NEVER stay down!
Keep getting up, standing taller, more resilient than ever, and pursue the hell out of your dreams.
As long as you are in this lifetime, on this earth, obstacles are inevitable! Those vicious curve balls life intermittently throws at us, will sometimes knock us off track. But we must get back on, and to the finish line! Most of us are not clairvoyant, and as such, we will have to do with trials & errors. We have to make decisions on a daily basis, and many of them we will not know the outcome until it all unfolds. But what we must do is keep on trying, never giving up, getting up each time we get knocked down, and continuing on our journey in pursuit of whatever we are pursuing – stronger and wiser than ever! In 2020, you will vow to WIN NO MATTER WHAT, and your perseverance will pay off. You will WIN!