We’re approaching the year 2020 – the beginning of a new decade, and it’s the perfect time to weed out and separate from you the things that have not (and are not) serving your greater purpose. This can be a lot of things for many people but we want to focus on 3 main things to really let go of right now, so that you can fly. And they are:
1. Looking up to people who are looking down on you.
Give it up! Give up looking up to people who are looking down on you. We are not talking about empowerment coaches and motivational speakers you look up to; they are not looking down on you trying to stomp on you, they are looking down on you trying to pull you up. They want you to level up to the best of your abilities, even if it means surpassing them. Rather, we are referring to those family members, friends, colleagues who either: a) never miss a chance to discourage you from pursuing your dreams, while being aware of you watching them pursue theirs, or b) always wanting you to invest your time and energy into them elevating their game without regards about you and what you are about. Give it up for 2020. Let it go, and do YOU.
You may already be struggling with self-esteem issues, and this looking up while you’re being looked down on, will rob you of the limited self esteem you have real quick. You need your confidence to succeed in anything you’re pursuing, and you can no longer afford to have your confidence eroded, and your self-esteem crushed. As we always say and strongly believe, “if cash is king, confidence is queen.” Seek, find, and surround yourself with people who don’t measure you by what you have (or don’t have), but who you truly are. People who care about your goals and dreams as much as you do theirs. You’re a gem, a unique light being, and you deserve to be in your own spotlight. You have soooooo much to offer, and the people your offer is meant for is waiting for it. You have to unleash! Activate your power, manifest your greatness and become the empowered woman you were born to be – living “the empowered woman lifestyle”. As the great Les Brown implores, “…..You have greatness within you!” You don’t have to sit and look up to people who are shining their light while trying to dim yours. You shine now! Different glow, same shine! Get off the sidelines and into the main event. No one ever accomplishes anything by remaining on the sidelines cheering others on. Your cheering on time is over! It’s your time to be cheered on NOW! It’s your time to WIN!!!
2. Embracing your comfort zone.
The only thing comfortable about your comfort zone is, no-one gets to see how truly unfulfilled you are, as you drag on through your monotonous days dreaming of what it would be like to actually do what you love and live your dreams.
Real growth and improvement takes place outside of your comfort zone. You cannot remain in a SPINN cycle and expect to improve. You have to move. You have to make changes. You have to do some things differently. Yes, sometimes growing and improving requires you to take risks, risks such as taking a step when you’re not sure of the result. This is how we learn and grow. Take the step, and if you fail (and fall) you get back up, take note of what didn’t work – what caused your fall, then tweak and make the changes to give you a better chance of succeeding at your next step. You keep doing this until your mission is accomplished. Until you WIN!
Think about it! What’s the worst thing that can happen if you step out in your full self and do what you want with your life?
3. Allowing others to mindlessly use your time instead of you mindfully using it.
Time is invaluable! Actually, it is the most invaluable thing in the world, and as such you must make every effort to use every bit of your time – mindfully.
Never allow others to mindlessly use your time. And never allow them to mindfully use your time for their efforts. Money spent can be regained, but time wasted can never be regained. And you know what? The same people you’re looking up to may be the same people using up your time – whether intentionally or unintentionally. Taking care of their business, but distracting you from attending to yours. You have goals and dreams too, and you cannot allow another year to go by leaving you in the same position it found you in. You must take charge of your time, and use your time effectively to bring YOUR vision to fruition. You have a “why” so revisit your why and get to work – mindfully using your time to realize your dreams instead of allowing others to use your time. Go ahead now! Commit to yourself that you will put her first, and honor your commitment to you. If you do not put yourself first, who will? You have one life to live, and you too deserve to live it to its fullest. Time is precious! Make it count – for you, and yours.
Now all 3 may not apply to you, but if any apply, receive it and make the necessary change. Can’t keep doing the same ole’ thing in 2020 and expect different result.
Walk into 2020 with the right attitude, the right mindset, and the right behavior and action.
With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,

Those are 3 killer don’ts that are necessary to get rid of if an individual wants to succeed. I’ve been taken advantage of a few times, and it’s kinda conflicting and not so obvious when it’s people who we look up to and expect to have our backs. Some people have no problem using us and our time for their interests, for sure! But we have to toughen up and take charge, and set boundaries. I’ve learned a lot here and I’m still working on improving the areas that I recognize need changing in order for me to grow and succeed, but that #3 is a goner.
#2 definitely held me back for years until I decided, no more! I stepped out of that comfort zone and i literally landed me with the love of my life. You can read about my story here: mybloomingbiz.com/my-love-letter-to-my-future-self-propelled-me-to-achieve-my-goal/
Sometimes you’ll never know what can happen until you operate outside of your comfort zone. Whatever you want to do with your life, just do it as NIKE says. Allow nothing, and no-one to stay in your way! They may get in your way, but you must get past them and to your finish line.