yourself to make them happen, and spend time working on and visualizing those things every day.
So go ahead! Set your intention and create your vision board! Then make your plan, work your plan, and watch your vision come to fruition.
With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

I love, love, looooove your vision board. So neatly done and inclusive! I guess that is one of the perks in creating a vision board digitally.
Thank you Nora! It really is a beautiful vision board – thanks to Jennifer Borget for the inspiration and our very own CEO Eugénie Nugent for taking it and kinda making it her own. Vision boards are very useful and effective when used the right way, and they are not going anywhere. Whether physical or digital, they both serve a mutual purpose, and they are here to stay.
Thanks for stopping by! We love hearing from you 🙂
Indeed, it is, Nora! Digital vision boards have the potential to be very neat and tidy, but most importantly, they can be used digitally as well as printed and used physically. Very versatile!
Thanks for dropping in 🙂
I’ve been meaning to create a proper vision board for the longest while but this vision board concept is now giving m life. Thanks for sharing. As always, you rock!!!
That’s our intention here, Briana! We want you to be inspired, and take inspired action. So, be inspired and go create your vision board. It cannot take away from you, it can only uplift and enhance your life. Let’s cheers🍷 to an amazing, fulfilling 2020 and your dreams becoming a reality.
Back at you Briana, you rock!!!
I can’t believe she actually met Oprah after having her on her vision board for such a short time. This is amazing! I mean, I do believe in vision boards and the law of attraction but this is quick. Congrats Ms. Borget 🙂 Nice share Team MBB.
Believe it Desiree 🙂 It happened! She met OPRAH! And you too can bring to fruition WHATSOEVER you desire. We’re rooting for you come 2020 for all your dreams to be materialized. Vision boards topped with the aligned actions will have no alternate but to bring your vision to fruition.
Thanks for chiming in!
Yessssssssss! Vision boards work indeed. That’s the reason I met my wonderful life partner over 5 years now and we could never be more congruent. That vision board brought me so much joy and prosperity. I’m so happy I took advantage of the power of a vision board. Did some work, but I’m sure the Universe did its part.
BTW Very thorough article! If I didn’t know anything about vision boards, this would totally enlighten me fully.
Jennifer, congrats on meeting and reaching a 5 year milestone with your harmonious life partner! You did your part and paved the way for the Universe to do its part, and the result is favorable. #WinWin for you and your partner 🙂 Keep manifesting! #GOALS2020
I was cleaning up and reorganizing and I found my old vision board that I tuck away over 3 years ago, and what’s interesting is that a few of those things already came through 🙂 Like I had a trip to Egypt on it and by golly I went last year kinda impromptu. This is crazy! Didn’t even remember I had Egypt on it, the camel and the whole nine. Long story short, I went looking for vision board visions come true and found this post which is very well written, very thorough and inspiring. So, I’ve decided I’m going to dust it off, update it a bit and put it where I can see it.
Thank you for this amazing write up! You rock!
BTW Wishing you all a prosperous 2020 🤗❤🥂
Right on Cheryl! Another testament that vision boards work. Even though you tucked it away your actions were in alignment with your vision, and the Universe conspired in your favor. Amazing, isn’t it? Yes, go ahead and clean it up and continue working, believing, and anticipating all your dreams to come true – they will!!!
A prosperous 2020 to you as well 🤗❤🥂
I can’t thank you enough for this informative piece on vision boards. You’ve activated me to go ahead and create one and I will be ready for the year 2020. I already have quite a few mags so I just need to decide on a holder for my pieces.
Thank you. I’m excited 😊
Yessssss! Go ahead Pamela 🙂 #GOALS2020
You’re welcome! This is exactly what we are here for.
Thanks for sharing with us!
Vision boards are powerful tools indeed, if we only know how to use them.
And that is the POWER! Knowing how to use them.
Thanks for chiming in, Katherine 🙂
I have not kept a vision board in years, but this is inspiring. I may just go ahead and create one, start the year off right.
Go ahead Kadienne! Create your vision board. 2020 may very well be the year you surpass your own expectations. #GOALS2020
That is such a beautiful vision board! How long did it take you to set it up? I’ve never done one but I’m feeling inspired by your board. Won’t copy it, but I’ll use it as reference. Thanks for sharing it 🤗
It is beautiful indeed, Carol! It took all of 30 minutes to put together, because the pieces were already readily available. Feel free to be inspired by it, after all it is as a result of me being inspired by Jennifer Borget of Cherish 365.
Vision boards do have a positive effect on our psyche and work wonders when they are placed in view, as you align yourself and work towards your vision. If you do it right, it can only be a win for you. You got this! #GOALS2020
Thanks for chiming in 🙂
My vision board needs an upgrade and I think I will do it digitally. Never thought that I could enlargen it and have it printed. Great option! I think that’s going to work better since I’ll be traveling a bit for a few months. Could always leave the enlargen one at home, and still have it digitally with me. Way cool 👍🏽💯
Another option Janice, thanks to our technological advancement! Excellent for those on the go, yes, as well as those not traveling. Cheers to your vision board upgrade and an amazing 2020🍷 #GOALS2020
What a beautiful vision board!!! I love it. And this article is so very informative. If I didn’t know anything about vision boards this would give me everything I need to create an effective vision board that represents my unique vision. Hats off to you and your team Eugénie Nugent! And way to go Jennifer Borget 😊