Happy New Year!!! It’s the beginning of a brand new year for many of us across the world, and a perfect time to pull out our dusty dreams, re-polish them, and put our best foot forward in realizing them.
Here at My Blooming Biz International, we are beginning our year with a well-rested, rejuvenated mind/body/spirit that is refocused and ready to continue our mission – helping you achieve your goals and materialize your dreams. Our CEO had her year-end retreat as usual, this time in the very relaxing mountains of Texas’ Siddhayatan Retreat, and the outcome of her taking time out to relax and reflect is nothing less than what we expect of our leader.
Our fifth biannual Design Your Dream Lifestyle event will be held on January 27th in Washington DC, and if you haven’t yet attended one of our events and you are looking for help in reconfiguring/reconstructing your life, this event is for you. Get your ticket at Eventbrite, then download and complete our Lifestyle Designing Workbook. You will need your completed workbook at our DYDL event. For those of you who are still on the fence about the direction in which you need to go, and will not be able to attend this event, we have curated a few articles to help you make a decision, and begin taking deliberate action.
Article 1. Dare to Dream BIG and Improve Your Odds of Realizing Your Dreams
Article 2. How to Organize Your Life So It Work For and Not Against You
Article 3. I Wrote a Love Letter to My Future Self and You Should Too
Article 4. 10 Success Habits The Empowered Woman Employ
Article 5. 7 Ways The Empowered Woman Invests in Herself
Article 6. 6 Things to Consider When Thinking About Transitioning from Employed to Self Employed
Article 7. 5 Steps to Stomp Out Fear, Ignore Negativity, and Achieve Your Goals
Article 8. 7 Ways to Stop Procrastination in It’s Track So You Can Ensure You Accomplish Your Goals
Article 9. How to Effectively Manage Your Time So You Don’t Get Caught In a SPINN Cycle
Article 10. How to Do What You Love, Love What You Do, and Live Your Dreams
If you are looking to uplevel your finances so you can improve your standard of living and quality of life, enroll in one of our signature money making programs. If you are looking to improve your marriage and take your “relation”ship to the next level, read this article – 25 Things Happily Married Couples Do (and You Should Too) and begin implementing. If you are looking to become more organized and be better able to track your progress, purchase and begin using our Goal Planning Combo.
Regardless of where you are right now, you can take steps to bring about your desired outcome. You can get from where you are to where you want to be, and it all begin with a single step – the first step. Remember, only you can see your vision, but others can help you realize it. We are here to help you materialize your vision, and we are equipped with programs, workshops, and an empowered community of women to help you get through each phase as you transition.
And as always, if you are unsure of your next step in getting to your dreams or you’re experiencing indecision, you can Schedule a free 30 minutes clarity call with us.
Cheers to an even more amazing 2019 🍷
With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

Happy New Year to you too 🍷 and all the very best for 2019! Thanks for those articles as well. Will read in the morning.
Happy New Year Eugenie and Team MBB! May 2019 also prove to be your best year yet. We must keep improving!
A happy and prosperous new year to you too! May the best of everything be yours. Cheers 🍻
Happy New Year 😃 Something is telling me this 2019 will be a fantastic year, a year that will bring forth abundance of every good thing. Let’s cheer to that 🍷
Happy New Year to you all 🙂 It’s been a pleasure being a part of your Power Circle and learning so much from you. 2018 was indeed a wonderful year for me as well and continuing this trend, I’m excited to see what 2019 brings. Cheers 🍷
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So grateful for the opportunity to see the beginning of another year and I’m sure it will unfold just as wonderfully for me as 2018 has. I’m excited 🙂
Happy New Year to you all too 🙂 I’m with you on that, “let’s make 2019 amazing!”
Happy 2019! I attended Boston’s DYDL event last year and I cannot begin to tell you what’s been happening in my life since. My life is a wrk in progress and pending that, I will continue the upwards trend of progress by the grace of our Almighty God.
Cheers to progress 2019 🍷
Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best 2019 has to offer.
Hey Meagan, hey 🙂
Hey Marvalee 🙂 Happy New Year my friend. Soooooo happy to have met you at that Boston event, we must give credit to My Blooming Biz for bringing so many amazing power women together. It is highly unlikely we would have met otherwise. Now look at us! We have become such close friends. I wish you continued success, and may alllllllllll your dreams come true!
Cheers to that 🍷
Happy New Year to you as well! And what a year 2019 has been. I’m on track with all but 1 goal I set to be accomplished in 2018, but I had a little setback and thus the reason for the delay. But delay it is, because now it’s the first thing I’m tackling now in 2019 and I’m going to ensure it becomes a reality. Thanks to all of you Team MBB who have helped me get clear on my ideas and have created a clearer path to follow – using excellent time management to make sure I do not waste time, but instead meet my deadlines. I have that feeling too Katherine that 2019 is going to be an amazing year 🙂
Looks like I’m missing the party Happy New Year my fellow Power Women 🙂 Let’s “get it all” in 2019! I feel very optimistic about 2019.
Happy New Year Power Women! I’m loving the excitement and optimistic vibes I’m feeling coming from you all. I want to wish you all a fantastic 2019, and extend a reminder that all things are possible if you only believe, align yourself, and make the right moves at the allotted times.
Cheers to 2019 🍷
You’ve said it all! Happy New Year!!!
There’s nothing like trekking to a good Retreat. Just amazing what can happen when we take time out to unplug and renew our mind/body/spirit. Kudos to you Eugénie Nugent for being such a great example of what a leader is, and reminding us everyday how important self-care is.
Cheers to continued success in 2019 and beyond 🍷