What Does It Mean To Be Purpose-Driven?
In today’s technological advancement and information age, it is very easy to access and use information as well as equipment that are in alignment with what we are working at accomplishing. However, it can also be very difficult to focus on our own goals and path when we are constantly bombarded with information, and that is where being purpose-driven comes in.
When one is driven by purpose, it does not feel forced. It comes naturally, and one will constantly be pulled towards that purpose, while being filled with the desire to move in that direction.
To be purpose-driven is as the word suggests, which is to be driven by purpose. According to Merriam Webster dictionary, purpose means “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists” and driven means “operated, moved, or controlled by a specified person or source of power”. Thus to be purpose-driven means to be continuously moving in the direction of what was intended for you – with conviction, equipping yourself along the way with the right tools to realize that purpose.
To be purpose-driven means you have an objective that is not solely based on financial gains, but one that is geared towards benefitting the community at large. This objective may be environmental, it may be social, it may be community, it may be advocacy, but fundamentally it is there to not only drive financial return but also drive a non-financial return of a positive nature.
To be purpose-driven means you already know what you should be doing here on this earth, and are in constant motion towards fulfilling that intent. When one is purpose-driven, they are not easily distracted. They know what they want in order to fulfill their purpose, and constantly work at figuring out how to get it. They also know that in order to fulfill their purpose, they must filter out anything that are not designed to aid them in the fulfillment of their purpose, and zone in on the things that are geared towards helping them accomplish their goals.
Being purpose-driven means allowing nothing to keep you off track; you may get off-track temporarily – possibly because of some darts life throws at you, but you will not remain off-track. You will get right back on track, doing what you are suppose to be doing – fulfilling your purpose.
Here’s to living a purpose-driven life 🍷
Are you living your purpose? What is your purpose? Do share with us in the comment section below.
With love, gratitude, and empowered attitude,