Transformational Book Series – Our Picks | The Power of Positive Thinking

In January we kicked off a new MBB series to highlight transformational books for women called, Transformational Book Series – Our Picks. This month we’re excited to continue the series by sharing with you our next transformational book in the series – The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.

The Power of Positive Thinking - My Blooming Biz Book PickWe are not only featuring this book because it has helped all of us here at MBB – from CEO to management to staff improve our lives, but we are saluting the author – Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and crediting his book because we have used its teaching to help hundreds of women around the globe empower themselves.

Dr.Peale’s vision for his book was to help individuals achieve fulfillment in their lives and live a happy, satisfying and worthwhile life, and he has achieved that – as many of us will attest. He demonstrates the power of faith in action with practical techniques that will energize and move you to take initiative in realizing your vision and ambition with hope.

This book will equip you with strategies to:

1) Believe in yourself

2) Develop the power to reach your goals

3) Improve your personal and professional relationships

4) Assume control over your circumstances

5) Be gentle and kind to yourself

6) Breakthrough with new power and determination

Like many of us here at MBB, this book will help you to breakthrough barriers using positive thinking which has the potential to attract what we ponder on into our lives. It is filled with anecdotal evidence and can prove very effective when practiced! Read it all the way through and highlight important parts or the portions that speak to you, then read at least one highlighted passage every day. It includes affirmations that you can speak out loud to help boost your morale, faith in yourself and channel you to consistent positive thinking.

We have utilized these strategies here at MBB, in addition to many others that we have harnessed over the years, and if you are a client of ours we have already passed them on to you through one or more of our many programs and workshops here. But for those of you who are reading this and it’s new to you, go ahead and get this book, read it, and implement these strategies in your life. We have just narrowly touched the surface of this book in this blog post, and there is so much more for you to experience and grasp from Dr. Peale himself in his book.

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale is insightful, and this book is refreshing. Get this book The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, read it, implement the strategies in your life, and expect to be improved – wholistically.

With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

My Blooming Biz International


  1. Katherine

    I first read that book about 8 years ago, and I still refer to it today when I need a bit of encouragement. We know that positive thinking is a skill we need to develop and over time we will get better at it. We also know that we are humans and being here on this earth requires we deal with challenges, and sometimes those challenges cause us to veer from positivity. The good thing though, is that once you have developed positive thinking, you will not dwell in despair when thrown off your center; you will revert to positive thinking more quickly than those who have not developed it. Read this book, practice positive thinking, and just start where you are.

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Absolutely Katherine! The Power of positive Thinking is just as the title of this power-packed book says. Thinking positive is powerful, and has the potential to make you live an amazing life of peace and prosperity. Positive-thinking people are happier people, and the universe does conspire to make happy people happier. Yes, like does attract like – in all forms!

  2. Eugénie Nugent - CEO My Blooming Biz

    Books are huge contributors to what we do here at My Blooming Biz. Why? Because when we read books we are gaining access to a myriad of additional information that is not available by any one individual.

    I almost always talk about the wealth of resources that are “hidden” on so many pages of books that have been written by people with reservoirs of knowledge and wisdom that has the potential to literally change our lives for the better. The question though is, will you access those books and utilize their honed knowledge and wisdom to enhance your life?

    • My Blooming Biz Team

      Yes, and that wealth of knowledge is so evident in this transformational book pick – The Power of Positive Thinking. We all have something to offer, and books are the best way to share and get our knowledge out there, as well as access other’s knowledge. We love books here at MBB 🙂