Transformational Book series – Our Picks | The Power of Now

In January we kicked off a new MBB series to highlight transformational books for women called, Transformational Book Series – Our Picks. This month we’re excited to continue the series by sharing with you our next transformational book in the series – The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

My Blooming Biz Book Picks - The Power of Now by Eckhart TolleWe are all about women empowerment here at My Blooming Biz, and we know that however equipped we are to help you empower yourself, there are tons of other resources available out there than can aid in your self empowerment. And what better place to look, than books. As our CEO and Empowerment Coach often say, “Books are collective reservoirs of minds; they will edify you, enlighten you, inspire you, energize you, or just plain amuse you…but you have to seek them out, open, and read them.” These books in our transformational series have the potential to change your life!

Eckhart Tolle, in his book The Power of Now, explores how we create our own suffering by not living in the now and resisting the present moment. This powerful book delves deep into how our thoughts often control us and block us from experiencing life. Our ability to wake up to the present is vital for our well being. For some people, this awakening to the NOW can take place suddenly, but most people have to train their minds over time to learn how to live in the present moment.

Tolle begins by introducing readers to enlightenment and its natural enemy – the mind, and awakens readers to their role as a creator of pain essentially showing them how to have a pain-free identity by living fully in the present. Along the way, he shows how to connect to the indestructible essence of our Being – “the eternal, ever-present One Life beyond the myriad forms of life that are subject to birth and death.”

Some of you who read this book will never be the same again, as it has the potential to shatter your reality and show you a world that is fresh, vivid, and alive. Things you’ve seen hundreds of time, may take on new meaning. Others may never make it through the first few pages. It may not be their time. As one of our client Marlyne wrote in a letter to us:

This book has changed my life. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to get in touch with his or her inner self and live a more peaceful life. Every time I read this book, and I have read it several times, I learn something else about myself. You can recommend this book to others, but they have to be ready for it. My sister tried to introduce me to Eckhart Tolle last year, but I wasn’t ready for him so I didn’t bother to purchase his books. I have learned that when it’s time for something to change in your life, you will know it. Later when I read about his book “The Power of Now” in your newsletter, I knew I was ready! I LOVE this book! I have practiced meditation for many years, meditating twice a day. Now I can meditate anytime and that’s a wonderful feeling knowing that I don’t have to wait for a specific time to be at peace. I walk through the park now and I actually hear the birds or the other sounds around me. That’s a WOW for me! I accept others more and am aware of when I am judging them or other things around me. More and more I am in control of my thinking and that’s powerful. All of this came about as a result of reading this book. Buy this book and you will understand what I am saying; that is, if you are ready for change in your life. Powerful book!

To give yourself the best chance at absorbing the wisdom in this potentially life-changing book, be prepared to handle a good dose of new age words, such as Being. It can be difficult to write about spiritual subjects and still please all readers with the choice of vocabulary so if you’re not into new-agey sounding stuff, ask your inner critic to step aside temporarily so that you can receive Tolle’s message: It’s only after regaining awareness of Being, liberated from Mind and intensely in the NOW, is there Enlightenment.

So in a nutshell what Tolle is saying is, accept your life situation as it is. Change what you can and accept what you can’t or aren’t willing to change at the moment. Focus on what you are experiencing at this very moment (your surroundings, your body, your existence). Don’t judge, just be aware. Be aware of your mind and when it drifts to the past or the future, and take it back to the present. Let go of the past, because holding onto it cannot change it. Focus instead on what you are doing and can do right now. Try not to dwell on the future and worry about endless future scenarios that haven’t happened and can’t be predicted. The past doesn’t exist anymore, the future doesn’t exist – the only thing that exists is NOW. So be in the now!

At My Blooming Biz, we are about helping women live happier, healthier, more productive lives, and in order to help women be better we provide tools and direction to added resources that are available to help them live to their highest degree. Why? Because when women are empowered the world becomes a better place. Learn how to live in the present moment instead of allowing your thoughts to wander to the past or the future, and you will immediately understand that living in the NOW is one of the most powerful methods for transforming your reality and improving your life.

Empower yourself! Get this book The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, read it, and implement its strategies into your life.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International


  1. Janice

    I’ve read a few of Tolle’s books and he is a very deep thinker and writer. What I like most about The Power of Now is the concept of being present at all times and living in the moment without fear and worry about tomorrow or things outside our control. He speaks a lot about Being, and I find that practicing daily meditation helps with our Being.

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      For sure, Janice! Staying present is the best way to not miss out on our NOW. He’s using an older fashion way of speaking but if we tune in to what he’s saying it all makes perfect sense.

  2. Gillian

    Had to read that book 2 times before I could grasp the full meaning. But I’m so glad I decided to dive into it again. It’s a powerful piece!

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Really powerful indeed, Gillian! And that’s always a good thing to read a great book twice. Thanks for stopping by and chiming in!